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Democrats Admit They Can't Beat Trump...

Democrats are admitting that they cannot win 2020 on merit when they attempt to hijack power. If they were confident that they could put up a winning candidate, they would not need to rely on fake news and corruption to hijack power that they cannot win. If they thought they could put up a better candidate who could win on merit instead of corruption, they would focus their efforts on backing that candidate instead of trying to hijack power that they did not win.
You used a period somewhere in there but that comes across as a run on sentence.
Their intention is not to win...it's to stoke the flames of revolution just as the Democrats did in the 1850's. They are insurrectionist in nature.
Democrats are admitting that they cannot win 2020 on merit when they attempt to hijack power. If they were confident that they could put up a winning candidate, they would not need to rely on fake news and corruption to hijack power that they cannot win. If they thought they could put up a better candidate who could win on merit instead of corruption, they would focus their efforts on backing that candidate instead of trying to hijack power that they did not win.
Well their attempt at getting rid of the electorial college failed, so anything is no surprise now at what they will or won't do.

Vilifying half the country is a losing strategy?

Who'da Thunk?
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
WHAT? Vilifying half the country is a losing strategy? Who'da Thunk?
Tell that to Trump. Remember, he squeaked in with less than half the vote. Now, many of those who did for him have seen him for what he really is. He vilifies at the drop of a hat.
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
Translation: Democrats want to take your private health insurance (and take your money in order to give FREE healthcare to the illegals), steal $100 TRILLION to fund their "climate change" scam, and take your money to pay for idiots getting useless degrees for things like "gender studies"!!!

As if a degree in "gender studies" would help someone that still can't look in their pants and tell what gender they are!!!
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
Translation: Democrats want to take your private health insurance (and take your money in order to give FREE healthcare to the illegals), steal $100 TRILLION to fund their "climate change" scam, and take your money to pay for idiots getting useless degrees for things like "gender studies"!!!

As if a degree in "gender studies" would help someone that still can't look in their pants and tell what gender they are!!!
Americans want healthcare......Republicans want to take it away
Run on THAT

Americans understand the threat of global warming......Republicans mock it
Run on THAT

Americans are sick of constant massacres.......Republicans protect Assault rifles and large magazines
Run on THAT
… So impeachment is their only option - nuclear - and they don't care about the fallout.

Rep Al Green (D, TX) told MSNBC in May that he is "concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected." Rep. Al Green: "I'm Concerned If We Don't Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected"

DNC Chair Tom Perez - who just returned from MEXICO CITY where he attended 3 fundraisers - was just as open about the need to impeach not for justice but rather for politics. Yeah … Dems know they can't win elections:
DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’

Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
Translation: Democrats want to take your private health insurance (and take your money in order to give FREE healthcare to the illegals), steal $100 TRILLION to fund their "climate change" scam, and take your money to pay for idiots getting useless degrees for things like "gender studies"!!!

As if a degree in "gender studies" would help someone that still can't look in their pants and tell what gender they are!!!
Americans want healthcare......Republicans want to take it away
Run on THAT

Americans understand the threat of global warming......Republicans mock it
Run on THAT

Americans are sick of constant massacres.......Republicans protect Assault rifles and large magazines
Run on THAT
Yes, we want decent healthcare... instead of being forced into a second rate system in order to give it to anybody that sneaks across our border for FREE...

Well, not quite "free", since WE will be paying for it!!!

And we also acknowledge the threat of global warming... when the Democrats want to steal more than 5 years worth of our GNP in order to fund their scam!!!

Oh, and the best way to stop the massacres would be to disarm the DEMOCRATS, since they always seem to be the guilty party!!!

It will be entertaining to see them run on THAT!!!
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
Translation: Democrats want to take your private health insurance (and take your money in order to give FREE healthcare to the illegals), steal $100 TRILLION to fund their "climate change" scam, and take your money to pay for idiots getting useless degrees for things like "gender studies"!!!

As if a degree in "gender studies" would help someone that still can't look in their pants and tell what gender they are!!!
Americans want healthcare......Republicans want to take it away
Run on THAT

Americans understand the threat of global warming......Republicans mock it
Run on THAT

Americans are sick of constant massacres.......Republicans protect Assault rifles and large magazines
Run on THAT
Yes, we want decent healthcare... instead of being forced into a second rate system in order to give it to anybody that sneaks across our border for FREE...

Well, not quite "free", since WE will be paying for it!!!

And we also acknowledge the threat of global warming... when the Democrats want to steal more than 5 years worth of our GNP in order to fund their scam!!!

Oh, and the best way to stop the massacres would be to disarm the DEMOCRATS, since they always seem to be the guilty party!!!

It will be entertaining to see them run on THAT!!!
Republicans promised something better....they failed
They voted to take away people’s healthcare

Republicans mock global warming and vote against stopping it
The voters know better

Republicans only offer thoughts and prayers after a massacre and block legislation against assault rifles and large magazines
Voters know better
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
Translation: Democrats want to take your private health insurance (and take your money in order to give FREE healthcare to the illegals), steal $100 TRILLION to fund their "climate change" scam, and take your money to pay for idiots getting useless degrees for things like "gender studies"!!!

As if a degree in "gender studies" would help someone that still can't look in their pants and tell what gender they are!!!
Americans want healthcare......Republicans want to take it away
Run on THAT

Americans understand the threat of global warming......Republicans mock it
Run on THAT

Americans are sick of constant massacres.......Republicans protect Assault rifles and large magazines
Run on THAT
Yes, we want decent healthcare... instead of being forced into a second rate system in order to give it to anybody that sneaks across our border for FREE...

Well, not quite "free", since WE will be paying for it!!!

And we also acknowledge the threat of global warming... when the Democrats want to steal more than 5 years worth of our GNP in order to fund their scam!!!

Oh, and the best way to stop the massacres would be to disarm the DEMOCRATS, since they always seem to be the guilty party!!!

It will be entertaining to see them run on THAT!!!
Republicans promised something better....they failed
They voted to take away people’s healthcare

Republicans mock global warming and vote against stopping it
The voters know better

Republicans only offer thoughts and prayers after a massacre and block legislation against assault rifles and large magazines
Voters know better
Actually, the voters are catching on to your scams...

Since over half the nation cheered Trump pulling out of the "global warming giveaway", why don't we make the contributions VOLUNTARY for the fruitcake who are falling for it???

That will give you an effective tax rate of OVER 100% of your income for that boondoggle alone (if half the country contributes)!!!
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
LOL, and the crats are wrong on every issue. Good luck.
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
LOL, and the crats are wrong on every issue. Good luck.
They are running on losing issues, they know it, and they just can't stop.

The Democrats’ Visceral Fear of Losing to Donald Trump
These worries—about what Republicans would say, about what Donald Trump would say—were a common theme throughout the night. Over and over, Democrats laid bare their worries about losing. Former Representative John Delaney of Maryland invoked the massive losses of George McGovern, Walter Mondale, and Michael Dukakis. Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota griped that “we are more worried about winning an argument than winning an election.”
It was the hubris and supercilious view of themselves that led to the Democrats defeat in 2016 by Donald Fucking Trump of all people and as some of the posts by certain BRAINLESS LEMMINGS-D in this thread demonstrate...

The idiots still haven't learned their lesson and unless they wise up and pull their empty heads out of their collectivist asses he's probably going to beat them again.
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
Translation: Democrats want to take your private health insurance (and take your money in order to give FREE healthcare to the illegals), steal $100 TRILLION to fund their "climate change" scam, and take your money to pay for idiots getting useless degrees for things like "gender studies"!!!

As if a degree in "gender studies" would help someone that still can't look in their pants and tell what gender they are!!!
Americans want healthcare......Republicans want to take it away
Run on THAT

Americans understand the threat of global warming......Republicans mock it
Run on THAT

Americans are sick of constant massacres.......Republicans protect Assault rifles and large magazines
Run on THAT
Yes, we want decent healthcare... instead of being forced into a second rate system in order to give it to anybody that sneaks across our border for FREE...

Well, not quite "free", since WE will be paying for it!!!

And we also acknowledge the threat of global warming... when the Democrats want to steal more than 5 years worth of our GNP in order to fund their scam!!!

Oh, and the best way to stop the massacres would be to disarm the DEMOCRATS, since they always seem to be the guilty party!!!

It will be entertaining to see them run on THAT!!!
Republicans promised something better....they failed
They voted to take away people’s healthcare

Republicans mock global warming and vote against stopping it
The voters know better

Republicans only offer thoughts and prayers after a massacre and block legislation against assault rifles and large magazines
Voters know better
Actually, the voters are catching on to your scams...

Since over half the nation cheered Trump pulling out of the "global warming giveaway", why don't we make the contributions VOLUNTARY for the fruitcake who are falling for it???

That will give you an effective tax rate of OVER 100% of your income for that boondoggle alone (if half the country contributes)!!!
Most Americans agree global warming is a major threat
Trump mocks it as a myth
Dems are not only looking forward to beating Trump but Republicans at all levels of government

Key Issues

Higher Education
Republicans protecting assault weapons
Republicans demanding that women be forced to deliver in cases of rape or incest
Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and should not be president
LOL, and the crats are wrong on every issue. Good luck.
Looking forward to making Republicans accountable
… So impeachment is their only option - nuclear - and they don't care about the fallout.

Rep Al Green (D, TX) told MSNBC in May that he is "concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected." Rep. Al Green: "I'm Concerned If We Don't Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected"

DNC Chair Tom Perez - who just returned from MEXICO CITY where he attended 3 fundraisers - was just as open about the need to impeach not for justice but rather for politics. Yeah … Dems know they can't win elections:
DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’

So you deny the quotes are genuine or do they frighten you?

Meanwhile in another stark admission that the current Dem Clown Car is lame, NBC now reports that Adam Schiff is the perfect guy to take on Trump. :lol:

Why Democrats are sure Adam Schiff is the perfect person to take on Trump
… So impeachment is their only option - nuclear - and they don't care about the fallout.

Rep Al Green (D, TX) told MSNBC in May that he is "concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected." Rep. Al Green: "I'm Concerned If We Don't Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected"

DNC Chair Tom Perez - who just returned from MEXICO CITY where he attended 3 fundraisers - was just as open about the need to impeach not for justice but rather for politics. Yeah … Dems know they can't win elections:
DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’

So you deny the quotes are genuine or do they frighten you?

Meanwhile in another stark admission that the current Dem Clown Car is lame, NBC now reports that Adam Schiff is the perfect guy to take on Trump. :lol:

Why Democrats are sure Adam Schiff is the perfect person to take on Trump

They don't frighten me, and my take is different from yours. Most of us know impeachment is tantamount to an indictment, and the Republican Senators (who hold the majority) will - most likely - not vote for a conviction, no matter how clear and convincing is the evidence.

However, an impeachment will bring forth testimony and documents for all Americas to see, and for them to decide independent of the 'jury' who may have already decided to acquit or convict The President.

This I believe is where politics and justice are exposed, and the people will decide on Nov 3, 2020 which carries the day.

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