Democrat Party: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Start at the beginning. The first vice president of the Democrat Party was Aaron Burr: “After the loss of his seat in the legislature in 1799, he began to organize the Democratic Party in New York City. The group became a political powerhouse that could ensure the election of a democratic President. The ticket was to be Thomas Jefferson as President and Aaron Burr as Vice-President.” Aaron Burr

2. Of course, it was Burr who shot and killed ‘Founder’ Alexander Hamilton. He then plotted sedition against his own President, “… charged with treason in a conspiracy regarding capitalization on a possible war with Spain. He eventually was acquitted after a trial in 1807. He sailed to England in 1808 hoping to gain support for a revolution in Mexico. He was ordered out of the country and traveled in Europe to Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Paris. There he tried to garner support from Napoleon.” Ibid.

a. His personal life includes similarities to a number of his party: “He was indicted for murder (but not convicted) after the death of Hamilton; arrested and prosecuted for treason by Jefferson (but not convicted).” Aaron Burr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The die was cast for the future Democrat Party.

3. Burr was not only one of the founders of the Democratic Party- called the Democratic-Republicans at the time- but he “…began the construction of the political machine upon which the power of that organization is based.” Aaron Burr

a. Tammany Hall in New York city was, in many ways the model for American municipal corruption. The legacy of Aaron Burr’s Democrat party: bribery, theft, extortion seamlessly married to big city machine politics. The evolution of the criminal enterprise known as the Democratic Party built on corruption, to the use of gangsters as a source of its funds, to its philosophical alliance with communism, to it's modern marriage to big labor.
“The People v. The Democratic Party,” Michael Walsh

4. The father of the modern Democratic Party was Andrew Jackson. “In the 1820s, the leaders of Tammany threw their support behind Andrew Jackson’s quest for the presidency. Tammany leaders met with Jackson before his election in 1828, promised their support, and when Jackson was elected they were rewarded, in what became known as the spoils system, with federal jobs in New York City. With Tammany associated with the Jacksonians and the Democratic Party, the organization was viewed as friendly to the working people. And when waves of immigrants, especially from Ireland, arrived in New York City, Tammany became associated with the immigrant vote. ” Tammany Hall | Political Machine Ran New York City in the 1800s

5. The Republican Party was formed and an explicitly antislavery party, as opposed to the Democrats, who vied for the immigrant vote by championing slavery. John C. Fremont, first Republican candidate for President, opposed the expansion of slavery under the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The Republican slogan was “Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, and Fremont.”

a. Fremont lost to Democrat Buchanan, whose party invented the Kansas-Nebraska Act. “allowing the expansion of slavery…Buchanan, a Democrat, warned that the Republicans were extremists…” United States presidential election, 1856 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. The Whigs ran former President Millard Fillmore, who represented the anti-Catholic Know-Nothing Party. When President, Fillmore had signed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, mandating that runaway slaves had to be returned to the masters; the law was upheld seven years later by Roger Taney’s Supreme Court, in the Dred Scott decision.

c. “Some critics of the Dred Scott decision charged that President James Buchanan had conspired with Chief Justice Roger B. Taney to allow further expansion of slavery. [C]ritics included Abraham Lincoln and other Republicans….The historical record seems to indicate that Taney, at the very least, did provide advance notification to the president about the court’s decision. Further, it appears that Buchanan, in a clear abuse of his authority, persuaded a Northern Justice to join the Southerners, allowing the decision to appear less regionally partisan.” Buchanan-Taney Conspiracy

6. General George McClellan ran against Lincoln’s second term. Running as a Democrat, McClellan’s platform was written by the antiwar, borderline seditious Copperheads. “The Copperheads, so-called by Republicans who compared them to poisonous snakes, and by themselves after the Goddess of Liberty appearing on copper pennies, The Copperheads were shot through with racism, and increasingly opposed a war that moved from a goal of restoring the Union to one committed to abolition.” Good ol’ Democrats, at it again.

a. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, “…an angry Copperhead, a.k.a., ‘peace democrat,’ (when that meant pro-slavery, of course.) John Wilkes Booth - Liberapedia

7. With the aid and acquiescence of academia and the media since the 1960's, the “by any means necessary" Democrat party is the enemy of these founding virtues:

individualism, self-reliance, private (as opposed to public) charity, religious belief, religious liberty, personal expression, freedom of both public and private speech, the Judeo-Christian heritage, the right to self-defense, and low taxation.
Walsh, Op.Cit.

Once educated to the above, Americans will eschew this radical anti-American antagonist, anathema of our values.
Thank you for that. I learned a lot. I've said it many times, but the vote manufacturing efforts by Corrupt Inner City Democrat political machines is that only reason blacks "Vote" 95% for Dems. Who would support the Party of slavery, Tuskegee Experiments, public housing, failed public schools and a system that encourages fatherless head of households?

The Democrat Party has since Progressed from there into an economic system that to the left of Communists in Vietnam and China
Its Democratic party you fucking asshole.

Why cant your side have the decency to say the right name of the party?
No were sick of your fucking lying and cheating to the extent that you are not even willing to say the name of our party correctly.

Your the most dishonest people I have ever spoken to
No were sick of your fucking lying and cheating to the extent that you are not even willing to say the name of our party correctly.

Your the most dishonest people I have ever spoken to

You seem so uptight all the time. You need to relax.

Do you ever fool around online?

Message me....
Thank you for that. I learned a lot. I've said it many times, but the vote manufacturing efforts by Corrupt Inner City Democrat political machines is that only reason blacks "Vote" 95% for Dems. Who would support the Party of slavery, Tuskegee Experiments, public housing, failed public schools and a system that encourages fatherless head of households?

The Democrat Party has since Progressed from there into an economic system that to the left of Communists in Vietnam and China
Tuskegee experiments were started under a republican presidency, Hoover, and were ended under a Democratic presidency....Carter :eusa_whistle:
Its Democratic party you fucking asshole.

Why cant your side have the decency to say the right name of the party?

1. First, pay attention to my posts: I never engage in the kind of language to which you've resorted here.

2.But...given your perspective, and inordinate attachment to the Democrats, I fully understand your loss of control. seems you were unaware of the involvement in murder, bribery, extortion, slavery, and ever kind of anti-American policy by the Democrats?

4. Well, in the words of Francis Bacon, 'knowledge is power!'

Now you know not to vote Democrat again!
And I forgive your language.
if you werent a cut and paste bitch you would know history....

burr had ever right to shot hamilton it was a fucking duel and duels were not illegal in new jersey

plus the bullshit of hamilton firing into the air is false....he had a hair trigger on his pistol

damn i wished i had pissed on hamilton's grave in nyc
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Its Democratic party you fucking asshole.

Why cant your side have the decency to say the right name of the party?

1. First, pay attention to my posts: I never engage in the kind of language to which you've resorted here.

2.But...given your perspective, and inordinate attachment to the Democrats, I fully understand your loss of control. seems you were unaware of the involvement in murder, bribery, extortion, slavery, and ever kind of anti-American policy by the Democrats?

4. Well, in the words of Francis Bacon, 'knowledge is power!'

Now you know not to vote Democrat again!
And I forgive your language.

sometimes people's politics are profain while their language is "polite". as for the rest of your thread...

heh. not so much.
No were sick of your fucking lying and cheating to the extent that you are not even willing to say the name of our party correctly.

Your the most dishonest people I have ever spoken to

Dumbocratic Better?


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if you werent a cut and paste bitch you would know history....

burr had ever right to shot hamilton it was a fucking duel and duels were not illegal in new jersey

plus the bullshit of hamilton firing into the air is false....he had a hair trigger on his pistol

damn i wished i had pissed on hamilton's grave in nyc

1. I never use the language that you choose to use. Let's begin with that.

2. "July 11, 1804; the fatal duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr took place at sunrise beside the Hudson River in Weehawken, New Jersey. An enduring question is why Vice President of the United States, Aaron Burr, chose to pull the trigger on his pistol, while Alexander Hamilton, a New York lawyer, planned to fire his pistol into the air."
Ronald Chernow "Alexander Hamilton" Penguin Press 2004
Thomas Fleming “Dual” Basic Books, 1999

a. " It is believed that Hamilton fired first and probably honored his pre-duel pledge to throw away his shot."
Duel Between Alexander Hamilton Aaron Burr - Hamilton and Burr Duel

b. "Alexander Hamilton decided not to shoot Burr, and announced his intention in writing."
Why did Alexander Hamilton agree to duel Aaron Burr if he purposely missed his shot

Read more: Why did Alexander Hamilton agree to duel Aaron Burr if he purposely missed his shot

3. "Cut and paste" is a criticism of form. It matters not to me that you don't like the form I choose.
My posts are rich in substance.

4. As indicted in #2 above, you are shown to be incorrect. The anger you evince, and shown by the neg rep, is out of ignorance.

5. Could it be that you are enamored of the Democrats?
It is a criminal organization masquerading as a political party.
Its Democratic party you fucking asshole.

Why cant your side have the decency to say the right name of the party?
Why doesn't your mommie wash your filthy mouth out with soap and water? Nice people don't call another person not one but two taboo names, one a Stage I Freudian indecent name and the second, a Stage II Freudian foul name.

IOW, madam, you have zero moral authority to say that pair. That'd get you kicked out of the CDZ, and it should get you kicked out of USMB for good.

There's nothing at all decent about calling people taboo names. Bad girl.
Its Democratic party you fucking asshole.

Why cant your side have the decency to say the right name of the party?
Why doesn't your mommie wash your filthy mouth out with soap and water? Nice people don't call another person not one but two taboo names, one a Stage I Freudian indecent name and the second, a Stage II Freudian foul name.

IOW, madam, you have zero moral authority to say that pair. That'd get you kicked out of the CDZ, and it should get you kicked out of USMB for good.

There's nothing at all decent about calling people taboo names. Bad girl.


....when I see that kind of language, the vitriolic attacks, it is just the boilerplate that we've come to expect. It is based on their view, that is the Left's view that

a) they are on a so much higher moral plane, that any ad hominem attack is justified

b) that it is so very shocking that anyone could possibly have an alternative view, that the loss of control shown by the precipitous drop in civility is understandable

c) and that the anger shown by said language is proof of how very deeply their concern runs.

Dennis Prager discusses how important emotion, as opposed to rational thought, is to the Leftist. He writes:

Because the Left relies on feelings and intentions, wisdom and the existing moral value system don’t count for much. The comparison with conservatives would be the reliance on data and experience, and tradition. Recall the Left-wing baby boomer war-cry: “Never trust anyone over thirty!” Consider the meaning: There is nothing to be learned from anyone older than thirty…hence, the ‘…old dead white men…” theme.

Note how this morphs into the adulation of youth. Therein lies the choice: youth, or wisdom. And the result is what our universities have become, no longer the repository of knowledge, instead, support for Marxist ideas, nuclear disarmament, beliefs that America was no different from the Soviet Union, sympathetic views toward Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, and support for a whole host of Left-wing memes.
Its Democratic party you fucking asshole.

Why cant your side have the decency to say the right name of the party?
Why doesn't your mommie wash your filthy mouth out with soap and water? Nice people don't call another person not one but two taboo names, one a Stage I Freudian indecent name and the second, a Stage II Freudian foul name.

IOW, madam, you have zero moral authority to say that pair. That'd get you kicked out of the CDZ, and it should get you kicked out of USMB for good.

There's nothing at all decent about calling people taboo names. Bad girl.


....when I see that kind of language, the vitriolic attacks, it is just the boilerplate that we've come to expect. It is based on their view, that is the Left's view that

a) they are on a so much higher moral plane, that any ad hominem attack is justified

b) that it is so very shocking that anyone could possibly have an alternative view, that the loss of control shown by the precipitous drop in civility is understandable

c) and that the anger shown by said language is proof of how very deeply their concern runs.

Dennis Prager discusses how important emotion, as opposed to rational thought, is to the Leftist. He writes:

Because the Left relies on feelings and intentions, wisdom and the existing moral value system don’t count for much. The comparison with conservatives would be the reliance on data and experience, and tradition. Recall the Left-wing baby boomer war-cry: “Never trust anyone over thirty!” Consider the meaning: There is nothing to be learned from anyone older than thirty…hence, the ‘…old dead white men…” theme.

Note how this morphs into the adulation of youth. Therein lies the choice: youth, or wisdom. And the result is what our universities have become, no longer the repository of knowledge, instead, support for Marxist ideas, nuclear disarmament, beliefs that America was no different from the Soviet Union, sympathetic views toward Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, and support for a whole host of Left-wing memes.
That's all well and good, but there is a cure: A good old-fashioned spanking.

Unfortunately, the Board of Education applied to the Seat of Knowledge has been trashed as useless by the NEA. Since that time, America has lost its cutting edge on the frontier of excellent academic performance on tests administered worldwide.

The NEA has made itself into a comfortable set of cud-chewers who pat themselves on the back nine times a day for cushy raises while other countries' education systems fly by them.

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