Dem Luv Vets, Women, Blacks!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
But they have a rather bizarre way of demonstrating that "love":

Democrats block seating of black woman veteran in House - Must Read Alaska

Perhaps Democrat Tuck and Tarr should leave the legislature and instead fire up a cosmetic surgery business just lay in a stock of tar, feathers, and rails for those they so love?


House Democrats today objected to the swearing in of the first African-American military hero in the Alaska House of Representatives.

Sharon Jackson, who served in the U.S. Army, and was also a military and veterans liaison to U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, was rebuked by the House Democrats, with Rep. Chris Tuck and Geran Tarr leading the charge to block her from being seated in the Alaska House.

Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer presided over the first two hours of the House. During much of the time, the chambers was in an at-ease, and members gathered to discuss procedures.

Democrats claim that Lt. Gov. Meyer doesn’t have the authority to swear in Jackson. That job, they say, goes to the Speaker Pro Tem, whom the Democrats and Republicans must elect.

Democrats don’t want Jackson to be able to vote. They know they cannot win but seeking to create a bargaining chip to force their choice for Speaker Pro Tem.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy nominated Jackson to fill the vacant Alaska House of Representatives seat for the 13th District, Eagle River.

In the Capitol, Republicans were heard asking, “Can you imagine the uproar if our side had blocked the seating of an African-American Democrat?”

Meyer recessed so that he could get the rest of the members signed in on the first day, largely a ceremonial process, and it allows for a cooling off period.

Quoted material (not the complete story) in blue above. Emphasis added with bold-face to assist those Democrats of limited attention span.
Gets more interesting-

Sharon Jackson attempts to outflank stalled Alaska Legislature, takes oath of office in courthouse
JUNEAU — With the Alaska House of Representatives leaderless and deadlocked through a second day, state Rep.-designee Sharon Jackson abandoned legislative procedure Wednesday and took her oath of office from a clerk in the basement of Juneau’s Dimond Courthouse.

Accompanied by Rep. David Eastman, R-Wasilla, and filmed on Facebook Live by Rep. Josh Revak, Jackson’s move caught most of her fellow lawmakers by surprise and may not be legally binding.

“I knew when I saw it on Facebook. I didn’t even know it was Facebook I was seeing, because I asked someone, well, how many people know? And they’re like, ‘that’s Facebook Live.’ I’m like, oh, I guess it’s too late for that question,” said Rep. Tammie Wilson, R-North Pole.

“We’re excited, but we’re making sure everything’s kosher,” Wilson said, adding that Rep. David Talerico, R-Healy, has requested a legal analysis. Talerico was in a closed-door meeting when the Daily News sought additional information...

...Revak, who filmed Wednesday’s proceedings, said he and Jackson know each other from when they worked together for U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska.

“This was completely her … decision, and according to the law, it was a legal way to get sworn in. She was adamant about it, and good for her to represent her constituents that way,” Revak said.

Revak and Wilson each said Jackson’s move would give representation to the residents of Eagle River who have been denied it by the maneuvering of lawmakers opposed to the creation of a Republican majority in the House.

Revak attributed the idea behind Wednesday’s actions to Eastman.

“They had met in the hallway, and she had asked him, well, how come I can’t be sworn in? And he said, well, you can, and he referred the law to her,” Revak said.

The law in question is Alaska Statute 09.63.010, which lists the officials who “may take an oath, affirmation, or acknowledgment in the state.”

On the list are notaries, court clerks, postmasters and other state officials.

“All they do when they do that, they say this person signed this oath in my presence,” explained Doug Wooliver, deputy administrative director for the Alaska Court System. “That’s all it says: They signed this. They’re not saying you’re now a legislator or you’re now a governor. They’re saying they just signed this oath.”

Some of the House’s Democrats and its lone independent said they were still processing Wednesday’s events.

“I’m happy to get her sworn in, but I do want things to get done the way they’re supposed to get done,” said Rep. Andy Josephson, D-Anchorage.

“We’re certainly not opposed to having her sworn in,” said Rep. Dan Ortiz, I-Ketchikan.

Rep. Geran Tarr, D-Anchorage, said she agrees with her fellow lawmakers but thinks it is inappropriate for the nascent Republican majority to blame their opposition for the lack of representation in House District 13.
The gov picked her back on Dec 20, and she had not yet been sworn in. Sounds like they were playing games-

Gov. Mike Dunleavy appointed Sharon Jackson to replace Nancy Dahlstrom, who was elected in November to an Eagle River-area seat but became Dunleavy's corrections commissioner before the session started.

Jackson was not sworn in with other lawmakers Tuesday amid bickering over the proper procedure for accepting her nomination. The House has no organized majority in place.
So out of all the so called furor why are they not seating her?
Because the Republicans will then have a House majority.
Not because of protocol?

That became clear when Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer tried to start the process for swearing in Sharon Jackson, Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s nominee to fill a vacant House seat in Eagle River.

Meyer tried to recognize the Republicans’ pick to lead the House, Rep. Dave Talerico of Healy. But Anchorage Democrat Chris Tuck objected.

Meyer asked: “Have the House Republicans received a nomination from the governor? Rep. Talerico?”

Talerico thanked Meyer and started to answer: “The House Republicans did — ”


Anchorage Democrat Chris Tuck watches Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer on Tuesday in Juneau. Tuck blocked Meyer from starting the process to swear in Eagle River Republican Sharon Jackson during the first House floor session. (Photo by Rashah McChesney/Alaska’s Energy Desk)
But Anchorage Democratic Rep. Chris Tuck raised a point of order, adding, “We cannot receive messages from the governor until we have our house in order.”

The path for getting the House in order isn’t clear. The House needs 21 members to form a majority. Without a majority, the House can’t form committees or introduce bills. Without Jackson, there are 19 members who want a Republican-led majority. And there are 19 members who support the former, mostly Democratic coalition. Kenai Republican Rep. Gary Knopp wants a majority with a balance between members of both parties.
Alaska House tied in knots on session’s first day
Thanks for the updates folks!

So The Democrat'snew "back of the bus" is now the courthouse basement.

Way to capture those veterans, women's and black votes! So remarkably "progressive" this return to segregation. Sort of like a big old rubber band snapping back to its anchor.
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