Democrat Leadership: no vax, no Social Security check, no healthcare, no freaken benefits...period

If you choose to look at it that way

Chances are you lock your doors when not at home to PREVENT getting robbed

Its the same thing
But the only people that could block benefits due to vaccination status is Congress. And if they could do that, then they could also repeal the legislation banning it.

So it’s sort of like locking your doors to prevent you from being robbed by people who have your house keys.
See: Dems Block Bill to Protect Vax Holdouts from Losing Social Security, Gov’t Benefits

October 20, 2021

“Democrats today said they are willing to revoke your social security checks, take away health care for the poor, elderly and vulnerable children, kick folks out of their homes and deny needed food assistance—all because of a personal medical decision to not receive a vaccine,” Scott said in a statement.

Not only does the lunatic Democrat Party Leadership want to punish our nation’s first responders and teachers for making a personal medical decision, but now they want to attack our nation’s elderly, deny them their Social Security check which they paid for all their lives, if they dare to refuse an unwanted medical treatment . . . all this while they allow hundreds of thousands of foreigners infected with COVID to invade our borders and then transport these unvaccinated law breakers to our nation’s interior where they can infect our nation’s population.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
If you want your free government cheese you have to ring the bell. Good! We can't be paying these idiots if they are irresponsible.

We don't want to punish. We want them vaccinated. And they are free to not get vaxed. Just go find a job somewhere that allows you to be unvaccinated or go get a job and stop asking for government cheese.
If you want your free government cheese you have to ring the bell. Good! We can't be paying these idiots if they are irresponsible.
Free government cheese? You must be talking about all those storming our border, including the unvaccinated who are infecting our nation's population.

Heck, the Biden Administration recently removed the legal residency requirement to obtain public housing vouchers. And now our nation's needy citizens must compete for the limited supply of public housing with illegal entrants.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
Free government cheese? You must be talking about all those storming our border, including the unvaccinated who are infecting our nation's population.

Heck, the Biden Administration recently removed the legal residency requirement to obtain public housing vouchers. And now our nation's needy citizens must compete for the limited supply of public housing with illegal entrants.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
So, you agree unvaccinated people are infecting our population?
The dem's are not giving an alternate. The dem's have nothing in their heads. The devil is the being who punishes. There is nothing in that beings head. Most everyone has a bad spine. That deterioration started when they were born. That will affect all kinds of things. NUCCA and Grostic chiropractic techniques are very good techniques. The sooner a person is evaluated the better. There are others. Upcspine, TheSpesific, Upper Cervical Health Centers. Wait 4 - 5 days In the event of whiplash, hitting your head, or having an object hit your head, or fall. Immune system can be improved up to 200% Let the body adapt to the new balanced position of your body. Don't go out water skiing or lifting heavy weights right away.
So, you agree unvaccinated people are infecting our population?

I most certainly agree that unvaccinated illegal entrants infected with the virus, who are transported to our nation's cities by the Biden Administration, are definitely infecting America's population.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
I most certainly agree that unvaccinated illegal entrants infected with the virus, who are transported to our nation's cities by the Biden Administration, are definitely infecting America's population.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, has now GONE MAD
Then so too are the unvaccinated Trump supporters who refuse to get vaccinated.

Funny you are pointing to illegals and screaming "they aren't vaccinated!" but you won't do the same to your idiot Republican pals.
If you want your free government cheese you have to ring the bell. Good! We can't be paying these idiots if they are irresponsible.

We don't want to punish. We want them vaccinated. And they are free to not get vaxed. Just go find a job somewhere that allows you to be unvaccinated or go get a job and stop asking for government cheese.
The gov. owns no's all our cheese..and in the case of SS...most have paid into it all their lives. You are advocating what amounts to extortion--not nice.

Mr. "we want them vaccinated" you simply go too far...and I think you might be fibbing a bit..I feel you DO want them punished..and in a big way~
If Pelosi and Biden are good Catholics, then the catholic Church has been coopted

The catholic church does not teach the truth in anything. That church makes empty headed people who don't know who is good, or evil. God gets through to a few. I see them. People who think Muslims are for peace, are blind. Ask and receive cannot be till the world works as one. A person doing without money in a money run world, will be homeless.
It is a 25 min vidio and I am not goining to sit through it waiting for him to say what you claim he said about minders controlling us. Given your poor credability, I am pretty sure what he meant is not what you claim he ment Give me a time stamp and I'll watch it.
He was talking about Senior outreach. Sending people to check on shut ins----get them care if they need it,

Hmmm...come to think of it..perhaps Tipsycatlover has a valid fear--they might make her go to, no,no!

It is a 25 min vidio and I am not goining to sit through it waiting for him to say what you claim he said about minders controlling us. Given your poor credability, I am pretty sure what he meant is not what you claim he ment Give me a time stamp and I'll watch it.
I did! Boy are you one dumb bunny.
The gov. owns no's all our cheese..and in the case of SS...most have paid into it all their lives. You are advocating what amounts to extortion--not nice.

Mr. "we want them vaccinated" you simply go too far...and I think you might be fibbing a bit..I feel you DO want them punished..and in a big way~
So do you guys. You want most of them off those social programs. Hell, if it were up to you there’d be no programs.
So do you guys. You want most of them off those social programs. Hell, if it were up to you there’d be no programs.
Exactly. I want those programs to go away so statists like you can't use them to control people.
Exactly. I want those programs to go away so statists like you can't use them to control people.
How about this. If you’re on Medicaid and you aren’t vaccinated you’re going to cost the tax payers a lot if you get delta. Get your shot or you’re cut off.

Kyree Irving gave up millions. These losers should give up their benefits fo4 what they believe in. That’s freedom baby. Want freedom? Get off welfare.
How about this. If you’re on Medicaid and you aren’t vaccinated you’re going to cost the tax payers a lot if you get delta. Get your shot or you’re cut off.
How about fuck you? If you wanna help people, help them. But as we're seeing, that's not really what you're after. You want to twist arms, bash heads, and lord it over others by making them dependent on the state so they can't refuse your demands.

Did I mention "fuck off"?

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