Democratic Ohio Lawmaker Resigns After FBI Bribery Sting...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011

Democratic state Rep. W. Carlton Weddington resigned from the Ohio legislature after prosecutors indicted him for bribery and other charges. He surrendered to the FBI Tuesday afternoon.

The FBI alleges that during a sting operation, Weddington received campaign contributions and all-expense paid trips from undercover agents in exchange for introducing legislation on behalf of a phony business.

Weddington faces one count of bribery, one count of election falsification, and one count of filing a false financial disclosure form. If convicted on all counts, he could serve 4-1/2 years in prison.

The fictional company organized by Special Agent Edward Hanko sent the two-term Democrat on $16,000 all-inclusive vacations to Napa Valley, Calif. and Miami. The FBI also donated an undisclosed amount of money to his re-election campaign on behalf of the nonexistent company.

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien told the Columbus Dispatch that Weddington “is cooperating with authorities, meaning he could provide information that leads to additional indictments."

Read more: Weddington | FBI | Ohio State Legislature | The Daily Caller
Another one bites the dust...

On the other hand, if history is any judge, he'll probably get re-elected.

Democratic state Rep. W. Carlton Weddington resigned from the Ohio legislature after prosecutors indicted him for bribery and other charges. He surrendered to the FBI Tuesday afternoon.

The FBI alleges that during a sting operation, Weddington received campaign contributions and all-expense paid trips from undercover agents in exchange for introducing legislation on behalf of a phony business.

Weddington faces one count of bribery, one count of election falsification, and one count of filing a false financial disclosure form. If convicted on all counts, he could serve 4-1/2 years in prison.

The fictional company organized by Special Agent Edward Hanko sent the two-term Democrat on $16,000 all-inclusive vacations to Napa Valley, Calif. and Miami. The FBI also donated an undisclosed amount of money to his re-election campaign on behalf of the nonexistent company.

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien told the Columbus Dispatch that Weddington “is cooperating with authorities, meaning he could provide information that leads to additional indictments."

Read more: Weddington | FBI | Ohio State Legislature | The Daily Caller
Imagine that.
But...but...but....I thought only republicans are guilty of bribery and fraud??? Isn't that what the die hard dem supporters here keep telling us???

This had to be entrapment, right guys??? Right??? AMIRITE???!?!?!!1?!?
Shades of William "Cold Cash" Jefferson (D-La), who, when the FBI raided his Congressional offices, was found to have $96,000, all neatly bundled, stored in his office's refrigerator freezer. Something about an IRS $10,000 reporting requirement?

The State of New Jersey reached a consent agreement agreeing not to arrest members of a certain ethnic group for speeding on the New Jersey Turnpike after complaints were voiced that the New Jersey State Police were engaged in racial profiling tactics in these arrests.
Since then a double blind study has taken place in which Turnpike drivers were photographed with their speeds at the time of being photographed recorded. The drivers photographs were then given to a second group with no mention of the speed involved when taken who were asked to identify the driver's ethnicity only. It turned out, based on the study results, that while this ethnic group comprised only sixteen per cent of the drivers in the study, they comprised twenty five per cent of the speeders, possibly the result of higher endogenous testosterone levels in that group.
When the DOJ was contacted over possibly introducing the results of the study the DOJ refused, stating that the moonlight reflecting off the sunlight drenched windshields confused the identification results.

Democratic state Rep. W. Carlton Weddington resigned from the Ohio legislature after prosecutors indicted him for bribery and other charges. He surrendered to the FBI Tuesday afternoon.

The FBI alleges that during a sting operation, Weddington received campaign contributions and all-expense paid trips from undercover agents in exchange for introducing legislation on behalf of a phony business.

Weddington faces one count of bribery, one count of election falsification, and one count of filing a false financial disclosure form. If convicted on all counts, he could serve 4-1/2 years in prison.

The fictional company organized by Special Agent Edward Hanko sent the two-term Democrat on $16,000 all-inclusive vacations to Napa Valley, Calif. and Miami. The FBI also donated an undisclosed amount of money to his re-election campaign on behalf of the nonexistent company.

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien told the Columbus Dispatch that Weddington “is cooperating with authorities, meaning he could provide information that leads to additional indictments."

Read more: Weddington | FBI | Ohio State Legislature | The Daily Caller

I hope he spills his guts and others get put in chains.

then they rat
more in chains
then they rat
more in chains

I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.
Looks like he's a rat too. So expect more Democrat arrests soon.
You know what the DUMB thing is about this thread? That only Conservatives are talking in it(besides myself, who is fine with convicting the person).

It's Conservatives having a circle jerk, when they really shouldn't. Those who live in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones. There's a whole website dedicated to Republican offenders... ranging from simple corruption to pedophilia.


The link is to a letter from the owner of the site in response to an e-mail where someone asked why isn't there a "Democrat Offender" website... and he explains his reasons. I'd suggest you read that response before clicking on the links on the left side that shows all kinds of illegal activity by prominent Republicans.

So... before you hurt your hands high fiving each other... take a look.

BTW... I STILL feel that if the Subject of this thread is guilty... he should be convicted and made an example of.

Democratic state Rep. W. Carlton Weddington resigned from the Ohio legislature after prosecutors indicted him for bribery and other charges. He surrendered to the FBI Tuesday afternoon.

The FBI alleges that during a sting operation, Weddington received campaign contributions and all-expense paid trips from undercover agents in exchange for introducing legislation on behalf of a phony business.

Weddington faces one count of bribery, one count of election falsification, and one count of filing a false financial disclosure form. If convicted on all counts, he could serve 4-1/2 years in prison.

The fictional company organized by Special Agent Edward Hanko sent the two-term Democrat on $16,000 all-inclusive vacations to Napa Valley, Calif. and Miami. The FBI also donated an undisclosed amount of money to his re-election campaign on behalf of the nonexistent company.

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien told the Columbus Dispatch that Weddington “is cooperating with authorities, meaning he could provide information that leads to additional indictments."

Read more: Weddington | FBI | Ohio State Legislature | The Daily Caller

A Bravo Zulu to the FBI! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Democratic state Rep. W. Carlton Weddington resigned from the Ohio legislature after prosecutors indicted him for bribery and other charges. He surrendered to the FBI Tuesday afternoon.

The FBI alleges that during a sting operation, Weddington received campaign contributions and all-expense paid trips from undercover agents in exchange for introducing legislation on behalf of a phony business.

Weddington faces one count of bribery, one count of election falsification, and one count of filing a false financial disclosure form. If convicted on all counts, he could serve 4-1/2 years in prison.

The fictional company organized by Special Agent Edward Hanko sent the two-term Democrat on $16,000 all-inclusive vacations to Napa Valley, Calif. and Miami. The FBI also donated an undisclosed amount of money to his re-election campaign on behalf of the nonexistent company.

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien told the Columbus Dispatch that Weddington “is cooperating with authorities, meaning he could provide information that leads to additional indictments."

Read more: Weddington | FBI | Ohio State Legislature | The Daily Caller

A Bravo Zulu to the FBI! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Still being disingenuous ay? You know you're only pretending to be happy about this. Why do you lie to yourself so much? :lol:
Oh... Fuck....OK... you're a douche. Now you have TWO people who are not of the CONservative persuasion who are cool with this guy going down, and it fucks with your worldview so much that you'd rather call us liars than to admit your worldview is flawed.
Oh... Fuck....OK... you're a douche. Now you have TWO people who are not of the CONservative persuasion who are cool with this guy going down, and it fucks with your worldview so much that you'd rather call us liars than to admit your worldview is flawed.

Is that your defense? Pretty weak. :cuckoo:
Campaign contributions? If we got rid of the need for them, one big source of temptation would disappear.

Do you have any idea what it costs to run a campaign? Even at the local level?

Peanuts compared to the amount of money they promise to contibutors for their pet projects. We'd come out ahead in the long run, IMO.

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