Democrat Debate

Carson chatter??? What are you listening to? I didn't even know that guy was in the race. Wasn't he drunk or high at the last debate?

Demo town hall was pretty impressive if you ask me. I'm in the middle looking at candidates from both sides and I must say after last night Demo's are ahead of the game.

The Burn was on fire and Hillary who I haven't been very impressed with, stepped it up!

Hoping for a good response from the circus on Thursday!
For the republican debates, 400 pages each time.

For the democrats forum, a total of 10 pages I saw. Plus one anti forum of 2 pages.

Republicans, for and against, are more interesting
So you're saying a majority of Rebulicans scwabble on forums while the Dems are out living life? Don't think that pint helps you much. It does fall inline with racket I've been hearing from the candidates though. Count how many times they bitch and whine about Obama or Hilary or attack each other about non-issues to avoid simply answering a question
No, if anything, there are more democrats on the Republican debates. It is just more interesting. Hillary is a cure for the worst insomnia. Trump, a hillary stooge to be sure, and a daggy jerk, but he is interesting. Cruz the same way.
No, if anything, there are more democrats on the Republican debates. It is just more interesting. Hillary is a cure for the worst insomnia. Trump, a hillary stooge to be sure, and a daggy jerk, but he is interesting. Cruz the same way.
I agree, I probably lean more to the left but find myself watching more Fox and Republican talk than anything. Im not sure if thats because i'd really like to find a fiscally conservative candidate to get behind or because that crowd is not on par with Kardashian type reality junk TV and it somehow satisfies a need for mindless guilty pleasures. Either way I feel dirty and dumber afterwards.

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