Democrat attacks CPAC


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
A high-ranking figure in the Democratic National Committee has called CPAC a 'gathering of sexual predators' and claimed Donald Trump is a 'serial rapist.'

Lindy Li, the Women's Co-Chair and Mid-Atlantic Regional Chair at the DNC, made the comments when recapping the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday.

Speaking to host Yasmin Vossoughian, Li began the segment fighting back against what she saw as conservatives such as Nikki Haley calling the Democrats 'woke.'

'Let's be clear what anti-woke means. It's anti-black,' Li, who served on the Asian American outreach team for President Joe Biden's 2020 campaign, said.

'And I think people are very reluctant to say it, but I don't mince any words, and that's the truth.

'That's their way of, you know, sounding the dog whistle without being extremely explicit,' she added.

The Democrat Party has a huge hate and racism problem.
Lindy Li is a very typical racist demagogue Democrat who incites hate and fear for power.
The Democratic Party's "woke" agenda is being used to divide us by race, religion, region and class.
It is cultural Marxism.
"Woke" is being used by racist Far Left Democrats to demonize White Americans.
The Left is using CRT to indoctrinate students in Left Wing hate.
They are using terms like 'white privilege' and 'colonizers' to incite hate.
Democrats are not solving problems; they are creating problems.
They are not creating a better future; they are creating worse future.
Sexual predators? Lincoln Project had a recruiting table there I suppose.

I sure the hell hope so!
Lincoln Project is the jams!
Funny, clever, witty, and often truthy in an entertaining way.

And did I say entertaining?

A 'recruiting table' for sexual predation....ala' DJT, ala' Matt Schlapp, ala' Matt Goetz, and any others they can find in that coven.....would be hilarious. In my humble opinion.

Viva' The Lincoln Project
Democrats are not solving problems; they are creating problems.
They are not creating a better future; they are creating worse future.
They have sown the seeds of their own destruction and now we cancan see that the next election result will be a staggering blow to reject them -- something they may never recover from .

Far too many highly toxic figures in their front ranks . Damaged beyond repair .
But will they have dragged America itself down too far to recover from ?
now we cancan see that the next election result will be a staggering blow to reject them
Well, that is a notable prognostication.
However, the historical trajectory of it does not encourage confidence. 2016.....Don Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million voters; 2020 Don Trump lost the popular vote by what? 11 million? AND, importantly, won the EC Vote by a "landslide" (Don Trump's words, not mine.)
And then, in 2022 the GOP couldn't take the Senate, barely took the House (both of which they were projected to win in a 'Red Tsunami'.) And then they lost a variety of chambers in several states....meaning they lost the House, or lost the Senate. In at least one state, they lost both....which they had long held.
So that touted "rejection' that poster luiza hints at......well, it's got some ground to cover first. Some credibility to earn. IMHO

Far too many highly toxic figures in their front ranks .
Whew!! Poster may be sawing the limb you sit upon?
Paul Gosar? Matt Goetz? Jim Jordan? Marjorie Trailer Queen? Lauren Boebert? George Santos? Louie Gohmert? Ted Cruz? Stewart Rhodes? Kelly Meggs? Roger Stone?
I sure the hell hope so!
Lincoln Project is the jams!
Funny, clever, witty, and often truthy in an entertaining way.

And did I say entertaining?

A 'recruiting table' for sexual predation....ala' DJT, ala' Matt Schlapp, ala' Matt Goetz, and any others they can find in that coven.....would be hilarious. In my humble opinion.

Viva' The Lincoln Project
Figures that you'd be carrying the water for pedos.
Figures that you'd be carrying the water for pedos.

Ah, you gotta be careful of which end of your stick you're carrying, poster Oddball, after all, the end you are holding is kinda sorta sticky with the reputations of Don Trump (multiple accusations of sexual assault, at least one of rape, and do we need to discuss serial adultery?); and then too, good ol' Daddy's Little Rich Kid, accused pedophile Matt Gaetz? Accused serial adulterer Marjorie Trailer Queen?

See? Your version of life is more complicated than you seem to be prepared for, good poster
A high-ranking figure in the Democratic National Committee has called CPAC a 'gathering of sexual predators' and claimed Donald Trump is a 'serial rapist.'

Lindy Li, the Women's Co-Chair and Mid-Atlantic Regional Chair at the DNC, made the comments when recapping the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday.

Speaking to host Yasmin Vossoughian, Li began the segment fighting back against what she saw as conservatives such as Nikki Haley calling the Democrats 'woke.'

'Let's be clear what anti-woke means. It's anti-black,' Li, who served on the Asian American outreach team for President Joe Biden's 2020 campaign, said.

'And I think people are very reluctant to say it, but I don't mince any words, and that's the truth.

'That's their way of, you know, sounding the dog whistle without being extremely explicit,' she added.

The Democrat Party has a huge hate and racism problem.
Lindy Li is a very typical racist demagogue Democrat who incites hate and fear for power.
The Democratic Party's "woke" agenda is being used to divide us by race, religion, region and class.
It is cultural Marxism.
"Woke" is being used by racist Far Left Democrats to demonize White Americans.
The Left is using CRT to indoctrinate students in Left Wing hate.
They are using terms like 'white privilege' and 'colonizers' to incite hate.
Democrats are not solving problems; they are creating problems.
They are not creating a better future; they are creating worse future.
Democrats can't wait to gain enough power to outlaw all religions.
"See? Your version of life is more complicated than you seem to be prepared for, good poster Oddball."

Hate to leave it at that rather discouraging note, because......well, because I still think The Lincoln Project is exactly the kind of wit, humor, and funny that America needs to frame our 6yr social experiment with Don Trump as a national political figure.

If you can't have snark, sarcasm, and snidery.....well then, what good is this dangerous experiment?
Ah, you gotta be careful of which end of your stick you're carrying, poster Oddball, after all, the end you are holding is kinda sorta sticky with the reputations of Don Trump (multiple accusations of sexual assault, at least one of rape, and do we need to discuss serial adultery?); and then too, good ol' Daddy's Little Rich Kid, accused pedophile Matt Gaetz? Accused serial adulterer Marjorie Trailer Queen?

See? Your version of life is more complicated than you seem to be prepared for, good poster
I'm not a Trumpster, Chilifart....I'm so far to the right of him that it makes the heads of moonbat pedo enablers like you explode.

The Pedo Project got its handle because the behavior of it's sick animals was proven, not form allegations that were later found to be baseless.

So suck on that.
"See? Your version of life is more complicated than you seem to be prepared for, good poster Oddball."

Hate to leave it at that rather discouraging note, because......well, because I still think The Lincoln Project is exactly the kind of wit, humor, and funny that America needs to frame our 6yr social experiment with Don Trump as a national political figure.

If you can't have snark, sarcasm, and snidery.....well then, what good is this dangerous experiment?
Life's real easy....Stuff pedos into general prison population and let the rest take care of itself.
Democrats can't wait to gain enough power to outlaw all religions.
Do you think there is sort of a Klingon Council of Democrats where you and I could go and lobby for one or more religions?

You go first, which one do you wanna keep (at the expense of sh*tcanning all the others)?

Without a whole lot of reflection at this time, I'm leaning towards "The Church of All Worlds".
It seems to have a diversity of adherents, beliefs, and practices that may...or may not...appeal to a pretty wide parish. Plus, there is an element of whimsey and good humor that most...all? ...other faiths seem so sorely lacking. No?


The Church of All Worlds is a neo-pagan religion founded in 1962 by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and his wife, Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart. The church’s mythology .....recognize “Gaea,” the Earth Mother Goddess and the Father God, as well as the realm of Faeries and the deities of many other pantheons. Many of their ritual celebrations are centered on the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece. Following the tradition of using fiction as a basis for his ideas, Zell-Ravenheart recently founded The Grey School of Wizardry inspired in part by Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the school in the Harry Potter novels.
Do you think there is sort of a Klingon Council of Democrats where you and I could go and lobby for one or more religions?

You go first, which one do you wanna keep (at the expense of sh*tcanning all the others)?

Without a whole lot of reflection at this time, I'm leaning towards "The Church of All Worlds".
It seems to have a diversity of adherents, beliefs, and practices that may...or may not...appeal to a pretty wide parish. Plus, there is an element of whimsey and good humor that most...all? ...other faiths seem so sorely lacking. No?


The Church of All Worlds is a neo-pagan religion founded in 1962 by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and his wife, Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart. The church’s mythology .....recognize “Gaea,” the Earth Mother Goddess and the Father God, as well as the realm of Faeries and the deities of many other pantheons. Many of their ritual celebrations are centered on the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece. Following the tradition of using fiction as a basis for his ideas, Zell-Ravenheart recently founded The Grey School of Wizardry inspired in part by Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the school in the Harry Potter novels.
Which is why I said Democrats want to gain enough power to outlaw all religions.

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