DEEP STATE COUP EXPOSED: CIA Infiltrated Trump Campaign...

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Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
I've been telling folks we're witnessing a well-orchestrated shadowy Coup-attempt against Trump. What Clinton and Obama did to him, is both unforgivable and Un-American. It's Treasonous, Watergate Ten-fold. But will they be held accountable? Stay tuned i guess.

Turns out there really was foreign collusion in the 2016 US presidential election. UK spies colluded with Obama hold-overs in the US deep state to try and get Hillary elected. When that failed they invented "Russiagate" to try and overthrow the US election.

Will President Trump wake up and see the danger that the US intelligence agencies pose not only to his presidency, but to the whole country? Tune in to today's Liberty Report:

Deep State Coup Exposed: CIA Infiltrated Trump Campaign
Just LOL.

How fucking brainwashed can someone be to actually believe this nonsense. For fucks sake, use your brain for once.
Oh look. The 9th thread on the subject. Your talking points email must have been late arriving

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You don't find anything disturbing about what they did? It goes well-beyond just a Republican vs. Democrat issue. Our Republic is being threatened. This can't be allowed to happen. They need to be held accountable.
Hold on there Slick, Halper is a REPUBLICAN operative who spied on Carter for REAGAN and Russia Limbaugh let it slip today that he supported Tramp. Tramp is still paying Halper with our tax payer dollars.
Hold on there Slick, Halper is a REPUBLICAN operative who spied on Carter for REAGAN and Russia Limbaugh let it slip today that he supported Tramp. Tramp is still paying Halper with our tax payer dollars.

Some Republicans are fully supporting this Coup-attempt. They're Traitors too.
All these roads of corrupt are pointing to Hussaine. Hussaine needs to testify before Congress as to his involvement.
The Evidence that the DOJ was / is complicit in this coup, along with the fact that Rosenstein ordered a Special Counsel investigation of Trump and his team based on a debunked propaganda-filled dossier, despite the fact that he refuses to order a Special Counsel investigation of these traitors based on a LOT of SOLID evidence, is that Brennan - already proven to have committed Perjury, will NOT be PERP-WALKED in handcuffs now.

Brennan was not only proven to have committed Perjury, it was also proven that he and Obama illegally spied on the American people, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC JUSTICES.

The crimes and abuse of law and constitution perpetrated by Obama and Brennan, victimizing Americans, would make / is, I am sure, making Putin Smile, as this kind of sh!te is what HE and his KGB Buddies did / do...
All these roads of corrupt are pointing to Hussaine. Hussaine needs to testify before Congress as to his involvement.

NO WAY Barry did not know about it, but since his hand was always in everything it is almost a given he was running it.
All these roads of corrupt are pointing to Hussaine. Hussaine needs to testify before Congress as to his involvement.

Yeah, folks just need to look to the Ohr-Steele connection. Bruce Ohr was Hussein's Deputy Attorney General. His wife worked for the same Fusion GPS Christopher Steele worked for. I don't believe in coincidences. Clearly, there was Collusion between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians.

And now we know it went so much deeper. Hussein ordered surveillance and other disturbing operations against the opposition in the Election. It was Treasonous. They need to be held accountable.
You little Trumpseters, sure think conjectures are facts! :disbelief:Wow.
This is like all the conjectures applied to Mueller's investigation, Mueller's team doesn't leak, so you little Trumpsters base your total beliefs on opinionated news, sans facts, just conjecture.
Like the Mueller investigation, I will wait until the investigation into the Halper involvement is completed and the facts are known, before I make a tin-foil-hat fool out of myself.
Carry on. :blahblah:
The CIA is filled with Mossad affiliated Zionist Traitors from top to bottom....

Coup d'etat. And don't be so quick to dismiss it. The CIA has been pulling off Coups all over the world for many years. It's also done it here in the US. It carried out a successful Coup d'etat against JFK. It can, and has happened here.
Their Collusion and Treasonous acts against Trump during the Election, didn't work. He won. So now they're feverishly working on a Coup d'etat. They're Un-American criminals. It is what it is folks.
Oh look. The 9th thread on the subject. Your talking points email must have been late arriving

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You don't find anything disturbing about what they did? It goes well-beyond just a Republican vs. Democrat issue. Our Republic is being threatened. This can't be allowed to happen. They need to be held accountable.
The only threat the liberals see is the saving of our nation by conservatives and administrations that actually live up the oath to protect and defend our Constitution. Liberals favor the sleaze and corruption exemplified by Obama and his weaponizing of government agencies whose sworn duty is to operate within Constitutional law.
The CIA is by far the best in the world at carrying our Coups. And it has carried them out here in the US. It's not all just 'Tinfoil Hat Paranoia.' Never underestimate how evil and powerful the CIA is.
Claiming W was pro America, honest, and abided by the Constitution simply blows away what little credibility you had...

W wasn't even conservative.

W was just a treasonous big spending disaster, the worst traitor in US history.
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