Defense Bill Stalls on Procedural Vote, Senate Blocks 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Interesting how most of us realized this political ploy by Reid and Associates, to recently add a few extra program ideas to make DADT a Dream Bill, knowing it would go down to defeat and then blame the Republicans. Obama campaigned on the repeal of DADT but was just now getting around to taking it seriously. Republicans wanted to take this Bill one add-on at a time. Two Dem Senators voted against it also. Political timing. :eusa_whistle:


The routine bill authorizing $726 billion in defense spending had turned into a political football in recent days as lawmakers feuded over add-ons that dealt with cultural hot buttons ranging from immigration to abortion to gays in the military. [Abortion and Illegals going to college ]

The vote Tuesday was a blow to gay rights advocates who saw the defense authorization bill as the only vehicle through which to repeal the law before the election. - Defense Bill Stalls on Procedural Vote, Senate Blocks 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal
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Interesting that the wingnuts would put those serving in harms way at higher risk because of their homophobia.
Interesting that the wingnuts would put those serving in harms way at higher risk because of their homophobia.

Interesting how most of us realized this political ploy by Reid and Associates, to recently add a few extra program ideas to make DADT a Dream Bill, knowing it would go down to defeat and then blame the Republicans. Obama campaigned on the repeal of DADT but was just now getting around to taking it seriously. Republicans wanted to take this Bill one add-on at a time. Two Dem Senators voted against it also. Political timing. :eusa_whistle:

Thanks for proving us right:clap2:

Hey Dick Tucker :rolleyes: Ummmmm anyways..... Hey DT, go blame Mr. Reid. Its his fault!
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Does not supersede their unadulterated hatred of homosexuals. - Defense Bill Stalls on Procedural Vote, Senate Blocks 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal

Ain't that some shit? After all the rabble-rousing about Democrats holding up a defense bill in 2007, holding out for withdrawal dates, the entire GOP and 2 Dems refuse to even let the $768B defense authorization bill proceed to debate due to opposition to repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

First Question: Does the GOP really give that much of a shit about DADT, or are they just trying to corner Obama into "Breaking another campaign promise?"

Second Question: Do the dems stand their ground, to the point of letting the bill fail and defunding the military? Or do they fold like a lawn chair, once again, to the minority party?
Ya cause the dems never found a defense bill they couldn't tack some odious amendment on, right? The Defense bill is not the place for the Dream act or the removal of Don't ask Don't tell. If the Democrats were honest they would create a separate bill for each. They lost in an attempt to politicize this. The American people know what this attempt was. A blatant political ploy.
Ya cause the dems never found a defense bill they couldn't tack some odious amendment on, right? The Defense bill is not the place for the Dream act or the removal of Don't ask Don't tell. If the Democrats were honest they would create a separate bill for each. They lost in an attempt to politicize this. The American people know what this attempt was. A blatant political ploy.

The dems campaigned on this issue, and the dems won. The electorate spoke very clearly.

I, for one, am sick of 41 dodos holding up the will of the nation.

So tell me, why is it more important to you to oppress homosexuals than it is to support our troops? It's a simple question.
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Interesting that the wingnuts would put those serving in harms way at higher risk because of their homophobia.

No. It's interesting that Democrats would put those serving in harms way at a higher risk to get political talking points before an election.
I am sorry DADT was not repealed, but I am not sorry the DREAM Act failed. I agree with RetiredGySgt; there was no reason to tack these amendments onto a Defense spending bill.

BTW, why do we even need a law to repeal DADT? Isn't it policy now via an Executive Order Clinton made? Couldn't Obama just rescind that Order?
The dems campaigned on this issue, and the dems won. The electorate spoke very clearly.

I, for one, am sick of 41 dodos holding up the will of the nation.

So tell me, why is it more important to you to oppress homosexuals than it is to support our troops? It's a simple question.

Wouldnt be an issue if the Democrats didnt create the law to begin with.

If its so important to you guys, then put it up for a vote. Dont attatch it to a bunch of other stuff and then tell people they cant offer any amendments to get it voted down and claiming it as a campaign issue again.

This should make it clear that Democrats dont care about fixing the problem. They care about having it as an issue.
Ya cause the dems never found a defense bill they couldn't tack some odious amendment on, right? The Defense bill is not the place for the Dream act or the removal of Don't ask Don't tell. If the Democrats were honest they would create a separate bill for each. They lost in an attempt to politicize this. The American people know what this attempt was. A blatant political ploy.

The dems campaigned on this issue, and the dems won. The electorate spoke very clearly.

I, for one, am sick of 41 dodos holding up the will of the nation.

So tell me, why is it more important to you to oppress homosexuals than it is to support our troops? It's a simple question.[

what else would one expect from the simpleminded?

One Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, said she voted to block the bill for procedural reasons despite supporting the provision to allow repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

“There are many controversial issues in this bill,” Ms. Collins said in a floor speech. “They deserve to have a civil, fair and open debate on the Senate floor, and that is why I am so disappointed that rather than allowing full and open debate and the opportunity for amendments from both sides of the aisle, the majority leader apparently intends to shut down the debate and exclude Republicans from offering a number of amendments.”....

Both Arkansas Democrats, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor, sided with all 40 Republicans present in opposing debate. Mr. Reid switched his vote to no at the last minute, a procedural maneuver that allowed him to call for a revote.

why do you hate freedom?
Ya cause the dems never found a defense bill they couldn't tack some odious amendment on, right? The Defense bill is not the place for the Dream act or the removal of Don't ask Don't tell. If the Democrats were honest they would create a separate bill for each. They lost in an attempt to politicize this. The American people know what this attempt was. A blatant political ploy.

The dems campaigned on this issue, and the dems won. The electorate spoke very clearly.

I, for one, am sick of 41 dodos holding up the will of the nation.

So tell me, why is it more important to you to oppress homosexuals than it is to support our troops? It's a simple question.[

what else would one expect form the simpleminded?

One Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, said she voted to block the bill for procedural reasons despite supporting the provision to allow repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

“There are many controversial issues in this bill,” Ms. Collins said in a floor speech. “They deserve to have a civil, fair and open debate on the Senate floor, and that is why I am so disappointed that rather than allowing full and open debate and the opportunity for amendments from both sides of the aisle, the majority leader apparently intends to shut down the debate and exclude Republicans from offering a number of amendments.”....

Both Arkansas Democrats, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor, sided with all 40 Republicans present in opposing debate. Mr. Reid switched his vote to no at the last minute, a procedural maneuver that allowed him to call for a revote.

why do you hate freedom?

Im not sure he hates freedom as much as factual reality.
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The dems campaigned on this issue, and the dems won. The electorate spoke very clearly.

I, for one, am sick of 41 dodos holding up the will of the nation.

So tell me, why is it more important to you to oppress homosexuals than it is to support our troops? It's a simple question.[

what else would one expect form the simpleminded?

One Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, said she voted to block the bill for procedural reasons despite supporting the provision to allow repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

“There are many controversial issues in this bill,” Ms. Collins said in a floor speech. “They deserve to have a civil, fair and open debate on the Senate floor, and that is why I am so disappointed that rather than allowing full and open debate and the opportunity for amendments from both sides of the aisle, the majority leader apparently intends to shut down the debate and exclude Republicans from offering a number of amendments.”....

Both Arkansas Democrats, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor, sided with all 40 Republicans present in opposing debate. Mr. Reid switched his vote to no at the last minute, a procedural maneuver that allowed him to call for a revote.

why do you hate freedom?

Im not sure he hates freedom as much as factual reality.

good point
Ya cause the dems never found a defense bill they couldn't tack some odious amendment on, right? The Defense bill is not the place for the Dream act or the removal of Don't ask Don't tell. If the Democrats were honest they would create a separate bill for each. They lost in an attempt to politicize this. The American people know what this attempt was. A blatant political ploy.

The dems campaigned on this issue, and the dems won. The electorate spoke very clearly.

I, for one, am sick of 41 dodos holding up the will of the nation.

So tell me, why is it more important to you to oppress homosexuals than it is to support our troops? It's a simple question.

The REAL question is, if they campaigned on it and it is the will of the people, why didn't they write a separate bill they could all put theirs names to?
Ya cause the dems never found a defense bill they couldn't tack some odious amendment on, right? The Defense bill is not the place for the Dream act or the removal of Don't ask Don't tell. If the Democrats were honest they would create a separate bill for each. They lost in an attempt to politicize this. The American people know what this attempt was. A blatant political ploy.

The dems campaigned on this issue, and the dems won. The electorate spoke very clearly.

I, for one, am sick of 41 dodos holding up the will of the nation.

So tell me, why is it more important to you to oppress homosexuals than it is to support our troops? It's a simple question.

The REAL question is, if they campaigned on it and it is the will of the people, why didn't they write a separate bill they could all put theirs names to?

Oh it's maneuvering, no doubt. Surely you realize the GOP could oppose a separate bill without fear of political consequence. They're being put on the spot by the Dems, I don't deny that. I'm just amazed that they're so blatantly homophobic that they're willing to stall even military spending (AKA, "Supporting the Troops" when that was the soundbyte) over something so relatively insignificant.
The dems campaigned on this issue, and the dems won. The electorate spoke very clearly.

I, for one, am sick of 41 dodos holding up the will of the nation.

So tell me, why is it more important to you to oppress homosexuals than it is to support our troops? It's a simple question.

The REAL question is, if they campaigned on it and it is the will of the people, why didn't they write a separate bill they could all put theirs names to?

Oh it's maneuvering, no doubt. Surely you realize the GOP could oppose a separate bill without fear of political consequence. They're being put on the spot by the Dems, I don't deny that. I'm just amazed that they're so blatantly homophobic that they're willing to stall even military spending (AKA, "Supporting the Troops" when that was the soundbyte) over something so relatively insignificant.

so the two dems who voted against it are also *homophobic*, or do they get a pass because of the D after their names?
Oh it's maneuvering, no doubt. Surely you realize the GOP could oppose a separate bill without fear of political consequence. They're being put on the spot by the Dems, I don't deny that. I'm just amazed that they're so blatantly homophobic that they're willing to stall even military spending (AKA, "Supporting the Troops" when that was the soundbyte) over something so relatively insignificant.

So you think this is the will of the people, but that there will be no political consequences if Republicans oppose the bill? You do realize there is something called "elections" that we do every year right? These allow the people to hold their elective representatives accountable for the votes they make.

If you think there are no political consequences for opposing the repeal of DADT, then you are essentially admitted that the people dont give a damn about the bill. Which, imho, is completely accurate.

The question is, why are Democrats so afraid to debate the issue, the spending, the many bills attached to this? Especially if they are convinced the people are behind them?

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