Dem Sen. Feinstein Snaps at Children Asking Her to Support Radical Green New Deal, “How Old Are You?

Hilarious Video: DiFi Slaps Down Kids Trying to Guilt Trip Her on Green New Deal

to use children like this.
Let kids be kids and worry, but that would be to risky for the left.

I hate using kids as political props. Hate, hate, hate it. There are lots of good things kids can do that can help their community that is not overly "political". For instance. They can help special needs children in their school. They can make a buddy bench and paint it and "man it". They can pick up trash on the playground. They can run a recycling club. That can invite senior citizens to the school to play math games, share memories, make music, etc. So many things. You do not need to put the fear of God into kids about this kind of crap. It's bad for kids and it's USING them for your own gain which is abhorrent.

I am NO FAN of DiFi but I understand her frustration here. I do not find it aimed at the kids. The kids are just parroting what they've been fed. She's frustrated at the adults and I don't blame her.

I would have had the Same reaction as her, the difference is I dont fund and encourage the people do that. I admire she stood up to them, but she helped create that monster
When I was a growing up in the 80s, my lesbo-communist public school teachers had all of us kids convinced that none of us would live to be 20 because of Reagan's itchy nuke finger. Once or twice a week they had us hide under our desks for nuclear drills. Today's public school teachers are even more militant than they were back then and I can only imagine the crazy shit they fill kid's heads with.

do you know how many times during Reagan we came this close to a nuclear war? LIke the time he joked about bombing Russia on an open mike and the Russians alerted their nuclear forces?

Your teachers might have been on to something.
Atleast Joe acknowledges their scare tactics aren't new.

Sometimes you gotta stand up for too out country and as for jokes, it happ2ne it take more than one joke to start a war, you guys really have a 5 year old view of the world
Hilarious Video: DiFi Slaps Down Kids Trying to Guilt Trip Her on Green New Deal

to use children like this.
Let kids be kids and worry, but that would be to risky for the left.

When I was a growing up in the 80s, my lesbo-communist public school teachers had all of us kids convinced that none of us would live to be 20 because of Reagan's itchy nuke finger. Once or twice a week they had us hide under our desks for nuclear drills. Today's public school teachers are even more militant than they were back then and I can only imagine the crazy shit they fill kid's heads with.
I had three kids in an ultra liberal school district...I CAN'T think of any more liberal district than ours....Guess what they study all religions, they have friends from all backgrounds, they understand that we are all humans....I couldn't ask for more. And I made sure since day one to move to a liberal district/city/state for that same reason.

Good for you, and I'm sure they tried to brainwash your kids using guilt and robbing them of an innocent childhood. kids dont need to know or deal with adult problems and issues

Like conservative catholic kids in maga hats....
Hilarious Video: DiFi Slaps Down Kids Trying to Guilt Trip Her on Green New Deal

to use children like this.
Let kids be kids and worry, but that would be to risky for the left.

When I was a growing up in the 80s, my lesbo-communist public school teachers had all of us kids convinced that none of us would live to be 20 because of Reagan's itchy nuke finger. Once or twice a week they had us hide under our desks for nuclear drills. Today's public school teachers are even more militant than they were back then and I can only imagine the crazy shit they fill kid's heads with.
I had three kids in an ultra liberal school district...I CAN'T think of any more liberal district than ours....Guess what they study all religions, they have friends from all backgrounds, they understand that we are all humans....I couldn't ask for more. And I made sure since day one to move to a liberal district/city/state for that same reason.

Do you all gather around a statue of moloch and sing kumbaya while burning effigies of Trump?

Yes, we do. But the trump effigy burns too fast with all that hair spray.

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