Dem Backfire: Impeachment Reduced Coverage of Iowa Caucus by 88%

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Dem Backfire: Impeachment Reduced Coverage of Iowa Caucus by 88%
Ironically, for as much hype there is surrounding the Iowa caucus, Democrats shot themselves in the foot with the impeachment hearings, and greatly drowned out the message of the candidates they want to take on President Trump. In 2016, ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted 86 minutes of airtime to campaign coverage in the lead-up to the caucus. In most primaries the caucus got at least an hour of coverage.

This year? Just ten minutes according to the Tyndall Report:

Despite the impression you may get from the pundits, the Iowa caucus is an over-hyped event with only minor predictive power. For reference, Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus in 2016. Since the beginning of the Iowa caucus in 1972, there have been eighteen winners (ten Democrats and two Republicans). Only half of those winners secured their party’s nomination, and only three were elected president.

Democrats in the best shape they've ever been half the crowds at trump rallies are dems and indies :04:

Two snips it all @

Dem Backfire: Impeachment Reduced Coverage of Iowa Caucus by 88%


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