Democratic Party Record For Mid-Terms


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hiding Russian crimes

Helping Russians acquire 20% of US uranium

Hiding Russian hacking, crimes, interference

Taking millions in Russian bribes

Espionage, Gross Negligence, Violations of FOIA and the Federal Records Act, Obstruction

Protecting a Felon candidate - 2 FBI investigations of crimes she did committ

Sedition / treason within the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration

Illegal purchase and use during a US election of a false report filled with Russian Propaganda from a foreign agent / ex spy through a company working for the Russians

Illegal unmasking of US citizens

Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and Presidential candidates

Illegally using the IRS as a partisan weapon against Americans

Aiding terrorists, enemies of this nation, Mexican Drug Cartels, human traffickers, MS13, illegals, and criminals in the US protecting illegal sanctuary cities

Holding the US hostage by shutting down the US government to stand with illegals rather than Americans...

Democratic Party. - RIP - 2018
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