Debt Ceiling Debate Re-Framed as Old White Supremacists Saddling Young Brown Chic People With Their Burdens

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
What a hot take this is. It is no surprise that the genesis for this intellectual abortion is a writer at The Atlantic. In his purely angry and divisive article he attempts to conflate conservatives and conservative ideology with white supremacy, i.e., the "bad guys" vs. the hip young brownish kiddies who are open to "diversity", "equity", and "inclusion", thereby implying it is part of some sort of generational culture war. Maybe I would be prone to agree with him if it can be shown that bankruptcy and a failing nation-state is one of the values of the younger generations. Oh, wait a minute...maybe it is, given what they have been duped into believing!

Isn't it wonderful when members in the so-called "Fourth Estate" twist, conflate, and outright lie about issues so as to sway opinion (i.e., propagandize)? Note that the only way the "Fourth Estate" works as an implied check on governmental power is when (1) they are not in bed with the establishment authoritarians; and (2) when they maintain objectivity. I mean, hey, I have nothing against some guy babbling some stupid shit like this. My problem comes when this sort of thing masquerades as news, or objective reporting. The Atlantic, however, does not qualify as this 99% of the time. They are an advocacy rag.

They usual response to this by some is the knee-jerk, "Hey man, Fox news is a propaganda rag!". Yes, it very well be. But, we all know this. Let me ask you this: is there a source of objective journalism out there today that isn't into the advocacy game? Sometimes one of these so-called news outlets will accidentally do real and objective journalism. But this seems to be the exception these days.

Here's a FACT: California blacks overwhelmingly voted against gay marriage. California Hispanics also voted overwhelmingly against gay marriage. Dems had to go to court to overturn that vote by the people. So much for Dem propaganda.
Here's a FACT: California blacks overwhelmingly voted against gay marriage. California Hispanics also voted overwhelmingly against gay marriage. Dems had to go to court to overturn that vote by the people. So much for Dem propaganda.

Don't forget the women with children demographic as well, who put the vote over the top and passed it. This is another reason we know a lot of the votes for Biden in California were probably faked.
The Left says that the eeevilll "white male patriarchy" is holding minorities down.
Because without the "white male patriarchy" oppression in America minorities would be super successful.
But if that were true wouldn't the people in African and Latin countries be more successful than American minorities?
The truth is that there is plenty of opportunities in America.
The problem is that people don't take them.
Here's a FACT: California blacks overwhelmingly voted against gay marriage. California Hispanics also voted overwhelmingly against gay marriage. Dems had to go to court to overturn that vote by the people. So much for Dem propaganda.
Those dipsticks sure do like to use “democracy” as a cudgel. Until it doesn’t produce the results they want, that is.
Those dipsticks sure do like to use “democracy” as a cudgel. Until it doesn’t produce the results they want, that is.
Correct! Dems run around blathering on about democracy but as soon as the people vote for something they don't like Dems run to the courts to overturn the will of the people. Dems are the most dishonest bunch of liars on planet earth.

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