Democrats ARE For Open Borders

What an amazingly lousy American, possibly Christian, ALLEGEDLY Christian heart you have.

Thank goodness not all Republicans think that way and they DO the right thing for those in need.
We have legal immigration for a reason - because illegal immigration is against US law. Why do you you want to take democracy away be refusing to follow US laws? I thought you guys claimed you were for the rule of law.
We have legal immigration for a reason - because illegal immigration is against US law. Why do you you want to take democracy away be refusing to follow US laws? I thought you guys claimed you were for the rule of law.
All countries have legal immigration. All countries deal with illegal immigration. The rule of law does not include separating children from their parents and not reuniting them for three years or longer. And that is what Steve Miller came up with during the Trump four years.

Is that what the rule of law demands?
All countries have legal immigration. All countries deal with illegal immigration. The rule of law does not include separating children from their parents and not reuniting them for three years or longer. And that is what Steve Miller came up with during the Trump four years.

Is that what the rule of law demands?
Solution: cut illegal immigration down to as little as possible and then we don't have the problem. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and others don't have much of an illegal immigration problem.
Straight from the horse's mouth:

“We are talking about people who are coming from countries, who are dealing with political strife,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at Wednesday’s press briefing. “They’re trying to find asylum — and he’s treating them like pawns.”

She charged that DeSantis was “not dealing with the problem. He’s actually creating a problem.”

It is the Democrats who only want to deal with the problem by letting people in with open borders and attacking anyone who tries to actually put a stop to illegal immigration. THEY are the ones not dealing with the problem, making it worse by putting out the welcome sign and wanting to end Title 42. Then they turn around and blame the problem on Republican employers, while ignoring US laws to secure our border.

Democrats have compassion.
Republicans don’t.
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Solution: cut illegal immigration down to as little as possible and then we don't have the problem. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and others don't have much of an illegal immigration problem.
HOW ????

Who in their right mind wants to go to Russia, China, Iran or North Korea, especially illegally?
Democrats have compassion.
Republicans don’t.

Democrats are very compassionate until it affects them directly. They are keen on spending other people's money, not so much their own. There is a reason that Republicans are much more charitable.
HOW ????

Who in their right mind wants to go to Russia, China, Iran or North Korea, especially illegally?

Maybe we should have a merit based system like many other civilized countries have. You can't just catch a boat over to New Zealand and get a free ride.
What charities do Republicans donate their own money to?

Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, St. Judes, etc. and of course their churches which provide to numerous charities using donations.
Really? A lot of people trying to sneak into Cuba and El Salvador?
OK>>>>>>>. ONLY countries where migrants are not shot on the spot, like Egypt. Stay away from Egypt's borders. And Venezuela. Syria. Lebanon. Turkey.

None democracies which do not want any more people to come to them.

How is that, now?
Cuban, Mexican, Russian, Haitian, Italian, I don't give a fuck where they are from. No papers your ass is getting shipped to the Bermuda Triangle with no raft.
Highly unlikely.

What is highly unlikely? It is a well known fact that Republicans donate more to charities than Democrats. Democrats "donate" money in the form of taxes to the government, their religion if you will.
I don’t believe you.

Statistics on U.S. Generosity

"Religious faith is a central influence on giving. Religious people are much more likely than the non-religious to donate to charitable causes—including secular causes—and they give much more.

This chart holds all other demographic variables like income, race, education, etc. constant, so that when religious and non-religious counterparts are compared they are true peers in every other way. And the results show that persons who attend religious services twice a month or more give over four times as much as persons who never attend services.

We know the religious are also far more likely to volunteer. Among Americans who have volunteered within the last year, three quarters belong to a religious organization, one quarter do not."

Guess which party has more religious people?


"If, however, you zero in on giving that is heavier or lighter than the middle range (the bars pictured here), you find that the parties differ a lot. Democrats and Independents both had many zero-to-very-light givers (less than $100 for the year), and modest numbers of heavier givers. Republicans, in comparison, had comparatively few skinflints, and numerous serious donors—31 percent sharing at least $1,000 with charity, versus 17 percent among Democrats, and 20 percent among Independents."

"Economist Arthur Brooks, author of the detailed charity analysis Who Really Cares, likewise states that “the electoral map and the charity map are remarkably similar.” He notes “there is a persistent sterotype about charitable giving in politically progressive regions of America: while people on the political right may be hardworking and family-oriented, they tend not to be very charitable toward the less fortunate,” while, “those on the political left care about vulnerable members of society, and are thus the charitable ones…. This stereotype is wrong.”

Brooks points out that these differences go beyond just what households donate in money. He cites studies showing that conservatives are more likely to do things like donate blood, and to volunteer. Much of this difference he credits to the comparative religiosity of conservatives. The fact that liberals call for government to help others while conservatives feel called to help directly also seems to factor into differences in behavior."

Any other questions or is it starting to sink in?
All countries have legal immigration. All countries deal with illegal immigration. The rule of law does not include separating children from their parents and not reuniting them for three years or longer. And that is what Steve Miller came up with during the Trump four years.

Is that what the rule of law demands?

Uh no, your hero O(zero) was doing that way before orange man.

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