Deathers now take over where birthers left off


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off -

One Fox Business News host is not going quite that far. Judge Andrew Napolitano at one point declared that "Osama bin Laden is dead," but he later seemed unconvinced. Napolitano also questioned the president's authority to kill him.

Napolitano began his Monday show by saying bin Laden was "killed on the illegal whim of the president." Moments later, he added, "Osama bin Laden is dead. And the president seems to think he has the right to kill whomever he wants so long as the person is perceived as a monster and the public supports it."

Hilarious! To think, we may be standing beside some of these people at the supermarket or Wal-Mart. Probably more likely Wal-Mart. :lol:
'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off -

One Fox Business News host is not going quite that far. Judge Andrew Napolitano at one point declared that "Osama bin Laden is dead," but he later seemed unconvinced. Napolitano also questioned the president's authority to kill him.

Napolitano began his Monday show by saying bin Laden was "killed on the illegal whim of the president." Moments later, he added, "Osama bin Laden is dead. And the president seems to think he has the right to kill whomever he wants so long as the person is perceived as a monster and the public supports it."

Hilarious! To think, we may be standing beside some of these people at the supermarket or Wal-Mart. Probably more likely Wal-Mart. :lol:

Ya just about as strange as standing next to Truthers eh?
I knew it!

It takes a muslim(Obama) to capture a Muslim(Osama)!

Does that kind of conspiracy thinking make me a Mullah?
'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off -

One Fox Business News host is not going quite that far. Judge Andrew Napolitano at one point declared that "Osama bin Laden is dead," but he later seemed unconvinced. Napolitano also questioned the president's authority to kill him.

Napolitano began his Monday show by saying bin Laden was "killed on the illegal whim of the president." Moments later, he added, "Osama bin Laden is dead. And the president seems to think he has the right to kill whomever he wants so long as the person is perceived as a monster and the public supports it."

Hilarious! To think, we may be standing beside some of these people at the supermarket or Wal-Mart. Probably more likely Wal-Mart. :lol:

I thought liberals didn't shop at Wal-Mart.
'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off -

One Fox Business News host is not going quite that far. Judge Andrew Napolitano at one point declared that "Osama bin Laden is dead," but he later seemed unconvinced. Napolitano also questioned the president's authority to kill him.

Napolitano began his Monday show by saying bin Laden was "killed on the illegal whim of the president." Moments later, he added, "Osama bin Laden is dead. And the president seems to think he has the right to kill whomever he wants so long as the person is perceived as a monster and the public supports it."

Hilarious! To think, we may be standing beside some of these people at the supermarket or Wal-Mart. Probably more likely Wal-Mart. :lol:

Ya just about as strange as standing next to Truthers eh?

Deathers, truthers, birthers....but I repeat myself.

The venn diagram of the three is almost a perfect circle:lol:
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'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off -

Hilarious! To think, we may be standing beside some of these people at the supermarket or Wal-Mart. Probably more likely Wal-Mart. :lol:

Ya just about as strange as standing next to Truthers eh?

Deathers, truthers, birthers....but I repeat myself.

The venn diagram of the three is almost a perfect circle:lol:

Yes... You can get us "mother fuckers" a learder that can do more than show the BC and give the green light to kill OBL... Sounds like Obama has a lot to be proud of, lol.

Aww, I thought your sig was part of the post =(....
Ya just about as strange as standing next to Truthers eh?

Deathers, truthers, birthers....but I repeat myself.

The venn diagram of the three is almost a perfect circle:lol:

Yes... You can get us "mother fuckers" a learder that can do more than show the BC and give the green light to kill OBL... Sounds like Obama has a lot to be proud of, lol.

Aww, I thought your sig was part of the post =(....

Face it...Obama did something that W could only dream of. I know it has to hurt a bunch. but Face It and it will be easier to handle.
The Judge is the Biggest Hypocrite in the world. If W had gotten Bin Laden, they would be drooling at his feet. Typical FOX
'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off -

One Fox Business News host is not going quite that far. Judge Andrew Napolitano at one point declared that "Osama bin Laden is dead," but he later seemed unconvinced. Napolitano also questioned the president's authority to kill him.

Napolitano began his Monday show by saying bin Laden was "killed on the illegal whim of the president." Moments later, he added, "Osama bin Laden is dead. And the president seems to think he has the right to kill whomever he wants so long as the person is perceived as a monster and the public supports it."

Hilarious! To think, we may be standing beside some of these people at the supermarket or Wal-Mart. Probably more likely Wal-Mart. :lol:

Tenthers, Birthers, Deathers, Truthers.. What's next? :cuckoo:
Deathers, truthers, birthers....but I repeat myself.

The venn diagram of the three is almost a perfect circle:lol:

Yes... You can get us "mother fuckers" a learder that can do more than show the BC and give the green light to kill OBL... Sounds like Obama has a lot to be proud of, lol.

Aww, I thought your sig was part of the post =(....

Face it...Obama did something that W could only dream of. I know it has to hurt a bunch. but Face It and it will be easier to handle.

First Bush was a shit president, hence the very very VERY popular (and true) statement that Obama is Bush III

Secondly can you point out in my post you quoted where I denied Obama got OBL?

Last, as it stands Obama get to run off “I got OBL” and… Oh, “Here is my birth certificate mother fuckers.)
What Obama can’t run off is being the anti Bush, like he did in 2008.
Well that was the plan. Why else would the administration dispose of the body and hide all the evidence that they actually took him out if they werent trying to get another conspiracy going to distract people from the real issues?

I don't really think it's that big of a stretch for people to want to actually see pictures or more evidence that he is dead. I mean it's not like the administration has a track record of honesty here. Though I would think that Al Qaida confirming things would be enough honestly.
Well that was the plan. Why else would the administration dispose of the body and hide all the evidence that they actually took him out if they werent trying to get another conspiracy going to distract people from the real issues?

I don't really think it's that big of a stretch for people to want to actually see pictures or more evidence that he is dead. I mean it's not like the administration has a track record of honesty here. Though I would think that Al Qaida confirming things would be enough honestly.

Obama plays Alinsky's Rules quite well.
'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off -

One Fox Business News host is not going quite that far. Judge Andrew Napolitano at one point declared that "Osama bin Laden is dead," but he later seemed unconvinced. Napolitano also questioned the president's authority to kill him.

Napolitano began his Monday show by saying bin Laden was "killed on the illegal whim of the president." Moments later, he added, "Osama bin Laden is dead. And the president seems to think he has the right to kill whomever he wants so long as the person is perceived as a monster and the public supports it."

Hilarious! To think, we may be standing beside some of these people at the supermarket or Wal-Mart. Probably more likely Wal-Mart. :lol:

I thought liberals didn't shop at Wal-Mart.

Why not? They still let me wear my Birkenstocks with socks and I'm always looking for a bargain on Louis Vuitton knockoffs for my illegal housekeeper and stylist, plus my WalMart is right next door to a Starbucks. So there.
Do you lefties realize you are just like us? Republicans support the Military regardless of the administration in power and wouldn't you know it so does the radical left...well... that is if a democrat is president. It's incredible how the democrat party managed to move from the segregationist obstructionist racist radicals forty years ago to the party of the "great society" and plantation politics. Years ago the flower power left had a million phrases that translated to anti-war and now, by God, they support the assassination of the enemies of the US ...well..if a democrat is president. Maybe there is hope for lefties after all but I doubt it.
Yes... You can get us "mother fuckers" a learder that can do more than show the BC and give the green light to kill OBL... Sounds like Obama has a lot to be proud of, lol.

Aww, I thought your sig was part of the post =(....

Face it...Obama did something that W could only dream of. I know it has to hurt a bunch. but Face It and it will be easier to handle.

First Bush was a shit president, hence the very very VERY popular (and true) statement that Obama is Bush III

Secondly can you point out in my post you quoted where I denied Obama got OBL?

Last, as it stands Obama get to run off “I got OBL” and… Oh, “Here is my birth certificate mother fuckers.)
What Obama can’t run off is being the anti Bush, like he did in 2008.

On terrorism, no. On Iraq drawdown yes; on Afghanistan drawdown--that will undoubtedly happen ON TIME, if not before. On taxes he's no Bush; on the economy, Obama had to pick up the pieces. Overall, he's no George W. Bush.
Well that was the plan. Why else would the administration dispose of the body and hide all the evidence that they actually took him out if they werent trying to get another conspiracy going to distract people from the real issues?

I don't really think it's that big of a stretch for people to want to actually see pictures or more evidence that he is dead. I mean it's not like the administration has a track record of honesty here. Though I would think that Al Qaida confirming things would be enough honestly.

Obama plays Alinsky's Rules quite well.

You've never read a single printed page of Saul Alinsky in your natural born life.

All you might know of him you learned from Rush and Sean - and of course they hate him b/c he was incredibly successful at organizing poor people and getting them power.
Do you lefties realize you are just like us? Republicans support the Military regardless of the administration in power and wouldn't you know it so does the radical left...well... that is if a democrat is president. It's incredible how the democrat party managed to move from the segregationist obstructionist racist radicals forty years ago to the party of the "great society" and plantation politics. Years ago the flower power left had a million phrases that translated to anti-war and now, by God, they support the assassination of the enemies of the US ...well..if a democrat is president. Maybe there is hope for lefties after all but I doubt it.

Unfortunately...they're too partisan to understand what you just wrote. They live in an alternate Universe where these sorts of things are good ONLY when one of their own is in power. Otherwise?

*VERBOTEN* And must be attacked from every angle. Objectivity eludes them.
Well that was the plan. Why else would the administration dispose of the body and hide all the evidence that they actually took him out if they werent trying to get another conspiracy going to distract people from the real issues?

I don't really think it's that big of a stretch for people to want to actually see pictures or more evidence that he is dead. I mean it's not like the administration has a track record of honesty here. Though I would think that Al Qaida confirming things would be enough honestly.

Obama plays Alinsky's Rules quite well.

You've never read a single printed page of Saul Alinsky in your natural born life.

All you might know of him you learned from Rush and Sean - and of course they hate him b/c he was incredibly successful at organizing poor people and getting them power.

Karl? *FUCK OFF*

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