Debunking White Racist Opinions

Now to say that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, gets a person a load of crazy, but as these numbers show, blacks have lost income and jobs because of racial discrimination since the year 2000.
This is becoming a very boring subject with far more important issues on the table
THIS, is what systemic racism looks like.

Over past 10 years, 25 of 50 States have implemented voting restrictions which disproportionately affect Black voters.

Of the 3.1 million American adults estimated as banned from voting, 2.2 million are Black Americans.

The gap between white and Black home ownership remains wide with discriminatory practices still an issue.

Blacks are 5x as likely to be incarcerated vs. whites and make up an oversized percent of the U.S. prison population — 33% vs. 12% of total U.S. population.

Annually whites make up @70 percent of all arrests and 60 percent of the arrests for violent crime. There is no excuse for this.

Unless you believe you are entitled.

Peak income occurs sooner and is lower for Black males (age 45-49, $43,859) vs. white males (age 50-54, $66,250). White families have 8x as much wealth as Black families and lower debt-to-asset ratios (~10% vs. ~30%).

The Economic Cost of Black Inequality in the U.S

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2013, Table 43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, Table 43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, Table 61

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, Table 55

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, Table 49

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, Table 43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, p

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, Table 55

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2015, Table 43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2016, Table 21

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2017,

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2017, Table 43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2018, Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2018,

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2019, Property Crime

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2019, Violent Crime

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Murder, Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Victim by Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Offender, 2019, Expanded Homicide Table 6, Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Murder, Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Victim by Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Offender, 2019, Expanded Homicide Table 6, Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
You really have no clue how to read and understand data and statistics. You posted data that condemns your own side of the argument!!!!
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This is all obvious nonsense:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

African American entrepreneurs? Banks WANT to lend to aspiring small businessmen. They will support anyone who can walk in with a reasonably coherent and promising business plan, and the non-cash resources to carry it through. Having several friends who are commercial lenders, they have seen scores of Blacks walk in with bullshit plans, highlighted by getting the President a nice office, a nice car, and paying him a regal salary. No thanks. IMMIGRANTS have for many generations demonstrated that a small business does not require a bank loan to get off the ground. It requires people who are willing to work their asses off, deprive themselves of everything but the bare necessities and make it work. "13T lost" is absolute nonsense.

No money is "lost" because of disparities in wages. In order for it to be lost it must exist. If Black workers were shortchanged by $2.7T (gimme a fukkin break) that money would be out there somewhere, doing something. It isn't. People are paid what they are worth. Deal with it.

Housing discrimination was apparently a Real Deal. That's one for you.

Discrimination in accessing higher education is total bullshit. Any Black person who was even marginally acceptable has been accepted for the entire lifetime of anyone reading this thread. Blacks couldn't afford to go to college? Neither could I. So I went into the Army and went on the GI Bill. And I worked and got employers to pitch in. And I got a small scholarship. And I got a loan. Any Black person could have done the same thing.

One good point out of four. Not a great batting average.

Housing discrimination is Not a real deal. Banks "discriminate" against people who they believe will not be able to pay them back. I was turned down for a house loan when I was younger, and it took me 10 years to build credit so that I would be approved of a loan. Black-owned banks were LESS likely to give blacks loans than white banks were. When they refused loans or devalued a house in a Black neighborhood (for obvious reasons) that was considered racist. When they were forced to give Blacks loans, even though they couldn't pay for them, that is now called "Predatory loaning." You can't win when when trying to deal with these people much of the time.
You really have no clue how to read and understand data and statistics. You posted data that condemns your own side of the argument!!!!
No, I didn't but thats what you want to believe.
Housing discrimination is Not a real deal. Banks "discriminate" against people who they believe will not be able to pay them back. I was turned down for a house loan when I was younger, and it took me 10 years to build credit so that I would be approved of a loan. Black-owned banks were LESS likely to give blacks loans than white banks were. When they refused loans or devalued a house in a Black neighborhood (for obvious reasons) that was considered racist. When they were forced to give Blacks loans, even though they couldn't pay for them, that is now called "Predatory loaning." You can't win when when trying to deal with these people much of the time.
Everything you say here is untrue.
White people fucked it up, so yes.
Whites fucked it up?!! So, again, if that is true, then why are all these failures we see among Black populations EVEN MORE PRONOUNCED, when they live in places where there are no white people around for thousands of miles on which to place the blame? The USA, which you call a white Suprmeacist Hell Hole--is the place where Blacks are the longest lived, most educated, and wealthiest blacks on Earth. You needs White people, otherwise you'd move to Liberia.
Everything you say here is untrue.
It’s no more unlikely to be true than the claims you make about your success without evidence. But history is fairly common, unless they qualify for GI Bill financing, many people of all races have trouble qualifying for home loans. Especially in the wake of the housing bubble collapse mostly caused by banks being forced to lend to people with no decent credit history or ability to repay their loans.
How many threads does the OP have bashing us whites? What is the man envious of us white people?
It is obvious envy; but how can he not be? I think envy is what's is behind all the Black (POC) animosity toward white people. Whites are the near sole creators of the modern world, and in addition to that, Whites created the greatest works in every sphere of human existence, such as art, literature, musical masterpieces, poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, movies, TV, technology, philosophy, medicine, all the sciences, etc...White people are THE ONLY indispensable people in this country.
why are all these failures we see among Black populations EVEN MORE PRONOUNCED, when they live in places where there are no white people around for thousands of miles on which to place the blame?

OK. Like where ?
why are all these failures we see among Black populations EVEN MORE PRONOUNCED, when they live in places where there are no white people around for thousands of miles on which to place the blame?

OK. Like where ?
How about Africa and Haiti for two. OK Haiti has the DR right next door and is only hundreds of miles from whites. but it's been under total black control for over two hundred years.
why are all these failures we see among Black populations EVEN MORE PRONOUNCED, when they live in places where there are no white people around for thousands of miles on which to place the blame?

OK. Like where ?
Haiti, Liberia, and Ethiopia, to start, and how do they do in Asia? China was starting to restrict Blacks from entering restaurants due to their high crime rates. Israel was paying Blacks money to leave the country or face indeterminate jail sentences if they stay. Look at the Black failure rates all over Europe in all those places without any history of Jim Crow laws.
Haiti, Liberia, and Ethiopia, to start, and how do they do in Asia? China was starting to restrict Blacks from entering restaurants due to their high crime rates. Israel was paying Blacks money to leave the country or face indeterminate jail sentences if they stay. Look at the Black failure rates all over Europe in all those places without any history of Jim Crow laws.
OK. Let's pick one.

Haiti. Now let's stick to Haiti. OK ? Two questions

What's your point about Haiti ? Have you ever been to Haiti ?
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How about Africa and Haiti for two. OK Haiti has the DR right next door and is only hundreds of miles from whites. but it's been under total black control for over two hundred years.
Africa is continent. So you are talking about 52 countries.
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Whites fucked it up?!! So, again, if that is true, then why are all these failures we see among Black populations EVEN MORE PRONOUNCED, when they live in places where there are no white people around for thousands of miles on which to place the blame? The USA, which you call a white Suprmeacist Hell Hole--is the place where Blacks are the longest lived, most educated, and wealthiest blacks on Earth. You needs White people, otherwise you'd move to Liberia.
Colonization by whites.
Haiti, Liberia, and Ethiopia, to start, and how do they do in Asia? China was starting to restrict Blacks from entering restaurants due to their high crime rates. Israel was paying Blacks money to leave the country or face indeterminate jail sentences if they stay. Look at the Black failure rates all over Europe in all those places without any history of Jim Crow laws.
More lies.

This mornings lesson:


“ From 1894 until the end of World War I, Rwanda, along with Burundi and present-day Tanzania, was part of German East Africa. Belgium claimed it thereafter, becoming the administering authority from 1924 to 1962. During their colonial tenure, the Germans and Belgians ruled Rwanda indirectly through Tutsi monarchs and their chiefs. The colonialists developed the socalled Hamitic hypothesis or myth, which held that the Tutsi and everything humanly superior in Central Africa came from ancient Egypt or Abyssinia. The Europeans regarded Hutu and Twa (about 3% of the population) as inferior to Tutsi. Sixty years of such prejudicial fabrications inflated Tutsi egos inordinately and crushed Hutu feelings, which coalesced into an aggressively resentful inferiority complex.”

Paul Magnarella

In America, we were shown the horrors of an attempted genocide that happened in Rwanda. We are told a half story about the Hutus and Tutsi’s that make it look like one side woke up one day and decided to erase the other side. Unless you go to scholars who study Africa or talk to a Rwandan, the America half story is all you know. But the American half story is disingenuous at best.

Rwanda and Burundi had existed for centuries without European assistance but as a result of the Berlin Conference, whites decided that Germany could have Rwanda and Burundi. Belgian took control of Rwanda and Burundi in 1916 due to a League of Nations mandate. Once Rwanda was colonized by Europeans, the colonizers invented a racial hierarchy. In that hierarchy the Europeans deemed themselves most superior and decided that the Tutsis were closer to whites than the Hutus, thereby granting Tutsis privileges the Hutus could not get. Tutsis were deemed more intelligent and were born to rule. The Hutu were labeled as dumb, good-natured, and loyal second class citizens. This European construct put in force limited the employment opportunities and educational attainment of the Hutus. Because the Tutsi were considered by the colonizers as the preferred group, Tutsis were accepted into administrative positions Hutus were not allowed to have. To enforce this system of preference in 1935 the Belgian colonizers introduced identity cards labeling each individual as either Tutsi, Hutu, Twa, or Naturalised. Before that time it had been possible for a wealthy Hutu to become an “honorary Tutsi”, but the implementation of identity cards eliminated that possibility, thereby enforcing Hutu status as second class citizenss.

All this was based on what is called the Hamidic Hypothesis, which claims that blacks are the cursed descendants of Ham and whites the descendants of Japheth. Using Genesis 9:25 whereby Ham was cursed because he looked upon Noah's nudity, whites have claimed justification for slavery and black second class status. My point here is that Europeans created a false history and fake racial superiority between African tribes to control a nation through colonization. Belgium's rule began by initially favoring the Tutsi which created hatred and animosity. Tensions grew between the groups and in 1959 Rwanda had a revolution whereby the Hutus killed Tutsis, destroyed Tutsi property, and created a situation where Tutsis were forced to flee the country. All this was the result of the colonization of Rwanda by Europeans.

To make a long story short, Rwanda was granted independence in 1962. Funny how I say that when they had been independent before the Berlin Conference. Africans are not perfect and that over the centuries before the Berlin Conference there were wars in Africa just like there were everywhere else. However, the 58 years of colonization created periods of strife after Rwanda gained independence. Sporadic attacks from Tutsis living in surrounding countries were met with retaliation from Hutus until the 1990 civil war that resulted in the near genocide of the Tutsis. When white Americans start preaching about the ills of Africa as a whataboutism relative to race, it would behoove them mightily to research the history of whatever country they choose to try using to excuse the racism in America.

Paul Magnarella, Explaining Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide, Human Rights and Human Welfare, Volume 2:1 – Winter 2002,

History Of Rwanda, HISTORY OF RWANDA

Troy Riemer, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide, August 16, 2011, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide
How many threads does the OP have bashing us whites? What is the man envious of us white people?

I don't really give care about white people as individuals. White people are just a by product of systematic racism that's why you don't really see me trying prove how inferior white people are.

"And the IQ of white people" "And the crime of white people in Russia" Blah. Blah

That's an insecure white male thing like mga138 who believes he is inferior to black men.
  • I do not make fun of how white ppl talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food white ppl eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not excuse violence against white ppl saying that whites kill each other all the time.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
White people need a system to be able to succeed. Black people succeed in spite of the system
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How many threads are in this forum bashing blacks? Can you count that high? All that's being done is returning your racist lies with fact and truth.

Finally, you get the racist who says we are jealous of how whites have been able to accomplish things. Really? Do whites like this even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.

This ain't envy son, it's breaking your white ass off what you need to be told.

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