'Deep State Crooks Saving Their Own'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"SERIOUSLY? Anti-Trump Treasury Staffer’s Criminal Case Is Being Prosecuted by Jim Comey’s Daughter and Other Deep State DOJ Attorneys

Crooked attorneys are running the FinCEN case out of New York where former Treasury employee, Natalie Edwards, pleaded guilty to leaking sensitive information to the press. Just another case of Deep State crooks saving their own.

Former US Treasury Department staffer Natalie Edwards pleaded guilty Monday to a single count of conspiracy after leaking classified documents to liberal reporters to hurt Donald Trump. Now we know that the attorneys running the case are all linked to the deep state as well."

One of the best things about Trump becoming President is that his election has been like turning on the light in the kitchen in the middle of the night - the Deep State cockroaches have been exposed...and Americans had no idea there were / are so many of them.

SERIOUSLY? Anti-Trump Treasury Staffer's Criminal Case Is Being Prosecuted by Jim Comey's Daughter and Other Deep State DOJ Attorneys
Barr has a lot of work to do to clean up the DOJ. It will probably take at least 8-years if not a 3rd GOP term after Trump.
"SERIOUSLY? Anti-Trump Treasury Staffer’s Criminal Case Is Being Prosecuted by Jim Comey’s Daughter and Other Deep State DOJ Attorneys

Crooked attorneys are running the FinCEN case out of New York where former Treasury employee, Natalie Edwards, pleaded guilty to leaking sensitive information to the press. Just another case of Deep State crooks saving their own.

Former US Treasury Department staffer Natalie Edwards pleaded guilty Monday to a single count of conspiracy after leaking classified documents to liberal reporters to hurt Donald Trump. Now we know that the attorneys running the case are all linked to the deep state as well."

One of the best things about Trump becoming President is that his election has been like turning on the light in the kitchen in the middle of the night - the Deep State cockroaches have been exposed...and Americans had no idea there were / are so many of them.

SERIOUSLY? Anti-Trump Treasury Staffer's Criminal Case Is Being Prosecuted by Jim Comey's Daughter and Other Deep State DOJ Attorneys
Deep State Corruption runs deep.

UNNERVING PARALLELS BETWEEN SPYGATE, WISCONSIN ABUSES: Badger State senator Tom Tiffany describes the multiple common themes seen in the FBI’s spying on the Trump campaign in 2016 and how state law enforcement and judicial authorities conspired against allies of former Gov. Scott Walker.

Innocent men and women were spied on. Several years of private phone, bank, tax, and email records were secretly seized, and a handful of families were subjected to armed pre-dawn raids of their homes simply because they engaged in political speech. To top it off, prosecutors and, even worse, a judge slapped these targets with a gag order to keep them silent. They didn’t want the public to know how far their government would go to undermine voters at the ballot box, and people who believed fervently in a cause.

Much like the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, Wisconsin’s unusual John Doe law gave prosecutors exceptional powers to conduct secret investigations on the thinnest showing of suspicion, with a judge as a one-sided partner. There is no adversarial process to determine probable cause, and the retired judges who presided over the court had no immediate accountability.

No one was ever charged with any crime, but lives were turned upside down and reputations were destroyed as prosecutors illegally leaked private documents to the press. Fortunes were spent on lawyers to defend conduct that, in the beginning and in the end, was legal.

Secrecy and a lack of accountability allowed prosecutors to turn the John Doe law from a useful law enforcement tool intended to protect the reputation of the person being investigated into an abusive weapon. The investigation went on for years, and in a sense it is not over yet. The innocent subjects of that investigation still have not received their property back from snooping bureaucrats and prosecutors. It has been more than six years.

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