Democrats and the issue of Reparations

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.
Gee the second post by you on this with the same text. You must be excited about this issue.
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.
You leftists show us daily you do not want ACTUAL equal rights.
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.

Truthfully you do not want equal rights and that is proven all the time.

What you want is white males to sit at the back of the bus while you drive society over a cliff and then blame the white male for not stopping you.

Also slavery still exists today, so let not pretend because our nation fought a war that slavery is dead.
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Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.

Truthfully you do not want equal rights and that is proven all the time.

What you want is white males to sit at the back of the bus while you drive society over a cliff and then blame the white male for not stopping you.

Also slavery still exists today, so let not pretend because our nation fought a war that slavery is dead.

My sons are white males, my grandsons are white males and I'm a white male. My wife is a white female and only our dog, border collie, is black and white.

Thanks for your opinion, and yes, some opinions are fallacious, and it seems most of yours are too.

Why don't you focus on issues you know something about, and not echo the bullshit you must have learned from limbaugh or hannity or trump?
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Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.

You leftists show us daily you do not want ACTUAL equal rights.

In what way? And, define "leftists" as to their ideology.
Democrats won't tackle reparations, they dangle reparations out there to keep blacks voting for Democrats.

Really? Do you think all blacks vote for Democrats, and not Republicans, because black people want free things?

That's not true, but it's a meme, aka, a BIG LIE as are most talking points from the right.
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.

What about reparations for Conservatives targeted by Obama and the IRS.

Oh, that's right, they won a bunch of money in court over that.

Never mind.

So what about those who are 1/1023 Indian? Should Elizabeth Warren get some cash even though she used her race to get into colleges, etc.? What about those who were white but living in Europe at the time of slavery? What about blacks who sold their black relatives into slavery in Africa and then moved to the US?

So many questions.
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.

Truthfully you do not want equal rights and that is proven all the time.

What you want is white males to sit at the back of the bus while you drive society over a cliff and then blame the white male for not stopping you.

Also slavery still exists today, so let not pretend because our nation fought a war that slavery is dead.

My sons are white males, my grandsons are white males and I'm a white male. My wife is a white female and only our dog, border collie, is black and white.

Thanks for your opinion, and yes, some opinions are fallacious, and it seems most of yours are too.

Why don't you focus on issues you know something about, and not echo the bullshit you must have learned from limbaugh or hannity or trump?

Because all of your rants are nothing but bullshit as usual!

Again, you do not want equal rights at all and just want white males including yourself ( will not comment on your family seeing you will report it ) to sit at the back of the bus as usual while you applaud how society is driven over the cliff!

The fact still remains slavery exists today and those like you ignore it because let face it if it is not black you do not care!

The moment a Democrat President signs a bill for reparations you will applaud it and forget how you were against it.

The reality is the Federal Government messes up everything from Healthcare ( ACA and V.A. and Medicare ) to educating society how a President is elected.

You mentioned how minimum wage is a issue and your state, county or city can raise it, so why do you need the Federal Government to do their damn job?

Why do you believe a one size fit all is the only solution?

Why don't you stick to subjects you know something about seeing I never listen to Hannity, Limbaugh and I have schooled your ass more than once about my opinion of Trump but hey you live in the Bay Area, so you forget just because I am not some socialist twat...

So tell me why are we still discussing reparations when slavery is still alive today in this damn country?
Democrats won't tackle reparations, they dangle reparations out there to keep blacks voting for Democrats.

Really? Do you think all blacks vote for Democrats, and not Republicans, because black people want free things?

That's not true, but it's a meme, aka, a BIG LIE as are most talking points from the right.

Why does the Black Community vote for the Democrats?


They believe the empty promises and lies and never learn.
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.

What about reparations for Conservatives targeted by Obama and the IRS.

Oh, that's right, they won a bunch of money in court over that.

Never mind.

So what about those who are 1/1023 Indian? Should Elizabeth Warren get some cash even though she used her race to get into colleges, etc.? What about those who were white but living in Europe at the time of slavery? What about blacks who sold their black relatives into slavery in Africa and then moved to the US?

So many questions.

Only a few questions, and the answer is?

How about legacy admissions to college, the decades where women and people of color were shut out of many careers - the law, police and fire agencies, wall street, medical, the trades and the old boy's club. Lots more data points than you seem capable of posting.
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.
Here's another fool that doesn't want the best doctor available for his kidney transplant. He wants the best minority doctor available for his kidney transplant.
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.
Here's another fool that doesn't want the best doctor available for his kidney transplant. He wants the best minority doctor available for his kidney transplant.

Who or what made you into the jerk you are? It must have been horrible for you to be so bitter, so bigoted and so filled with hate.

Is it fear, are you one of the cowards who need to be armed to go to the market? Or do you simply sit at your computer and post vile and hate fulled posts?
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.

What about reparations for Conservatives targeted by Obama and the IRS.

Oh, that's right, they won a bunch of money in court over that.

Never mind.

So what about those who are 1/1023 Indian? Should Elizabeth Warren get some cash even though she used her race to get into colleges, etc.? What about those who were white but living in Europe at the time of slavery? What about blacks who sold their black relatives into slavery in Africa and then moved to the US?

So many questions.

Only a few questions, and the answer is?

How about legacy admissions to college, the decades where women and people of color were shut out of many careers - the law, police and fire agencies, wall street, medical, the trades and the old boy's club. Lots more data points than you seem capable of posting.

What about that?

Are minorities prevented in today society from working on Wall Street or having Civial Servant Jobs?

What is your State doing to help train the minds of tomorrow or are you going to say California shouldn't be responsible and demand the Federal Government to do their job?

Most of your issues you cry about can be dealt with at the State and Local level but you do not want that because that mean higher taxes just on you and not the person in Red States.

So tell the board why you support the failure of your State and Local Governments when it come to helping the minority communities and demand the Federal Government to do their job when the GOP control the Senate and White House?
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.
Here's another fool that doesn't want the best doctor available for his kidney transplant. He wants the best minority doctor available for his kidney transplant.

Who or what made you into the jerk you are? It must have been horrible for you to be so bitter, so bigoted and so filled with hate.

Is it fear, are you one of the cowards who need to be armed to go to the market? Or do you simply sit at your computer and post vile and hate fulled posts?

What does the second Amendment have to do with his response?

Seeing you were in Law Enforcement does it bother you that society has that right because you could not use your badge to abuse society?
Reparations? For what? Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow and the efforts by the conservatives to whine loudly about Affirmative Action, which not only benefited people of color, but women too, there is some merit in considering all those who suffered, and continue to suffer hate and fear, ought to receive some consideration.

However, if the consideration is a check, I would oppose that. But let's be clear, the glass ceiling has been broken through at the last election, and the H. or Rep. has a duty to keep their promises and pass legislation to create training for 21st century jobs, increase the minimum wage, close the wages gap, and expose the hate and fear promulgated by the election of trump.

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal, and the Golden Rule is not now and never has been the goal of communism or fascism.

Not for slavery, which is generations in the past; yet, when considering Jim Crow

I agree, the Democrat party owes black people reparations.

How much will you contribute to this worthy cause?

Equal Rights and equal opportunities are the goal

Well, okay, no more Affirmative Action. Lots of whiners won't like that......

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