Debate Lesson - Pray God Save Us From Progressives!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Watching the Democrat Presidential Debate I think the Progressives demonstrated some real shortcomings in their leadership. Senator Sanders and Senator Warren on healthcare seemed to me to be more about slick debating than offering a well thought out policy. Former Congressman Delaney made some excellent points when he said this Medicare For All and Government Option unilaterally sets the price it will pay health care providers and the actual healthcare providers are saying that with these reimbursement rates we will go out of business and what does Senator Sanders say that with Medicare For All there won't be as much paperwork as the current system and the hospitals will save all this administrative expense so they will be fine. Hello, with Medicare the Hospitals have to get paid and in order to get paid they have to bill for the services they provide and the Medicare Coding system that is used is very complex hospitals are going to still have a big administrative expense and no one should kid themselves the expanded Medicare system is going to have a huge administrative expense they will be paying out hundreds of billions of dollars per year a huge administrative staff will be needed to accomplish this. And Senator Warren going on her big lament that now we have health insurance companies taking in ten billion dollars a year money that should be used for paying for actual health care services. People like Senator Warren aren't responsible on this issue and shouldn't be followed; the genius and awesome blessing on America of the ACA is the medical loss ratio mandate where health insurance companies have to spend at least eighty to eighty-five percent of every dollar they take in in premiums on paying for actual health care provider services; there is no big abuse or scandal of health insurance companies on America's health care system with the insurance companies cut they have a big administrative job in paying the bills from health care providers. The other big benefit of private health insurance companies is they fight fraud and abuse in the system and any fair assessment would conclude Medicare does a poor job in that regard because every year the American public hears about a big fraud in Medicare billing where a ring of health care providers committed a big fraud on Medicare where Medicare lost a lot of money. Another thing that Senator Sanders and Senator Warren do is they mix up issues to try to sell this proposal of Medicare-For-All, they will say something like we need Medicare For All because it will result in billions of more dollars going to actually pay for services for people instead of in the pockets of drug companies. There is no necessity to link these issues at all. The pharmaceutical industry is committing an off-the-chart abuse of the American people in the outrageously inflated prices they charge for pharmaceuticals in America; so America through the Congress and President needs to stop this abuse through enacted legislation we don't need a Medicare-For-All program to achieve this!

The other disgraceful and appalling thing in regards to Health Care that Progressives do is they call our Health Care System racist sometimes they actually explicitly say doctors and nurses as a whole are consciously and/or subconsciously racist toward African Americans. The hallmark evidence they cite to support this claim is that statistics indicate that the death rate of women from child birth in America is three times higher for African American women than White women. I am not a doctor and one does not have to be such to call such a claim a bunch of garbage. Anyone that even modestly reads about pregnancy from a health care perspective knows first off that pregnant women have to monitor and watch their blood pressure high blood pressure in a pregnant women is an extremely dangerous and life threatening condition and secondly older women that become pregnant because of their age at significant rates during their pregnancy have to give up working avoid strain and undergo plenty of bed rest otherwise they are in serious health danger. Granted the health care profession in America has to do more to educate and monitor African American women to see they are taking these precautionary steps (it is not racism at fault it is just the system needs improving just like it needs improving to stop giving opioids to people for health care problems unless it is absolutely necessary). But also pregnant African American women as a whole bare some responsibility for this high mortality rate if one becomes pregnant one has a responsibility that they are taking care of their health in regards to that pregnancy it is called "personal responsibility"!

Another thing that is really a turn off about Progressives and their Climate Change policy is their effort to sell it as a big job generator. I am a believer that human behavior has hurt the climate and I support measured and deliberate steps to take our power industry off fossil fuels and convert the country's passenger fleet to electric vehicles. But when Progressives start talking about spending a lot of money on this issue which will create all these jobs everyone should brace themselves because were going to get screwed. You go back ten to twenty years from today and Washington politicians were talking about how solar energy is going to be the savior for America and it was going to create all these jobs in America and what happened a lot of jobs were created from this technology but they are in China. Have a protect the climate policy but just have it be economically responsible and just address that problem!

What surprised me about listening to all the Democrats in the Debate especially in regards to their very prudent top goal of getting this current unfit President out of the office of the Presidency is their lack of courage and lack of wisdom in coming up with a solution to the trade problem in American and loss of Manufacturing jobs to off shoring. Candidate after candidate said we have to strike better trade deals and tariffs aren't the answer. But how are you going to do it American politicians have been saying they need to strike better trade deals for almost forty years as American manufacturing workers in a steady stream get pink slips. Frankly this is the whole enchilada issue for many American voters and what President Trump offers is a much better plan than what the Democrats have to offer, so far!

A lot of the Progressives have a style that is really a turn off; in debating they don't stick to the merits of the issue they go off on these tangents of ad hominum attacks and throwing red meat to the base and political pandering! If your not going bold and big you shouldn't be on the stage, your criticisms are just Republican talking points, your talking like a typical politician and such behavior is inadequate for a candidate in these times! Today America may still be in a state where we're desperate but we're not stupid and Progressives are offering a lot of stupid!
I can't read all this. Please break it down into understandable chunks.

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