Democrat congressman calls out Obama for being out of touch and an ineffective leader

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Dennis Cardoza | Fox News Insider

A Democratic Congressman who throughout his tenure supported President Obama’s legislative initiatives over 90 percent of the time recently slammed the commander in chief and his administration. Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) called Obama “arrogant” and “alienating” in recent written remarks, saying:

“After observing President Obama for the last three years, it has become obvious to me that the president might prefer to be a university professor rather than do the job he holds today.”

Cardoza went on to say that the administration suffers from an “idea disease,” projects an “I’m right, you’re wrong” demeanor, and “favors lectures vs. listening.”

Isn't this exactly what many of us on the right have been saying all along? Cardoza is not running for reelection so he doesn't have to fear retribution which in my opinion gives his statements extra credibility.
I have to wonder how many congressional seats Obama has destroyed through his tunnel vision.
Let's hope Grampa.
We don't need another 4 more years of dividing the American people and no leadership.
We need a real leader and one who unites us not divides us.
One who loves America and our Constitution.
Dennis Cardoza | Fox News Insider

A Democratic Congressman who throughout his tenure supported President Obama’s legislative initiatives over 90 percent of the time recently slammed the commander in chief and his administration. Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) called Obama “arrogant” and “alienating” in recent written remarks, saying:

“After observing President Obama for the last three years, it has become obvious to me that the president might prefer to be a university professor rather than do the job he holds today.”

Cardoza went on to say that the administration suffers from an “idea disease,” projects an “I’m right, you’re wrong” demeanor, and “favors lectures vs. listening.”

Isn't this exactly what many of us on the right have been saying all along? Cardoza is not running for reelection so he doesn't have to fear retribution which in my opinion gives his statements extra credibility.
I have to wonder how many congressional seats Obama has destroyed through his tunnel vision.

He nailed the stuff I bolded.

Those parts are the same as my opinion on obama.
Let's hope Grampa.
We don't need another 4 more years of dividing the American people and no leadership.
We need a real leader and one who unites us not divides us.
One who loves America and our Constitution.

To be honest, the US hasn't had a "uniter" as president since Ronald Reagan. George HW wasn't biasedly hated in comparison to Clinton, GWB and Obama, but ole' George HW wasn't exactly loved either.
If the GOP selects a far right candidate and he/she wins, the divided America will continue.
Obama is a horrid leader. He doesn't have the skill set to lead a cub scout den. From what I have witnessed Obama does one thing very well- He knows how to read a speech from his teleprompter. The problem is Leadership requires more than a rah rah speech and a bunch of campaign promises.
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The Left wanted Obama to:

1) Repeal the patriot act.
2) Wage war against the lobbying industrial complex (so that business no longer owns 100% of Washington).
3) Pass the public option (thus ending our monopolized health care system which has bankrupted consumers, who, in the absence of healthy credit markets, can no longer afford to buy or borrow)
4) Break-up and then regulate the too-big-to-fail financial monsters which destroyed the global economy through the criminal mismanagement of risk, especially in the derivatives market (which derivatives were sold across the globe despite the fact that Wall Street knew they were garbage).
5) End the War on Terrorism. FYI: Washington can't run a laundromat, yet the Republicans want to give it the budget and power to transform the greater middle east. The War on Terrorism is simply a replacement for the Cold War - specifically, it provides a context for the US to intervene in regions vital to the global market system. The US does this under the guise of "stabilization". In real terms, stabilization is the response for when a local population prevents our access to necessary resources and/or cheap labor. This is why we install monsters (see the Shaw, Pinochet, and Hussein) - because they impose harsh discipline on local populations who might otherwise disrupt our supply chains and trade routes. ***Go into Walmart and read the labels on the products. Please take note of where EVERYTHING WE BUY comes from. Guess what? A large military is necessary to stabilize the dangerous places which provide us with raw material, goods, and labor. The local populations don't want our snout in their trough - so they rebel. And then we call them "evil-doers" in order to create a context for intervention. Funny thing is: Reagan installed Hussein. He took him off the list of terrorist nations and armed him to the teeth. He did this because the US lost the Shaw in Iran, so Ronnie needed a regional ally. And then - a couple decades later - we complain about the very monster we funded in the 80s while he was gassing his people . . . (and Obama did nothing about it).
6) Make government work for the middle class rather than only the ultra wealthy, who ship jobs to Asian sweatshops with every tax break.
7) Repeal the Bush tax cuts, which sent the country into a deficit crisis. (It's called "Starve the beast". It is based on the theory that if you put government into a fiscal crisis with unmanageable debt and deficits, than there will be no choice but to cut final remaining social programs)

Obama has done none of this. He is Republican Lite.

The Left wanted an FDR. They wanted a fighter. They got Bush II.
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Let's hope Grampa.
We don't need another 4 more years of dividing the American people and no leadership.
We need a real leader and one who unites us not divides us.
One who loves America and our Constitution.

To be honest, the US hasn't had a "uniter" as president since Ronald Reagan. George HW wasn't biasedly hated in comparison to Clinton, GWB and Obama, but ole' George HW wasn't exactly loved either.
If the GOP selects a far right candidate and he/she wins, the divided America will continue.

well, old GB didn't go out everyday call hissself up a news conference and blame democrats and spend all the speech demonizing the gop and half the country either.. obama sucks, he's a divider it's just that simple.
Obama is a horrid leader. He doesn't have the skill set to lead a cub scout den. From what I have witnesses, Obama does one thing very well. He knows how to read a speech from his teleprompter. The problem is Leadership requires more than a rah rah speech and a bunch of campaign promises.

The Left wanted an FDR. They wanted a fighter. They got Bush II.

Get over yourselves.
Dennis Cardoza | Fox News Insider

A Democratic Congressman who throughout his tenure supported President Obama’s legislative initiatives over 90 percent of the time recently slammed the commander in chief and his administration. Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) called Obama “arrogant” and “alienating” in recent written remarks, saying:

“After observing President Obama for the last three years, it has become obvious to me that the president might prefer to be a university professor rather than do the job he holds today.”

Cardoza went on to say that the administration suffers from an “idea disease,” projects an “I’m right, you’re wrong” demeanor, and “favors lectures vs. listening.”

Isn't this exactly what many of us on the right have been saying all along? Cardoza is not running for reelection so he doesn't have to fear retribution which in my opinion gives his statements extra credibility.
I have to wonder how many congressional seats Obama has destroyed through his tunnel vision.

Of course Cordova is right. This president has been the most divisive president in history. Never before has he called out groups of people, "terrorists," refused to apply the federal laws against securing our borders and dealing with illegals as the laws are written and even sued the states when they try to enfoce those same laws. He has clumsily come out on behalf of the black man against the white and given himslef more vacations at a ridiculous expense of labor, transportation and indifference to his job.

He is well more suited for a university job or withering away on his "earned" income from cronyism on his own part.

Cardoza is a man OI can say is why I call myself an Independent. Stop to listen to what everyone has to say and what they do.
The Left wanted Obama to:

1) Repeal the patriot act.
2) Wage war against the lobbying industrial complex (so that business no longer owns 100% of Washington).
3) Pass the public option (thus ending our monopolized health care system which has bankrupted consumers, who, in the absence of healthy credit markets, can no longer afford to buy or borrow)
4) Break-up and then regulate the too-big-to-fail financial monsters which destroyed the global economy through the criminal mismanagement of risk, especially in the derivatives market (which derivatives were sold across the globe despite the fact that Wall Street knew they were garbage).
5) End the War on Terrorism. FYI: Washington can't run a laundromat, yet the Republicans want to give it the budget and power to transform the greater middle east. The War on Terrorism is simply a replacement for the Cold War - specifically, it provides a context for the US to intervene in regions vital to the global market system. The US does this under the guise of "stabilization". In real terms, stabilization is the response for when a local population prevents our access to necessary resources and/or cheap labor. This is why we install monsters (see the Shaw, Pinochet, and Hussein) - because they impose harsh discipline on local populations who might otherwise disrupt our supply chains and trade routes. ***Go into Walmart and read the labels on the products. Please take note of where EVERYTHING WE BUY comes from. Guess what? A large military is necessary to stabilize the dangerous places which provide us with raw material, goods, and labor. The local populations don't want our snout in their trough - so they rebel. And then we call them "evil-doers" in order to create a context for intervention. Funny thing is: Reagan installed Hussein. He took him off the list of terrorist nations and armed him to the teeth. He did this because the US lost the Shaw in Iran, so Ronnie needed a regional ally. And then - a couple decades later - we complain about the very monster we funded in the 80s while he was gassing his people . . . (and Obama did nothing about it).
6) Make government work for the middle class rather than only the ultra wealthy, who ship jobs to Asian sweatshops with every tax break.
7) Repeal the Bush tax cuts, which sent the country into a deficit crisis. (It's called "Starve the beast". It is based on the theory that if you put government into a fiscal crisis with unmanageable debt and deficits, than there will be no choice but to cut final remaining social programs)

Obama has done none of this. He is Republican Lite.

The Left wanted an FDR. They wanted a fighter. They got Bush II.

Yet like good little sheep they will be led to vote for him again.

The perfect definition of a sucker.
The Left wanted Obama to:

1) Repeal the patriot act.
2) Wage war against the lobbying industrial complex (so that business no longer owns 100% of Washington).
3) Pass the public option (thus ending our monopolized health care system which has bankrupted consumers, who, in the absence of healthy credit markets, can no longer afford to buy or borrow)
4) Break-up and then regulate the too-big-to-fail financial monsters which destroyed the global economy through the criminal mismanagement of risk, especially in the derivatives market (which derivatives were sold across the globe despite the fact that Wall Street knew they were garbage).
5) End the War on Terrorism. FYI: Washington can't run a laundromat, yet the Republicans want to give it the budget and power to transform the greater middle east. The War on Terrorism is simply a replacement for the Cold War - specifically, it provides a context for the US to intervene in regions vital to the global market system. The US does this under the guise of "stabilization". In real terms, stabilization is the response for when a local population prevents our access to necessary resources and/or cheap labor. This is why we install monsters (see the Shaw, Pinochet, and Hussein) - because they impose harsh discipline on local populations who might otherwise disrupt our supply chains and trade routes. ***Go into Walmart and read the labels on the products. Please take note of where EVERYTHING WE BUY comes from. Guess what? A large military is necessary to stabilize the dangerous places which provide us with raw material, goods, and labor. The local populations don't want our snout in their trough - so they rebel. And then we call them "evil-doers" in order to create a context for intervention. Funny thing is: Reagan installed Hussein. He took him off the list of terrorist nations and armed him to the teeth. He did this because the US lost the Shaw in Iran, so Ronnie needed a regional ally. And then - a couple decades later - we complain about the very monster we funded in the 80s while he was gassing his people . . . (and Obama did nothing about it).
6) Make government work for the middle class rather than only the ultra wealthy, who ship jobs to Asian sweatshops with every tax break.
7) Repeal the Bush tax cuts, which sent the country into a deficit crisis. (It's called "Starve the beast". It is based on the theory that if you put government into a fiscal crisis with unmanageable debt and deficits, than there will be no choice but to cut final remaining social programs)

Obama has done none of this. He is Republican Lite.

The Left wanted an FDR. They wanted a fighter. They got Bush II.

Yet like good little sheep they will be led to vote for him again.

The perfect definition of a sucker.


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