Democrat Debate. Will Black Lives Matter Chase Them Off the Stage ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
How appropriate for the Democrats' debate (a few days from now) to be in Las Vegas. Will this be anything more than just a big SHOW ? Will they have showgirls strutting their stuff, with lots of nice curves and feathery headdresses ? They probably should. All these phonies are going to do is announce to all their pandered groups (Blacks, Hispanics, Women, Gays, Unions, Illegal Aliens, Muslims, Atheists, et al) how much more ass-kissing they're going to do for them, more than the others on the stage.

Aha! But will this be enough to placate the goofballs at Black Lives Matter ?, ....who seem to not be satisfied with anything the Democrats lay out for them. Will BLM chase the whole pack of them off the stage ?, they did to Bernie Sanders, and might as well have done to O'Malley, who shamefully and stupidly apologized (what for ?) to these ratpack rogues.

As for Hillary, it remains to be seen what kind of majestic ass-kiss she will come up with, but you can bet it will be a grand one. The only question is, will there be enough time for the panting panderers to get their panders out ?, .....before the wild dogs race up to the stage and seize the microphone, to show us how dumb they are.

This might be the only question of any significance attached to this fiasco, masquerading as legitimate politics. Might have value as a comedy show.
What I'll be looking for is how hard the guys go after Hillary.

Bernie hasn't shown any proclivity for that (weird old dude is stuck on "issues", not personal attacks, go figure), but O'Malley is pissed and may lay into her.
You mean you actually consider this fiasco to be a legitimate political thing ? :confused-84:
What I'll be looking for is how hard the guys go after Hillary.

Bernie hasn't shown any proclivity for that (weird old dude is stuck on "issues", not personal attacks, go figure), but O'Malley is pissed and may lay into her.
You mean you actually consider this fiasco to be a legitimate political thing ? :confused-84:
Well, as much as you would with any debate....
they'll probably be invited to stand up there with them. You know they are such important little rebels. I hope they shout them off the stage like they bum rushed the 100 year old Socialist Bernie
Too bad Old Gaffer Joe won't be there.

Would have been quite entertaining to see the permanently fixed idiotic grin on his face (remember the VP debates in 2008 and 2012?) and the inevitable gaffs and plagiarisms that he is so well known for.

His absence is the TV viewers loss.
CNN already shortened the debate by an hour.
The vast majority of the Democrat voting base doesn't follow politics, which is why their networks get crushed by FOX. I bet they don't even get half the viewers that the Republican debates got.
Democrat Debate. Will Black Lives Matter Chase Them Off the Stage ?

I would pay big money to see that :afro:
Democrat Debate. Will Black Lives Matter Chase Them Off the Stage ?

I would pay big money to see that :afro:
I hope so. It will be the most interesting thing to happen.
Maybe they won't even step foot ON the stage. BLM might have the New Black Panther guys with their billy clubs blocking it, and saying "Don't even think about it"

HA HA. This is too funny. Or maybe the Demmies will hire these guys to keep away Republicans. :laugh:

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