Democrat Leadership: no vax, no Social Security check, no healthcare, no freaken benefits...period

So, the Dems blocked a bill that was going to stop something that is not happening....oh dear, this is the end of the world as we know it
Once again a sign that we have an authoritarian government under this administration.
Once again, we have a thread premised on a lie.

A Republican introduced pointless legislation banning something which isn’t an issue and then claims that because Dems blocked a pointless bill they therefore support the opposite.

No one has come out in favor of this, it’s just what Republicans are telling their useful idiots.
Headline USA? Lol, just what we needed - Another loon site.
Here's another of their current hard-hitting, straight news headlines! :lol:

How would the government know who has been vaccinated. I have a card from the pharmacy where I got the vaccines but I don’t beleive they had to report that info to the feds.

They did not.

I got mine at a clinic ran by the NG, all that got was my name. How are the Feds going to do anything with that?

I bet there are 1 million people in the country with the same name
They did not.

I got mine at a clinic ran by the NG, all that got was my name. How are the Feds going to do anything with that?

I bet there are 1 million people in the country with the same name
I'm not sure that Golfing Gator is all that common in America, just saying.
They did not.

I got mine at a clinic ran by the NG, all that got was my name. How are the Feds going to do anything with that?

I bet there are 1 million people in the country with the same name
Every vaccination is reported to the CDC. it's how they keep track of vaccinations. When you hear that the vaccination rate in your city is 80% that's what they are talking about.
Every vaccination is reported to the CDC. it's how they keep track of vaccinations. When you hear that the vaccination rate in your city is 80% that's what they are talking about.

Yes, it is reported that 100 people got the vaccine today....they do not give the CDC all 100 individual names with SSNs
No. You have a card. If they want to know if you are one of the 100 people they can ask you.

I am really not too worried about the CDC showing up at my door and and asking if I have it. My address is not even on record where I got the shots.
It’s an accurate assessment of the Democrat position. They want to punish anyone who doesn’t get vaxxed.
The dem's are not giving an alternate. The dem's have nothing in their heads. The devil is the being who punishes. There is nothing in that beings head. Most everyone has a bad spine. That deterioration started when they were born. That will affect all kinds of things. NUCCA and Grostic chiropractic techniques are very good techniques. The sooner a person is evaluated the better. There are others. Upcspine, TheSpesific, Upper Cervical Health Centers. Wait 4 - 5 days In the event of whiplash, hitting your head, or having an object hit your head, or fall. Immune system can be improved up to 200% Let the body adapt to the new balanced position of your body. Don't go out water skiing or lifting heavy weights right away.
What bills are being introduced that would stop anyone from getting a S.S. check? Does anyone have a bill number?
If Pelosi and Biden are good Catholics, then the catholic Church has been coopted.

So they want to violate my HIPPA rights?

How do they feel about a lawsuit for violating those rights?


They did not.

I got mine at a clinic ran by the NG, all that got was my name. How are the Feds going to do anything with that?

I bet there are 1 million people in the country with the same name
The way our wonderful Biden administration works it would take a billion dollar computer program to just record the name of every person who was vaccinated and in the end the program would crash.

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