Democratic presidents used to have integrity

We haven't had a serious, well-qualified POTUS since the George H.W. Bush.

Trump had his warts, for sure, but his heart was in the right place in that he did his best to try and help poor and middle-class Americans and his efforts resulted in positive results. Black unemployment was NEVER lower than it was under Trump. Reasonable people can debate whether his trade wars were helpful or counter-productive, but Trump was absolutely committed to try and improve the standard of living of average Americans.

I don't give participation awards. Trump was largely incompetent. He just happened to be from the party that opposes everything anyway so he blended into the pack. His only redeeming quality was that he wasn't Hillary.
Trump was only considered incompetent because if you folks admitted he did anything right, it would blow your whole argument all to Hell.
Regardless of what you think about Trump, he makes critics like Pelosi and Biden look like the fools that they are. They've fully exposed themselves. The only thing Pelosi is any good at is bitching and Biden is only good at taking credit for what Trump did. Course Biden has been caught plagiarizing others work throughout his political career. It's why he's never been considered a serious candidate, before he stole the election. That's all he's good at....stealing what belongs to others.

President Bident is exposed for who he is every time the play Hail to the Chief---The winner. Trump, well, was fired in pretty glorious fashion.
When you look up the definition of "integrity", most definitions include "moral values". If we go through the the list of presidents it seems that most early 20th century presidents had the right moral stuff regardless of political affiliation. FDR married a distant cousin but there was little scandal. Ike might have had a sexual relationship with a female staffer during the War but that's understandable. Then we come to JFK and his legendary affairs. Nixon had moral integrity but LBJ was a hard drinkin Texan and who knows. Ford had integrity and Carter was downright virtuous. Reagan was a Hollywood veteran but had integrity. Bush Sr. like Carter was downright virtuous and then we get to Clinton and sodomy with an intern. Bush Jr. might have had his wild days in college and the reserves but he was essentially faithful to his family. Obama had integrity and so did Trump. The current president seems to have personal moral values although his mental stability is in question.
Bush Sr. like Carter was downright virtuous
I was with you until this statement. Bush Sr. was Nixon's ambassador to China and opened relations with China. He also gave "most favored nations" trading status to the Chinese the day after the human rights violations in Tienanmen Square. Bush Sr. was a Chinese shill just like Biden. He is the one that started the sell off down the river of the US to China.
Jimmy Carter was a FOOL, but I do believe that he had integrity. I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity as did Harry Truman. The last three Democratic presidents (Biden, Obama, Clinton) are shysters, liars, and crooks. It's difficult, if not impossible, to find a Democrat in the White House, or in Congress, that has any integrity.

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Why are you limiting this to just Democrats?

Republicans are just as bad or worse. Trump and integrity.... er... they don't go well together. The guy would steal five bucks from a homeless person.
W was not well acquainted with integrity either.

How so? What were W's most egregious lies?
"He has yellow cake." WMD. Two of the more glaring. W was a member of the swamp and so was his daddy. The elder Bush opened up free trade with China as ambassador under Nixon--consequently, we forced to disavow Taiwan. Fast forward to 1989--elder Bush awards "most favored trading status" on China on the day after the massive human rights violations in Tienanmen Square. Yup, both H.W. and W were neck deep in the swamp.

Ok. Well, I think W actually believed the intelligence folks that were telling him that Saddam had WMD's. Therefore, I wouldn't call that a lie. Compared to folks like Biden, Obama, or Clinton, W was a pillar of integrity. LOL.
Jimmy Carter was a FOOL, but I do believe that he had integrity. I believe John F. Kennedy had integrity as did Harry Truman. The last three Democratic presidents (Biden, Obama, Clinton) are shysters, liars, and crooks. It's difficult, if not impossible, to find a Democrat in the White House, or in Congress, that has any integrity.

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This pic contradicts your post thst Truman had integrity him being the crook he was. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Also carter did have integrity,he was the last decent president we had before trump came along thst is true about him not being corrupt like the dem presidents we have had sense him.:thup: Carter did the right thing same as our last great president JFK in the fact he also tried to get rid of the CIA which is why the elite made sure he only served one term as well same as kennedy,good presidents don’t serve more than one term anymore.

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