Decision Near In Jacob Blake Shooting: National Guard Mobilized

The important missing link in all this is not the media, or the cops, or the justice system. It is the MISeducation system, run by liberals who are ignorant as hell about law enforcement and guns.

I went though 17 years of academic education, and never heard a word, in a classroom, about proper behavior in police confrontations. If a suspect (of any race) does not know that allowing his hand to disappear from the cop's view, is going to trigger a shooting of him, then he is likely to be shot. Likewise, kids in school are not taught about criminal law.

A survey was done of 1000 high school students in 3 cities. 90% did not know it was a crime to punch somebody in the face, of even just push them. 96% did not know that that had to keep their hands visible to a cop. These things should have been taught in the lower grades.

I blame the schools.
WILL RIOTS BREAK OUT >...if police officer is acquitted ?......(as he certainly should be)

Would anybody here protest it (peaceful or otherwise) ?

The city of Kenosha, Wisconsin is preparing for protests when a charging decision comes in the police shooting of Jacob Blake. A decision is expected imminently. Safety efforts announced by local officials include designated demonstration spaces, road closures, a curfew, protective fencing, and limitations on city bus routes. The National Guard is preparing for any unrest.

Mr Blake, who is Black, was shot in the back seven times on 23 August, after walking away from a white police officer and two others who were trying to arrest him.

Officer Rusten Sheskey opened fire after Mr Blake opened an SUV’s driver-side door and leaned into the vehicle. Blake was left paralyzed from the waist down.

Do you find it odd that no charges on either side will be pressed? Somebody got shot 7 times. Either it was a legit shoot meaning they stopped somebody who was committing a felony and Blake should be charged, or they over reacted to somebody who wasn’t a threat warranting a death sentence and should be held accountable. Wouldn't you agree?

Take a wild guess why Blake wasn't charged.
Probably because he got shot 7 times in the back

C'mon man! You can do better!
Think that’s a pretty good one
If a perp threatens the life of a cop or citizen and that cop or citizen fires in self defense then wouldn’t the perp be committing a crime by threatening that persons life?
Not necessarily. As I explained in Post # 18, by simply having his hands go out of view of the cop, he is threatening that cop, and is 99% likely to be shot instantly. If the cop does not shoot when the hands disappear (crime or no crime), he isn't doing his/her job right.

Time and time again, these shootings occur to suspects who don't know this, and they wind up getting shot ; police officer exonerated.
Examples abound > Terrence Crutcher & Betty Shelby, Jeronimo Yanez & Philando Castille, Philip Brailsford & Daniel Shaver, Jacob Blake & Rusten Sheskey, etc.
I don’t agree with that. There needs to be a more established threat.
I don’t agree with that. There needs to be a more established threat.
It's not a matter of opinion. It is FACT. If you're a cop, and you're in confrontation with a suspect, you could be dead in 1/2 second, if you don't shoot (and shoot repeatedly) immedately when the suspect's hand disappears. This is why Yanez Jeronimo, Philip Brailsford, Rusten Sheskey, and Betty Shelby all were exonerated. They HAD to shoot the suspect under threat of being shot themselves.

Standard police procedure taught in ever police academy & rightfully so. I was taught the same thing when I was in the National Guard. Too many cops were killed, in the past, before this was made standard.

Schools need to stop hiring so many liberals who are clueless on law enforcement and guns.
In a just world he would only legally get shot 7 times if he was committing a crime by threatening the lives of the cops or others
No, The cop shoots many times to avoid having the suspect shoot back at him. If Blake had a gun, he still could have fired it, even after being shot 7 times. He's still alive now isn't he ? There you go,
In a just world he would only legally get shot 7 times if he was committing a crime by threatening the lives of the cops or others
No, The cop shoots many times to avoid having the suspect shoot back at him. If Blake had a gun, he still could have fired it, even after being shot 7 times. He's still alive now isn't he ? There you go,
You like to play with a lot of what if’s.
Well, millions of other people have interactions with police and don't die afterward, so it's insignificant.

You see, that's just it that everyone always seems to forget. There are approximately one million police officers in this country, working for local, state, and county police depts, which all run 24/7 365 days a year every year. Tens of thousand times a day police officers have contact with civilians, and tens of thousands of times a day there are no tragedies. No one cares, they only are capable of focusing on the very few tragedies that do occur.
No I’m just using simple logic. If cops can shoot and kill somebody while they aren’t committing a crime then I’d definitely support legislation fixing that obvious oversight
It's not an oversight. ANYBODY can shoot someone in self-defense, with or without a crime, and this is standard lesson material in every police academy in America.

If you're a cop and you are holding a suspect at gunpoint (not yet knowing if he committed a crime), and his hands disappear from your view, you MUST SHOOT IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise, you are gambling with your life, and eventually, in one of those gambles you are going to lose (your life).

Once the suspect's hand(s) disappears, he can instantly pull a gun and shoot you, in 1/2 second.. You have NO TIME to react. None. This is why cops always say "Lemme see your hands"
If a perp threatens the life of a cop or citizen and that cop or citizen fires in self defense then wouldn’t the perp be committing a crime by threatening that persons life?

Yes....the DA is a coward and should press charges against blake for the various felonies he committed when he tried to kidnap those children.
Why don’t you think he did?

He is afraid of more will be bad enough when the democrats burn the city for not persecuting the cops.....if he prosecuted the felon who was kidnapping children they will be even worse....they might even assassinate him...
Kidnapping children huh? You’re funny

Was he allowed to take those kids from the mother? He was kidnapping those kids.
No I’m just using simple logic. If cops can shoot and kill somebody while they aren’t committing a crime then I’d definitely support legislation fixing that obvious oversight
It's not an oversight. ANYBODY can shoot someone in self-defense, with or without a crime, and this is standard lesson material in every police academy in America.

If you're a cop and you are holding a suspect at gunpoint (not yet knowing if he committed a crime), and his hands disappear from your view, you MUST SHOOT IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise, you are gambling with your life, and eventually, in one of those gambles you are going to lose (your life).

Once the suspect's hand(s) disappears, he can instantly pull a gun and shoot you, in 1/2 second.. You have NO TIME to react. None. This is why cops always say "Lemme see your hands"
If a perp threatens the life of a cop or citizen and that cop or citizen fires in self defense then wouldn’t the perp be committing a crime by threatening that persons life?

Yes....the DA is a coward and should press charges against blake for the various felonies he committed when he tried to kidnap those children.
Why don’t you think he did?

He is afraid of more will be bad enough when the democrats burn the city for not persecuting the cops.....if he prosecuted the felon who was kidnapping children they will be even worse....they might even assassinate him...
Kidnapping children huh? You’re funny

Was he allowed to take those kids from the mother? He was kidnapping those kids.
Is that right?! Haha
WILL RIOTS BREAK OUT >...if police officer is acquitted ?......(as he certainly should be)

Would anybody here protest it (peaceful or otherwise) ?

The city of Kenosha, Wisconsin is preparing for protests when a charging decision comes in the police shooting of Jacob Blake. A decision is expected imminently. Safety efforts announced by local officials include designated demonstration spaces, road closures, a curfew, protective fencing, and limitations on city bus routes. The National Guard is preparing for any unrest.

Mr Blake, who is Black, was shot in the back seven times on 23 August, after walking away from a white police officer and two others who were trying to arrest him.

Officer Rusten Sheskey opened fire after Mr Blake opened an SUV’s driver-side door and leaned into the vehicle. Blake was left paralyzed from the waist down.

Do you find it odd that no charges on either side will be pressed? Somebody got shot 7 times. Either it was a legit shoot meaning they stopped somebody who was committing a felony and Blake should be charged, or they over reacted to somebody who wasn’t a threat warranting a death sentence and should be held accountable. Wouldn't you agree?

So he had a weapon. I am not an expert on police procedure.
WILL RIOTS BREAK OUT >...if police officer is acquitted ?......(as he certainly should be)

Would anybody here protest it (peaceful or otherwise) ?

The city of Kenosha, Wisconsin is preparing for protests when a charging decision comes in the police shooting of Jacob Blake. A decision is expected imminently. Safety efforts announced by local officials include designated demonstration spaces, road closures, a curfew, protective fencing, and limitations on city bus routes. The National Guard is preparing for any unrest.

Mr Blake, who is Black, was shot in the back seven times on 23 August, after walking away from a white police officer and two others who were trying to arrest him.

Officer Rusten Sheskey opened fire after Mr Blake opened an SUV’s driver-side door and leaned into the vehicle. Blake was left paralyzed from the waist down.

Do you find it odd that no charges on either side will be pressed? Somebody got shot 7 times. Either it was a legit shoot meaning they stopped somebody who was committing a felony and Blake should be charged, or they over reacted to somebody who wasn’t a threat warranting a death sentence and should be held accountable. Wouldn't you agree?

So he had a weapon. I am not an expert on police procedure.
If he had a weapon and was threatening the lives of those around him then the shooting would be justified
You like to play with a lot of what if’s.
It isn't "play". If you're a cop, you come in contact with suspects constantly (most of them dangerous). Thousands of them over time. If you don't follow police academy protocol, you are going to die. Simple as that.
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WILL RIOTS BREAK OUT >...if police officer is acquitted ?......(as he certainly should be)

Would anybody here protest it (peaceful or otherwise) ?

The city of Kenosha, Wisconsin is preparing for protests when a charging decision comes in the police shooting of Jacob Blake. A decision is expected imminently. Safety efforts announced by local officials include designated demonstration spaces, road closures, a curfew, protective fencing, and limitations on city bus routes. The National Guard is preparing for any unrest.

Mr Blake, who is Black, was shot in the back seven times on 23 August, after walking away from a white police officer and two others who were trying to arrest him.

Officer Rusten Sheskey opened fire after Mr Blake opened an SUV’s driver-side door and leaned into the vehicle. Blake was left paralyzed from the waist down.

Do you find it odd that no charges on either side will be pressed? Somebody got shot 7 times. Either it was a legit shoot meaning they stopped somebody who was committing a felony and Blake should be charged, or they over reacted to somebody who wasn’t a threat warranting a death sentence and should be held accountable. Wouldn't you agree?

So he had a weapon. I am not an expert on police procedure.
If he had a weapon and was threatening the lives of those around him then the shooting would be justified
It would? Are you a police expert? I am being sarcastic but to me that seems logical.
If he had a weapon and was threatening the lives of those around him then the shooting would be justified
He WAS threatening the police, by allowing his hands to disappear. I've said it a thousand times. Liberals are CLUELESS on law enforcement and guns. Here is just another example. As clear as can be,

And it doesn't matter if he was armed or not. The cop has no way of knowing if he's armed, and he has no time to react, if the guy is armed and suddenly shoots.

You get in a confrontation with a cop and when he says "Lemme see your hands", and you put you hand in your pocket, you won't know the result. You'll be DEAD.
If he had a weapon and was threatening the lives of those around him then the shooting would be justified
He WAS threatening the police, by allowing his hands to disappear. I've said it a thousand times. Liberals are CLUELESS on law enforcement and guns. Here is just another example. As clear as can be,

And it doesn't matter if he was armed or not. The cop has no way of knowing if he's armed, and he has no time to react, if the guy is armed and suddenly shoots.

You get in a confrontation with a cop and when he says "Lemme see your hands", and you put you hand in your pocket, you won't know the result. You'll be DEAD.

He had a knife in his hand when he opened the car door, he switched it from his left to right hand when he opened the door....

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