December 7th

Unlike you, I actually have thomas Fleming's book on FDR, and I' ve read it, while you obviously haven't; unlike you i know the actual sources of your sleazy rubbish and you don't. That's probably because kids your age don't buy and read books, they just ape blurbs and memes they find on web pages. When you ever get a job maybe you can at least afford to get the pdfs or something, assuming your reading and reasoning skills ever develop past your current 4th grade levels.
What's the point Dud? Was Fleming's book complementary for FDR or not? Why the hell did FDR appoint a failed general like Marshall to be COS over more competent Officers? Why did FDR appoint an old WW1 general who had done his duty and retired, to be the officer in charge of the area most likely to be attacked by the Japanese? Nothing made any sense in the pre-war FDR administration but as usual the media was the propaganda arm of the democrat party, still is.
What's the point Dud? Was Fleming's book complementary for FDR or not? Why the hell did FDR appoint a failed general like Marshall to be COS over more competent Officers? Why did FDR appoint an old WW1 general who had done his duty and retired, to be the officer in charge of the area most likely to be attacked by the Japanese? Nothing made any sense in the pre-war FDR administration but as usual the media was the propaganda arm of the democrat party, still is.

Don't do dumbass conspiracy theory stuff, been there done that; you're just gong to have to rely on your fellow FDR haters for fun and games.
Wasn't that the day that the peace-loving Japanese struck a blow against Western Imperialists who occupied part of the Greater Asian Co-prosperity Sphere?

I read that in a Japanese history text.
Wasn't that the day that the peace-loving Japanese struck a blow against Western Imperialists who occupied part of the Greater Asian Co-prosperity Sphere?

I read that in a Japanese history text.

Yes. They were only trying to bring peace and prosperity to Asia , but that angered the Evil Maniacal FDR.
The words "dumbass and conspiracy" are cheap substitutes for thought and logical argument. The fact that they are used in a FDR defense rests my case.
Nah, they're just plain old dumbass conspiracy theories. You never had a case, you just parroted somebody else's idiot claims.
Great Grandpa Dennis on board the USS Enterprise in Pearl Harbor.
He survived or I wouldn't be here today, you lucky people!
USS Enterprise wasn't in Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7,1941.
Still at sea in the area, but not close or in Pearl Harbor.
Had it been, you can bet the IJN stike force would have hammered her.
In the weeks leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, tensions between the US and Japan were high, and the US was concerned that Japan would launch an attack on their territory somewhere in the Pacific. Intelligence at the time suggested that this attack would occur on Wake Island and would be a surprise, a technique they had used many times before.

Wake Island had recently been reinforced by a Marine Corps garrison, but this would not be able to hold off a large-scale attack. Because of this, Admiral Kimmel assigned Halsey on a top-secret mission in November 1941. He was to ferry reinforcements to Wake Island’s Marines.

To make the journey, Halsey took Enterprise, nine destroyers, and three heavy cruisers. The vessels were designated “Task Force 8.”

Naturally, the US did not want Japan to know about the mission, so Halsey had to make it to Wake Island without being discovered. This was a tough task, as it is closer to Tokyo than it is to Hawaii.

Halsey was expecting war, so Task Force 8 would sail to Wake Island under war conditions. His aircraft was armed, his ships prepared their guns and his men stood at the ready. There wasn’t supposed to be any civilian shipping between Pearl Harbor and Wake Island, so Halsey told his men to “sink any shipping sighted, shoot down any plane encountered.”
The task force was scheduled to arrive back at Pearl Harbor on December 6, which, unknown to them at the time, would have meant Enterprise was sitting pretty when Japan attacked the next day.

However, Task Force 8 encountered a storm on their return trip, which slowed them down and split a destroyer’s seam, adding to the delay even more. Because of this, the group would not reach Pearl Harbor until 7:30 on December 7 at the very earliest. The ships were then delayed again while refueling, bumping their arrival even further to midday.

Because of these random occurrences, the vessels in Task Force 8 were not present when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, allowing them to fight another day. This would come back to haunt the Japanese, as Enterprise would go on to battle them through the Pacific. By the war’s end, she had collected 20 battle stars and was the US’ most decorated ship, having destroyed almost 1,000 aircraft and sunk 71 vessels.
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