Debate Getting Closer. Biden Trying to Drop Out

If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
There are no safety recommendations; I don't know one hard scientists who knows a damn thing about COVID.
Even the Black scientists and Biden don't know a damn thing about COVID.
I know if we had done a proper lock down in March/April we would have much much less body bags. You can’t catch it if you’re not exposed. You reduce exposure by keeping a distance, wearing a mask when around others and Washing your hands. It’s not rocket science
Trump wanted to stop International flights the 2nd week of January and Congress told him to fuck off.
Every liberal here went crazy and their posts are probably still on file.
Trumps been trying to stop international flights since immediately after his election! He’s like the boy who cried wolf.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Obama spent EIGHT YEARS "handling the racial issues" and it gotten us where we are today. Obama pandered to blacks rather than staying out of local issues or staying neutral. All that accomplished was racial division.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
There are no safety recommendations; I don't know one hard scientists who knows a damn thing about COVID.
Even the Black scientists and Biden don't know a damn thing about COVID.
I know if we had done a proper lock down in March/April we would have much much less body bags. You can’t catch it if you’re not exposed. You reduce exposure by keeping a distance, wearing a mask when around others and Washing your hands. It’s not rocket science
Trump wanted to stop International flights the 2nd week of January and Congress told him to fuck off.
Every liberal here went crazy and their posts are probably still on file.
Trumps been trying to stop international flights since immediately after his election! He’s like the boy who cried wolf.
2nd week of January 2020.
Any other fiction?
I find it interesting that those on the right keep saying that Biden will find some excuse to get out of the debates, when he has clearly and repeatedly said that he's looking forward to debating Trump.

Conservative wishful thinking I guess. They know Trump will get slaughtered in a debate with Biden.

he has clearly and repeatedly said that he's looking forward to debating Trump.

And then he clearly said, "end of quote".

And? If this is what you're hanging Trump's hopes on, he's in serious trouble. :auiqs.jpg:

Joe can barely stay coherent for the time it takes him to read a speech off a teleprompter.
If that's what you're hanging your hopes on, you're in serious trouble.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
BS............More Fear mongering from assholes trying to destroy this country..........

Never before has this country CLOSED for a stinking bug...........Globalist have a hard on for fucking every small business in the world with no vasoline.
I see what Trump and his band of liars are doing as destroying our country. It’s gotta stop
But you can't.

By the way, who are his band of liars?
His band of liars are his surrogates and supporters who go out and propagate his constant lies. He has lowered the discourse in this country to grade school level and his constant trolling and degradation has fostered an environment of hate and partisan divide. If we can’t work with eachother, if we can’t listen to eachother, if we can’t respect eachother then we are lost.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
There are no safety recommendations; I don't know one hard scientists who knows a damn thing about COVID.
Even the Black scientists and Biden don't know a damn thing about COVID.
I know if we had done a proper lock down in March/April we would have much much less body bags. You can’t catch it if you’re not exposed. You reduce exposure by keeping a distance, wearing a mask when around others and Washing your hands. It’s not rocket science
Trump wanted to stop International flights the 2nd week of January and Congress told him to fuck off.
Every liberal here went crazy and their posts are probably still on file.
Trumps been trying to stop international flights since immediately after his election! He’s like the boy who cried wolf.
2nd week of January 2020.
Any other fiction?
Not fiction... facts. Here you go:

In the days after the first executive order was issued, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer objected to the characterization of the executive order as a "travel ban".[6] However, Trump himself referred to his actions as a "travel ban".[7] In early May 2017, Spicer was asked by a reporter "If this White House is no longer calling this a 'Muslim ban'...why does the president's website still explicitly call for 'preventing Muslim immigration'?" After the question was asked, the text "DONALD J. TRUMP STATEMENT ON PREVENTING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION" was removed from Trump's campaign website.[8]

All three travel bans were challenged in court, and Presidential Proclamation 9645 and its accompanying travel ban was upheld in the Supreme Court.

In January 2020, the Trump Administration announced plans for an expansion of the travel ban.[9]
Look for a variety of excuses over the next 2 weeks from Democrats coming up with anything they can to yank Joe Biden out of the 1st debate this month. They will propose a variety of alterations to the debate (all favoring Biden), causing Trump to voice opposition to, and then try to use that as an excuse fir Biden to withdraw from the debate entirely.

As for what they may come up with, on suggestion is to have fact-check crawler on the bottom of our TV screens, from a leftist media, such as PolitiFact or CNN. Trump could counter by saying let's have it done by Newsmax or OAN.

We need real time on stage fact checking. Give them yellow flags like football refs. When tRump tells a verifiable non truth throw the flag, stop play, and state.the actual facts in the matter. When tRump says "I didn't say that" we can go to instant replay.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
BS............More Fear mongering from assholes trying to destroy this country..........

Never before has this country CLOSED for a stinking bug...........Globalist have a hard on for fucking every small business in the world with no vasoline.
I see what Trump and his band of liars are doing as destroying our country. It’s gotta stop
But you can't.

By the way, who are his band of liars?
His band of liars are his surrogates and supporters who go out and propagate his constant lies. He has lowered the discourse in this country to grade school level and his constant trolling and degradation has fostered an environment of hate and partisan divide. If we can’t work with eachother, if we can’t listen to eachother, if we can’t respect eachother then we are lost.
What lies.
I keep reading platitudes, but no facts.
Just admit you want a globalist and the Blacks in your neighborhood to be poorer than you.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
There are no safety recommendations; I don't know one hard scientists who knows a damn thing about COVID.
Even the Black scientists and Biden don't know a damn thing about COVID.
I know if we had done a proper lock down in March/April we would have much much less body bags. You can’t catch it if you’re not exposed. You reduce exposure by keeping a distance, wearing a mask when around others and Washing your hands. It’s not rocket science
where do you see that he president has the power to order a nationwide lockdown? He doesn't. In March/April he wasn't getting any cooperation from democrats, if he said water is wet, they would deny it.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
There are no safety recommendations; I don't know one hard scientists who knows a damn thing about COVID.
Even the Black scientists and Biden don't know a damn thing about COVID.
I know if we had done a proper lock down in March/April we would have much much less body bags. You can’t catch it if you’re not exposed. You reduce exposure by keeping a distance, wearing a mask when around others and Washing your hands. It’s not rocket science
Trump wanted to stop International flights the 2nd week of January and Congress told him to fuck off.
Every liberal here went crazy and their posts are probably still on file.
Trumps been trying to stop international flights since immediately after his election! He’s like the boy who cried wolf.
2nd week of January 2020.
Any other fiction?
Not fiction... facts. Here you go:

In the days after the first executive order was issued, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer objected to the characterization of the executive order as a "travel ban".[6] However, Trump himself referred to his actions as a "travel ban".[7] In early May 2017, Spicer was asked by a reporter "If this White House is no longer calling this a 'Muslim ban'...why does the president's website still explicitly call for 'preventing Muslim immigration'?" After the question was asked, the text "DONALD J. TRUMP STATEMENT ON PREVENTING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION" was removed from Trump's campaign website.[8]

All three travel bans were challenged in court, and Presidential Proclamation 9645 and its accompanying travel ban was upheld in the Supreme Court.

In January 2020, the Trump Administration announced plans for an expansion of the travel ban.[9]
Those travel bans got Americans hired.
Trump should ban more foreigners.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
There are no safety recommendations; I don't know one hard scientists who knows a damn thing about COVID.
Even the Black scientists and Biden don't know a damn thing about COVID.
I know if we had done a proper lock down in March/April we would have much much less body bags. You can’t catch it if you’re not exposed. You reduce exposure by keeping a distance, wearing a mask when around others and Washing your hands. It’s not rocket science
where do you see that he president has the power to order a nationwide lockdown? He doesn't. In March/April he wasn't getting any cooperation from democrats, if he said water is wet, they would deny it.
Slade makes believe he knows more than he does, but he's still smarter than just about every other Liberal here.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
You haven't been watching Biden; I have.
The man can barely keep coherent for 30 seconds.
That’s a weak talking point based on cherry picked gaffs. Want me to post a gaff compilation of Trump? I’ve seen a bunch that make him sound like a bumbling idiot living in a Yosemite cave.
I watch entire speeches and interviews; I detest cherry picking for any politician.
But you already knew that from our numerous discussion.
I watch his speeches too. Biden is boring, his brain moves faster than his mouth and he gaffs a bunch, he isn’t a showman like Trump. But when Biden gets to do the 1 on 1 and the intimate stuff that’s where he shines. I’m ready for boring, I’m ready for relationships to get repaired. I’m tired of the show, the lies, the bull shit and the petty divisive attacks that we are currently dealing with. Easy vote for Biden
Biden...30+ years in Congress and zero done.
Biden...After 2 weeks of gaffs, Obama tells Dopey Joe to go away for 2 years minus 2 weeks.
We got here a real winner!
There are a bunch of these... good stuff

What has Biden accomplished in 30+ years.
We both know he's accomplished nothing and that's why your dodging the question.

Trump has accomplished loads.

Go, Grasshopper, look it up as you're always trying to come off as erudite.

I think his greatest accomplishment while in Congress was the Violence against Women act. His time there has fostered many relationships on both sides of the aisle making him Well suited to unify members of both parties and actually get some things done. While VP he played a big part in working with congress to pass agenda items.

Look again...everything he sponsored failed to become legislation.
You are grasping at straws.

You’re wrong. I just named the violence against women act. Did that fail? No.

One piece of legislation.
Not bad for someone making 170K/year for 30+ years.
I wish I could get away with that.

One that I named after you said that EVERYTHING he did failed. He was part of plenty of others but I’m not going to play the “one more one more” game with you. You were wrong

Don't get picky with me to try and mask the fact that Joe Biden is as responsible for Black Unemployment as any R.
The guy didn't even write the legislation (none of them do; their staff writes it).

Just admit you want the Party of Welfare in the Oval Office.

In a perfect world I’d like to see a smart and honest business man running the country not a fraud like Trump. We need somebody who can be fiscally responsible and cut the beaurocratic waste our government produces while paying proper attention to humanitarian, environmental and social issues.
Policy wise Joe is not my ideal candidate but he is a hell of a lot better than Trump to sit in the White House. I’ll give him 4 years and then hope for a respectable replacement

I'm sure you voted for the neo-Con pig Romney...NOT!
I'm done with your bullshit for now.

Biden will be the first Presidential nominee that I vote for. In the past I’ve written in people I respect but this election is different. I feel obligated to make a stand against Trump who I feel is destroying our country

Who did you respect?

People in my community who you wouldn’t know
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
You haven't been watching Biden; I have.
The man can barely keep coherent for 30 seconds.
That’s a weak talking point based on cherry picked gaffs. Want me to post a gaff compilation of Trump? I’ve seen a bunch that make him sound like a bumbling idiot living in a Yosemite cave.
I watch entire speeches and interviews; I detest cherry picking for any politician.
But you already knew that from our numerous discussion.
I watch his speeches too. Biden is boring, his brain moves faster than his mouth and he gaffs a bunch, he isn’t a showman like Trump. But when Biden gets to do the 1 on 1 and the intimate stuff that’s where he shines. I’m ready for boring, I’m ready for relationships to get repaired. I’m tired of the show, the lies, the bull shit and the petty divisive attacks that we are currently dealing with. Easy vote for Biden
Biden...30+ years in Congress and zero done.
Biden...After 2 weeks of gaffs, Obama tells Dopey Joe to go away for 2 years minus 2 weeks.
We got here a real winner!
There are a bunch of these... good stuff

What has Biden accomplished in 30+ years.
We both know he's accomplished nothing and that's why your dodging the question.

Trump has accomplished loads.

Go, Grasshopper, look it up as you're always trying to come off as erudite.

I think his greatest accomplishment while in Congress was the Violence against Women act. His time there has fostered many relationships on both sides of the aisle making him Well suited to unify members of both parties and actually get some things done. While VP he played a big part in working with congress to pass agenda items.

Look again...everything he sponsored failed to become legislation.
You are grasping at straws.

You’re wrong. I just named the violence against women act. Did that fail? No.

One piece of legislation.
Not bad for someone making 170K/year for 30+ years.
I wish I could get away with that.

One that I named after you said that EVERYTHING he did failed. He was part of plenty of others but I’m not going to play the “one more one more” game with you. You were wrong

Don't get picky with me to try and mask the fact that Joe Biden is as responsible for Black Unemployment as any R.
The guy didn't even write the legislation (none of them do; their staff writes it).

Just admit you want the Party of Welfare in the Oval Office.

In a perfect world I’d like to see a smart and honest business man running the country not a fraud like Trump. We need somebody who can be fiscally responsible and cut the beaurocratic waste our government produces while paying proper attention to humanitarian, environmental and social issues.
Policy wise Joe is not my ideal candidate but he is a hell of a lot better than Trump to sit in the White House. I’ll give him 4 years and then hope for a respectable replacement

I'm sure you voted for the neo-Con pig Romney...NOT!
I'm done with your bullshit for now.

Biden will be the first Presidential nominee that I vote for. In the past I’ve written in people I respect but this election is different. I feel obligated to make a stand against Trump who I feel is destroying our country

Who did you respect?

People in my community who you wouldn’t know

I get it!
There's nothing wrong with pride.
So you voted for people in your neighborhood for President?
I won't mock you.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Obama spent EIGHT YEARS "handling the racial issues" and it gotten us where we are today. Obama pandered to blacks rather than staying out of local issues or staying neutral. All that accomplished was racial division.
Racial tensions rose because it was finally being addressed and talked about. That’s what happens.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Obama spent EIGHT YEARS "handling the racial issues" and it gotten us where we are today. Obama pandered to blacks rather than staying out of local issues or staying neutral. All that accomplished was racial division.
Racial tensions rose because it was finally being addressed and talked about. That’s what happens.
Then go to Capital Hill and protest both parties.
I will join you.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
BS............More Fear mongering from assholes trying to destroy this country..........

Never before has this country CLOSED for a stinking bug...........Globalist have a hard on for fucking every small business in the world with no vasoline.
I see what Trump and his band of liars are doing as destroying our country. It’s gotta stop
But you can't.

By the way, who are his band of liars?
His band of liars are his surrogates and supporters who go out and propagate his constant lies. He has lowered the discourse in this country to grade school level and his constant trolling and degradation has fostered an environment of hate and partisan divide. If we can’t work with eachother, if we can’t listen to eachother, if we can’t respect eachother then we are lost.
What lies.
I keep reading platitudes, but no facts.
Just admit you want a globalist and the Blacks in your neighborhood to be poorer than you.
I don’t want anybody to be poor. Especially in a country as rich as ours
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
BS............More Fear mongering from assholes trying to destroy this country..........

Never before has this country CLOSED for a stinking bug...........Globalist have a hard on for fucking every small business in the world with no vasoline.
I see what Trump and his band of liars are doing as destroying our country. It’s gotta stop
But you can't.

By the way, who are his band of liars?
His band of liars are his surrogates and supporters who go out and propagate his constant lies. He has lowered the discourse in this country to grade school level and his constant trolling and degradation has fostered an environment of hate and partisan divide. If we can’t work with eachother, if we can’t listen to eachother, if we can’t respect eachother then we are lost.
What lies.
I keep reading platitudes, but no facts.
Just admit you want a globalist and the Blacks in your neighborhood to be poorer than you.
I don’t want anybody to be poor. Especially in a country as rich as ours
Than why do you support Democrats?
Welfare does not make anyone not poor.
If Biden refuses to debate his campaign would be immediately may already be over....but he will lose blue states if he doesn't debate and tell people what his agenda is....


If you think about the notion that no one in their right mind will be voting FOR Biden......
Instead, they will only be voting AGAINST Trump.

In that context, Biden doesn't have to debate at all. They would vote for Hitler sight-unseen if it meant defeating Trump.
You have a point. The votes are pretty much baked in the cake. The Anti Trump movement is fierce so Biden really doesn’t need to do too much
The poorer sections Of LA
The poorer sections Of Detroit
The poorer sections of NYC.

And after their stores were destroyed...perhaps they won't vote for Silent Biden.
Biden isn’t hidin or silent. He has a much better plan to address the violence than Trump
boy, thats a hell of a plan. what was it again?
Biden will actually address the issues causing thousands of people to protest in the streets. Trump is completely ignoring those issues and thinks that fear and arrests are actually going to solve it. All that tactic does is make it worse.
Hmmm...spoiled brat, self-hating White kids, some of whom I personally know, trained like Pavlov's dogs to feel guilty that so many White have advanced degrees and can afford to live in 3+ million dollar apartments in NYC.
Are you that stupid?
Apparently I am... care to explain what I’m missing?
Wow! I just described the overwhelming majority of the protesters and you can't comprehend what I posted?
Are you that stupid?
Oh interesting... so you dont think the black community by and large has a active hand and interest in what’s being protested? And you’re calling me stupid?! Haha
The Black community in Nassau County and many other areas is working and earning a living.
You can blame Ronald Reagan, Patrick Moynahan and Joe Biden for 30+ years of legislation that has caused Black poverty.
You cannot blame Trump.

But, go ahead and be a phony.
I blame Trump for poorly handling COVID and poorly handling the racial issues causing unrest in the streets
Do you blame Trump for Global COVID.
How exactly did Trump cause unrest in the streets when almost everybody was employed?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Just admit you want the Party of Handouts to win.
No I don’t blame Trump for global COVID. I blame him for botching how we handled it in this country. I also never said that Trump cause unrest in the streets. A cop killing Floyd plus an ugly history of abuse of power against blacks caused it. Trump hasn’t addressed that once. He has actually fought against their causes and that only inflameS the issues. Biden will at least address what’s going on
Trump does not have the authority to command Governors.
Trump controls his own messaging and is arguably the most influential person in the world. He has been downplaying, lying about and acting out against his own teams safety recommendations while far too many Americans follow suit and now we see this virus still out of control and 1000s a day are still dying. He owns that, you can’t spin it
There are no safety recommendations; I don't know one hard scientists who knows a damn thing about COVID.
Even the Black scientists and Biden don't know a damn thing about COVID.
I know if we had done a proper lock down in March/April we would have much much less body bags. You can’t catch it if you’re not exposed. You reduce exposure by keeping a distance, wearing a mask when around others and Washing your hands. It’s not rocket science
where do you see that he president has the power to order a nationwide lockdown? He doesn't. In March/April he wasn't getting any cooperation from democrats, if he said water is wet, they would deny it.
I’m not saying he can order a lockdown. He could promote it though, instead he has been promoting the opposite

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