Democrat Congresswoman says the secret to winning ISIS war is...facebook?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Hopefully some folks here saw CNN about 30 minutes ago right after Obama's mini-press conference on the strategy of winning against ISIL (as Obama always calls them, only human in the world that does...different story).
They bring out a panel of 3...a Democrat Congresswoman, a former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former FBI intelligence expert who spent 2 years on the ground in Iraq/Afghanistan.
The interviewer began the talk by asking the former Joint Chief what grade would he give the Presidents policies on fighting ISIS...."a solid D"...and goes on to explain why.
So then he turns to the Democrat Congresswoman and asks what does she think about the D grade...of course she ignores the question, but says we will not win with the military, we will win through the political process. Such as getting ahead of them on social media. We need to get out there on the networks and get ahead of them on recruiting using social media.

Holy Cow......hopefully there is a video of this soon.
You just can't make this shit up.
Hopefully some folks here saw CNN about 30 minutes ago right after Obama's mini-press conference on the strategy of winning against ISIL (as Obama always calls them, only human in the world that does...different story).
They bring out a panel of 3...a Democrat Congresswoman, a former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former FBI intelligence expert who spent 2 years on the ground in Iraq/Afghanistan.
The interviewer began the talk by asking the former Joint Chief what grade would he give the Presidents policies on fighting ISIS...."a solid D"...and goes on to explain why.
So then he turns to the Democrat Congresswoman and asks what does she think about the D grade...of course she ignores the question, but says we will not win with the military, we will win through the political process. Such as getting ahead of them on social media. We need to get out there on the networks and get ahead of them on recruiting using social media.

Holy Cow......hopefully there is a video of this soon.
You just can't make this shit up.
Looking forward to the video, who was that masked idiot anyway?
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I saw that - that is not quite what she said and its certainly not what President Obama said.

BUT - where do you think ISIL is getting their converts?
I saw that - that is not quite what she said and its certainly not what President Obama said.

I never said Obama said anything.
And that is quite what she said...there will be a way someone says something this dumb and it not get repeated.
Well the far left claims that if we give them jobs that will end ISIS..

Hell, the left actually believes that if we'd just buy them a Coke and sit around a camp fire with them, singing "Kumbaya" in perfect three-part harmony, they'll go away and leave us alone.

Of course, they occasionally also like to pet and feed wild animals, which also results in the validation of Darwin's Law.
Not sure who is more silly, CNN or the Congresswoman. ISIS mostly congregates on Twitter and especially applications like WhatsApp - where they can recruit people into terrorism.
Face this hard fact, no ideology was ever defeated in warfare. Fighting an idea requires the availability of better, more compelling ideas. What those ideas might be have to come from people the impressionable youth trust. Seriously, no one is suggesting this is all we do but every general in the pentagon knows for a fact that we could easily throw soldiers, bombs and money at ISIS for twenty years and never restore peace in the region.

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