Death Penalty Poll

General politics vs death penalty

  • Left leaning & pro capital punishment

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • Left leaning & anti capital punishment

    Votes: 32 21.9%
  • Left leaning & ambivalent

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Right leaning & pro capital punishment

    Votes: 65 44.5%
  • Right leaning & anti capital punishment

    Votes: 26 17.8%
  • Right leaning & ambivalent

    Votes: 9 6.2%

  • Total voters
...a lot of moslim countries kill women (dp ) for adultery and any person for drug dealing ,even some for not excepting islam....

This is total ignorance and bull shit. God you are ignorant.
you obviosly dont read international news ill post links for you but id be wasting my time

NO, you obviously have not lived in three Muslim countries as I have.

It is extremely rare, almost non-existent, for a woman to be killed for adultery, a miniscule number compared to the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. In fact, it is probably more likely that in the West, a husband will kill his wife for her adultry than a woman in a Muslim country will be executed for it.

I, and hundreds of thousands of other Christians, have lived in Muslim countries, and not only are we not killed for not accepting Islam, there are Christian churches in those countries where Christians regularly worship.

There are many countries in the world that execute people for drug smuggling, and they are not all Muslim countries. And there are Muslim countries that do not execute people for drug smuggling, though the prison sentences are harsh.

You are extremely ignorant.
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This is total ignorance and bull shit. God you are ignorant.
you obviosly dont read international news ill post links for you but id be wasting my time

NO, you obviously have not lived in three Muslim countries as I have. It is extremely rare, almost non-existent for a woman to be killed for adultery. I, and hundreds of thousands of other Christians have lived in Muslim countries, and not only are we not killed for not accepting Islam, there are Christian churches in those countries where Christians regularrly worship. There are many countries in the world that execute people for drug smuggling, and they are not all Muslim countries. And there are Muslim countries that do not execute people for drug smuggling, though the prison sentences are harsh. You are extremely ignorant.

Now don't say that shit Esmeralda.... you are fucking with their world view by inserting truth....

Apparently Tapatalk doesn't have a poll feature I can't take it...

But there should be a "left leaning/depends on the brutality and how airtight the case is.

Motivation is another factor...a serial killer is nucking futs, but a cold calculating killer who kills for insurance money or so he/she doesn't lose half of their assets in a divorce are pure evil.
you are a real bigot show me prove of somebody executed for a murder they didnt commit not that i agree with CP for all murders but if we are discussing it lets separate facts from opinion

Have you been living under a rock?
Google: Innocent people executed and get up to speed.
no ive not been living under a rock but you have a rock between your ears

First, nodoginafight: you are misusing the term 'bigot.' Not sure what you mean, but it isn't bigot.

As far as wrongful executions, with just a couple of minutes of Googling:

10 Convicts Presumed Innocent After Execution - Listverse

Innocence and the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

10 Infamous Cases of Wrongful Execution - Criminal Justice Degrees Guide

12 Men (& One Woman) Found Innocent After Being Put to Death | MadameNoire | Black Women's Lifestyle Guide | Black Hair | Black Love

Wrongful Executions | List of Innocent Executed Prisoners

And these are just the ones we know about...........
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Pomposity aside, a woman as worldly as yourself would surely realize the lack of candor of these sites with the possible exception of the last which at least mentions "allegedly" innocent

After a few minutes of googling, certainly you could do better, what with your experience and all.:cuckoo:
you are a real bigot show me prove of somebody executed for a murder they didnt commit not that i agree with CP for all murders but if we are discussing it lets separate facts from opinion

Have you been living under a rock?
Google: Innocent people executed and get up to speed.
the articule does nt say that its written by advocates against the DP just a legal argument none have been officially declared *innocent * some were released when new evidence came to light SO they were not executed were they ?

my reply was to post #8 & 15 STATING thousands of innocent folks have been EXECUTED no evidence exists that thousands of innocent folks have been execute NOT one piece

You are very poorly informed on the issue. That's not my problem. If you preffer to put your lack of information on display, I will tell you about it. What you choose to do with that information is your decision.
Have you been living under a rock?
Google: Innocent people executed and get up to speed.
the articule does nt say that its written by advocates against the DP just a legal argument none have been officially declared *innocent * some were released when new evidence came to light SO they were not executed were they ?

my reply was to post #8 & 15 STATING thousands of innocent folks have been EXECUTED no evidence exists that thousands of innocent folks have been execute NOT one piece

You are very poorly informed on the issue. That's not my problem. If you preffer to put your lack of information on display, I will tell you about it. What you choose to do with that information is your decision.
you are not informed at all when you can refer to ALL of the writings/ facts /opinions on the subject and then make a unbias decision you will do better.
you are a real bigot show me prove of somebody executed for a murder they didnt commit not that i agree with CP for all murders but if we are discussing it lets separate facts from opinion

Executed man pardoned over 1921 murder - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

That's one.

Because of course we use 1921 style forensics in our criminal system nowadays...

ARE YOU SEROUS happened in australia
we are talking about the DP in *AMERICA * you need to quit while you are ahead ,

Because of course we use 1921 style forensics in our criminal system nowadays...

ARE YOU SEROUS happened in australia
we are talking about the DP in *AMERICA * you need to quit while you are ahead ,
In America we don't pardon the innocent after the state has executed them. It would destroy our faith in the system. Once the state admits that they're killing innocent people in the name justice, capital punishment would be history.
Because of course we use 1921 style forensics in our criminal system nowadays...

ARE YOU SEROUS happened in australia
we are talking about the DP in *AMERICA * you need to quit while you are ahead ,
In America we don't pardon the innocent after the state has executed them. It would destroy our faith in the system. Once the state admits that they're killing innocent people in the name justice, capital punishment would be history.

Through advancements in technology, such as forensics and DNA evidence, I believe we can obtain greater accuracy over an individual's guilt today. How can the use of such painstakingly detailed assessment, of unequivocal damning evidence, be significantly flawed?
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Because of course we use 1921 style forensics in our criminal system nowadays...

ARE YOU SEROUS happened in australia
we are talking about the DP in *AMERICA * you need to quit while you are ahead ,
In America we don't pardon the innocent after the state has executed them. It would destroy our faith in the system. Once the state admits that they're killing innocent people in the name justice, capital punishment would be history.

That is bullshit, and an offense to the innocent person who was killed.
Because of course we use 1921 style forensics in our criminal system nowadays...

ARE YOU SEROUS happened in australia
we are talking about the DP in *AMERICA * you need to quit while you are ahead ,

I provided you with an innocent person who has been executed, did I not?

In 1921. I can provide evidence of people dying of polio back then. of course, we have vaccines now.
ARE YOU SEROUS happened in australia
we are talking about the DP in *AMERICA * you need to quit while you are ahead ,

I provided you with an innocent person who has been executed, did I not?

In 1921. I can provide evidence of people dying of polio back then. of course, we have vaccines now.

And what Vaccinne do we have against wrongful conviction?

Since the Death Penalty was re-instated in 1976, 1332 prisoners have been executed.

Most of them in the South...

142 have been exonerated of the crimes they committed despite being sentenced to death.

This is an unacceptably high number of mistakes.
I provided you with an innocent person who has been executed, did I not?

In 1921. I can provide evidence of people dying of polio back then. of course, we have vaccines now.

And what Vaccinne do we have against wrongful conviction?

Since the Death Penalty was re-instated in 1976, 1332 prisoners have been executed.

Most of them in the South...

142 have been exonerated of the crimes they committed despite being sentenced to death.

This is an unacceptably high number of mistakes.

Note the word exonerated. The system worked.

And I am trying to point out that Noomi's use of a 1921 example is not relavent to today's discussion due to the improvements in forensics.

The death penalty is a valid punishment for certain crimes.

Also, is being locked up for 70 years, dying, and then later being found innocent really any better? At least felons under the death penalty have people who review the case over and over to see if there is any chance of innocence. Some guy getting life wrongly doesnt get that type of help, and is just as dead 70 years later.

As an aside, I have no issue with innocence projects, as long as they follow the rules.
In 1921. I can provide evidence of people dying of polio back then. of course, we have vaccines now.

And what Vaccinne do we have against wrongful conviction?

Since the Death Penalty was re-instated in 1976, 1332 prisoners have been executed.

Most of them in the South...

142 have been exonerated of the crimes they committed despite being sentenced to death.

This is an unacceptably high number of mistakes.

Note the word exonerated. The system worked.

And I am trying to point out that Noomi's use of a 1921 example is not relavent to today's discussion due to the improvements in forensics.

The death penalty is a valid punishment for certain crimes.

Also, is being locked up for 70 years, dying, and then later being found innocent really any better? At least felons under the death penalty have people who review the case over and over to see if there is any chance of innocence. Some guy getting life wrongly doesnt get that type of help, and is just as dead 70 years later.

As an aside, I have no issue with innocence projects, as long as they follow the rules.

Of the 142 cases where wrongful convictions happened, only 18 involved DNA.

So, no forensics is not the panacea you make it out to be.

In those cases, the system failed miserably. Cops lied, prosecutors suppressed evidence, technicians screwed up, and 142 people got sentenced to death, and the only reason we haven't killed some of them is because some very dedicated people did look at it.

Again, look at who gets wrongfully convicted...

Poor and not-white people, mostly.

When we sentence a rich person to death and execute him, then I will take this seriously.
And what Vaccinne do we have against wrongful conviction?

Since the Death Penalty was re-instated in 1976, 1332 prisoners have been executed.

Most of them in the South...

142 have been exonerated of the crimes they committed despite being sentenced to death.

This is an unacceptably high number of mistakes.

Note the word exonerated. The system worked.

And I am trying to point out that Noomi's use of a 1921 example is not relavent to today's discussion due to the improvements in forensics.

The death penalty is a valid punishment for certain crimes.

Also, is being locked up for 70 years, dying, and then later being found innocent really any better? At least felons under the death penalty have people who review the case over and over to see if there is any chance of innocence. Some guy getting life wrongly doesnt get that type of help, and is just as dead 70 years later.

As an aside, I have no issue with innocence projects, as long as they follow the rules.

Of the 142 cases where wrongful convictions happened, only 18 involved DNA.

So, no forensics is not the panacea you make it out to be.

In those cases, the system failed miserably. Cops lied, prosecutors suppressed evidence, technicians screwed up, and 142 people got sentenced to death, and the only reason we haven't killed some of them is because some very dedicated people did look at it.

Again, look at who gets wrongfully convicted...

Poor and not-white people, mostly.

When we sentence a rich person to death and execute him, then I will take this seriously.

You dont see many rich people committing murder. proportionally it is poor people because poor people are more likely to be criminals, as they have less to lose.

Would you want to sentance some ponzi scheme guy to the DP just to make things "equal"?
Note the word exonerated. The system worked.

And I am trying to point out that Noomi's use of a 1921 example is not relavent to today's discussion due to the improvements in forensics.

The death penalty is a valid punishment for certain crimes.

Also, is being locked up for 70 years, dying, and then later being found innocent really any better? At least felons under the death penalty have people who review the case over and over to see if there is any chance of innocence. Some guy getting life wrongly doesnt get that type of help, and is just as dead 70 years later.

As an aside, I have no issue with innocence projects, as long as they follow the rules.

Of the 142 cases where wrongful convictions happened, only 18 involved DNA.

So, no forensics is not the panacea you make it out to be.

In those cases, the system failed miserably. Cops lied, prosecutors suppressed evidence, technicians screwed up, and 142 people got sentenced to death, and the only reason we haven't killed some of them is because some very dedicated people did look at it.

Again, look at who gets wrongfully convicted...

Poor and not-white people, mostly.

When we sentence a rich person to death and execute him, then I will take this seriously.

You dont see many rich people committing murder. proportionally it is poor people because poor people are more likely to be criminals, as they have less to lose.

Would you want to sentance some ponzi scheme guy to the DP just to make things "equal"?

Yet rich people do commit murder

How many get the death penalty?
Of the 142 cases where wrongful convictions happened, only 18 involved DNA.

So, no forensics is not the panacea you make it out to be.

In those cases, the system failed miserably. Cops lied, prosecutors suppressed evidence, technicians screwed up, and 142 people got sentenced to death, and the only reason we haven't killed some of them is because some very dedicated people did look at it.

Again, look at who gets wrongfully convicted...

Poor and not-white people, mostly.

When we sentence a rich person to death and execute him, then I will take this seriously.

You dont see many rich people committing murder. proportionally it is poor people because poor people are more likely to be criminals, as they have less to lose.

Would you want to sentance some ponzi scheme guy to the DP just to make things "equal"?

Yet rich people do commit murder

How many get the death penalty?

How many live in a death penalty state? How many commit the murder in the commission of another crime or pre-plan them? (felony murder, which is usually the one that gets the DP)

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