Democrats are eating their going after head of oldest Latino "rights" group

Not only that he is changing the Democratic Party.
The Moderates have their own voices back again, instead of the lock step of all.
The man didn't become a billionaire (that is with a B) because he is stupid...

no, he became a billionaire because people like you are

I have never contributed to the Presidents wealth and I challenge you to prove I have... On the other hand if you gave .10 cents to the DNC you helped elect President Donald J. Trump...
The man didn't become a billionaire (that is with a B) because he is stupid...

no, he became a billionaire because people like you are

How. Explain that. How did Trump sell his building plans to the City of NY because of us stupid people on the street?
How did Trump build all these fabulous sky scrapers under budget and under time because of us stupid people on the street?
How did Trump complete projects the City of New York couldn't get done at any cost, and do them quickly and far under projected cost, because of us stupid people on the street?
How did Trump amass billions of dollars profits on high end products, resorts, luxury golf courses etc., the world over because of us stupid people on the U. S. street?
How did us stupid people on the street make Trump walk circles around 16 other candidates?
How did us stupid people on the street make Trump outwork and out campaign Hillary five times over?
How did us stupid people on the street make Hillary cough, choke, slip, fall and trip her way across the country?
How did us stupid people on the street make Hillary skip half the states in the country?
How did us stupid people on the street make the media mock voters as deplorables?
How did us stupid people on the street make Hillary destroy 33,000 government emails on a private server then lie about it?
How did us stupid people on the street make the FBI reopen their case on her crimes right before the election?
How did us stupid people on the street make Hillary lie about Benghazi, cleaning hard drives, meeting Bill on the tarmac, and half a dozen other things?
How do you pass for anything more than a total nitwit trying to actually claim that every person in the country who didn't vote for the sleazy bitch was THEMSELVES gullible and stupid, when in fact a lot of them had voted Obama 4 years earlier? Were they stupid voting Obama too? Because what you're saying is that the SMART thing to do would have been to elect a career criminal and compulsive megalomaniac who cheated her way through life and selling out everyone she knows for a buck by making up faux crimes about Trump in your mind? Is it possible Hillary lost because of head-up-their-ass idiots like you?

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