Death Panels..Canadian Style

But see you could choose.

OK let me do this for you.

A man. A giant of a man reduced to 65 pounds. That was my father. 215 pounds of a truck driver Danny Boone wanting to live.

Never wanting to die. At what point do you say he has no right to live any more? Does anyone have the right to choose if he lives?

But I'll tell you honestly if my father had asked me to take him out I would have. These are horrible questions we face.

Blessedly God took him before I was faced with this question and this answer.

I'm sorry for your loss Tinydancer...I'm certain he loved you deeply as well.

I was his princess before before Disney Inc. made it a staple for your daughter. Not bad for a truck driving hockey playing old man.

He showed me all four corners of the net. He horrified my mother when he he said it was me singing "three blind mice" at a Toronto vs Chicago game.

Don't ask about the eggs in Buffalo cheering for the Leafs.

Dads make a difference.

When I put up those lyrics that daddy me put me on his knees and that he told me I could be anything I wanted to be.............

It's the damn truth.

Oh and he was not happy with Alice Cooper driving me home. Or hitchhiking to Boston. Or walking out that door one night saying I'll call you from California with a teddy, a small suitcase and five dollars in my hand.

But he loved me thru thick and thin. I was a handful.

I was desperate at his end of days. I was carrying him to the washroom before we figured it out that it would be easier if I made a bed pan out of a laundry detergent container.

I learned a lot of lessons with my dad's death in the new world where this sweetest young lady apparently till I came back up from Tennessee was trying to keep down his cholesterol level.

She was just in shock when I had to inform her my dad's toast. It's party time.

I'm bringing in he Timmy's and the Molson's. Girl really couldn't get it that the last thing my dad needed was to watch his weight. Good girl though. Just didn't understand.

Thanks for the insight Tinydancer.. I'd love to sit down at the kitchen table, share a coffee (or whatever) and discuss memories, life and perspectives with You. It would be the best of times..
The man has the 'right' to live if he can choose to live - he can't. He's a vegetable.

I don't know why but your callousness still surprises me..:dunno:

It is is the way of all statists

Just can't wait for the same quality of people that designed and implemented
Papa Obama care to do their wonderful work on the IPAB

Hopefully the Supreme Court will rule that their word is final
Just like in Canada now

[ame=]The Obsolete Man - YouTube[/ame]
What happens when someone chooses not to be put to death and the panel decides they are not capable of making that decision? What happens when the panel decides the family and appointed decision maker is too emotionally involved to make that decision?

You have to question how much money they are costing the taxpayer to keep them alive, and is it worth it when they will never wake up?

If they are costing the taxpayer millions of dollars to keep them alive by artificial means, then the hospital - and even the State - should be able to petition the courts to either send the family a bill for expenses, or pull the plug.
You have to question how much money they are costing the taxpayer to keep them alive, and is it worth it when they will never wake up?

If they are costing the taxpayer millions of dollars to keep them alive by artificial means, then the hospital - and even the State - should be able to petition the courts to either send the family a bill for expenses, or pull the plug.

Under the Canada Health Act, it is illegal for doctors or hospitals to bill patients for listed services.
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What happens when someone chooses not to be put to death and the panel decides they are not capable of making that decision? What happens when the panel decides the family and appointed decision maker is too emotionally involved to make that decision?

You have to question how much money they are costing the taxpayer to keep them alive, and is it worth it when they will never wake up?

If they are costing the taxpayer millions of dollars to keep them alive by artificial means, then the hospital - and even the State - should be able to petition the courts to either send the family a bill for expenses, or pull the plug.

The person who is dying paid taxes all their life. High fines as I think of them over decades and never used.

They are owed.

I don't know about you in Aussie land but I have spent over all my years of working a fortune in future health care.

So, and with all due respect, fuck you that at the end of my days which I pray are not up and coming that the "system" takes care of me.

I never go to hospitals. 3 children overnight births and right out again.

I paid in. Haven't used my ticket.
I never go to hospitals. 3 children overnight births and right out again.

I paid in. Haven't used my ticket.

You make it sound like that's unique or unusual. Overnight stays in hospital for live births are the norm and have been for more than 25 years.

Of course you also had the option of having your child at home, barring complications, and having a midwife attend the birth. Most women opt for the hospital delivery.
Everyone pays taxes, but they get used up for other things, not medical treatment necessarily.
Sorry, if you want to stay alive even when there is no hope of a recovery, you can pay the bill, or your family can.
I realize you are not parroting some RW site for sensational purposes, but the Slate article doesn't make sense. First, it acknowledges that the accepted US practice is when a family of a comatose person, who made no directed care provision prior to incapacity, disagrees with a treating physician's opinion that life support should be terminated, generally courts must decide the issue.

BUT, the article notes the family and the treating physician DISAGREE in this case. That is, it is the same facutal scenario as in the prior set of facts. The only difference is that apparantly in Ontario there's a board of docs, lawyers and lay people.

Consent and Capacity Board

The article honeslty states there's little differnce in having a judge or an administrative board make the decision in that it's still an independent decider in chief.

But then for whackadoodle notions the article then veers off and opinies Canucks trust the gummit more than us, and that's why they don't have guns. WTF?

The only difference I can see is that the court must adhere to the law when handing down a decision and they listen to all sides of the argument.

If a government appointed panel is just handed that power, they make the decision unilaterally. The decision by a panel is likely to center around cost.

Also, in Canada, retirees don't get the same quality of medical treatment as those who work. A friend of mine brings in about $200,000 a year, nearly half of which is taken by the government. He gets good care now, but has been told if he retires, the amount of care he is entitled to will be significantly reduced. It's almost like the government only takes care of those that make money so they can steal it. When you become a burden of the state instead of a payer, they could care less if you live or die.

I think Obamacare will be similar, because all socialized countries face the same problems. I doubt we'll see as many elderly people getting hip replacements, pacemakers and other expensive procedures. One Democrat stated years ago that senior citizens have a duty to die. I don't think much has changed in the way many leftwing nuts are thinking except that now they make decisions on peoples' lives, so their heartless views will seal the fate of many.
Check this thought out, and then think about it in the scheme of things. You see our leftist gooberment would rather focus on paying for sex changes for prisoners, than to grant a person who worked all his or her life all their options until the very end in this nation. Our leftist gooberment also would rather advocate killing the children in the womb so much so that they will have never had gotten old enough to become a burden on the state. Our leftist gooberment is working hard to make sure that weird and un-natural procedures are paid for freely for the whining liberals, but then they want to dis-respect the sickly who had worked all their life by complicating the end of life situation for them and their families ? I bet they can't help but think about what the gooberment is doing in all of this other waste in which they engage in, and yet all the while being so quick to write someone off in order to ease the pressures of moneys in the scheme of things all at the same time ? The waste in this nation by our gooberment, flies in the faces of our citizens who deserve the best at the end of their lives, and I mean the best they do deserve. Many times it is about money and not the patients ability to withstand the next treatment, even if they were to die in that treatment, at least something was still being done for them up until the end. Now if their family and them feel that the situation is hopeless then so be it, but to refuse medical treatment to a patient over money is unacceptable and should always be unacceptable in America.
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Everyone pays taxes, but they get used up for other things, not medical treatment necessarily.
Sorry, if you want to stay alive even when there is no hope of a recovery, you can pay the bill, or your family can.

it is such a burden for the state

We should also make women have abortions where the children are
going to be sickly. These kids are not going to produce much in terms
of taxes and cost the gov't money.

Wouldn't you agree?
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Everyone pays taxes, but they get used up for other things, not medical treatment necessarily.
Sorry, if you want to stay alive even when there is no hope of a recovery, you can pay the bill, or your family can.

Kinda contradicts your Socialist Utopia principles.... Oh I forget.... Socialist Utopias, do not have principles, just flavors of the day. ;)

Who should pay for life style consequences in your mind? Is that somehow different? Protected?

What is your guarantee that Someone can't come out of a Coma? Pulling the plug? ;) Got it.

Funny seeing you advocate certain forms of personal responsibility, why stop there?
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Everyone pays taxes, but they get used up for other things, not medical treatment necessarily.
Sorry, if you want to stay alive even when there is no hope of a recovery, you can pay the bill, or your family can.

it is such a burden for the state

We should also make women have abortions where the children are
going to be sickly. These kids are not going to produce much in terms
of taxes and cost the gov't money.

Wouldn't you agree?

If people purposefully have a child they know will require medical treatment for the rest of their lives, they can pay for the care themselves because the taxpayer shouldn't have to.
Everyone pays taxes, but they get used up for other things, not medical treatment necessarily.
Sorry, if you want to stay alive even when there is no hope of a recovery, you can pay the bill, or your family can.

it is such a burden for the state

We should also make women have abortions where the children are
going to be sickly. These kids are not going to produce much in terms
of taxes and cost the gov't money.

Wouldn't you agree?

If people purposefully have a child they know will require medical treatment for the rest of their lives, they can pay for the care themselves because the taxpayer shouldn't have to.

How about a welfare mother with a drug problem...what then?
Everyone pays taxes, but they get used up for other things, not medical treatment necessarily.
Sorry, if you want to stay alive even when there is no hope of a recovery, you can pay the bill, or your family can.

it is such a burden for the state

We should also make women have abortions where the children are
going to be sickly. These kids are not going to produce much in terms
of taxes and cost the gov't money.

Wouldn't you agree?

If people purposefully have a child they know will require medical treatment for the rest of their lives, they can pay for the care themselves because the taxpayer shouldn't have to.

We Each require Medical Treatment for the rest of our lives, in one way or another.
it is such a burden for the state

We should also make women have abortions where the children are
going to be sickly. These kids are not going to produce much in terms
of taxes and cost the gov't money.

Wouldn't you agree?

If people purposefully have a child they know will require medical treatment for the rest of their lives, they can pay for the care themselves because the taxpayer shouldn't have to.

How about a welfare mother with a drug problem...what then?
GUBMINT...[aka TAXPAYERS]...gotta pay...:eusa_whistle:
Everyone pays taxes, but they get used up for other things, not medical treatment necessarily.
Sorry, if you want to stay alive even when there is no hope of a recovery, you can pay the bill, or your family can.

it is such a burden for the state

We should also make women have abortions where the children are
going to be sickly. These kids are not going to produce much in terms
of taxes and cost the gov't money.

Wouldn't you agree?
What a can of worms YOU open...and right UP the Statist alley for population control...:eusa_whistle:
I agree that the decision for any medical decision should
be between a person and their doctor without the state
determining the allocation of resources.

Sadly, the left's insistence
on gov't intrusion in the market will necessitate the gov't making such
decisions on death and birth. Most on the left choose to hide from that reality or
are comfortable with the likes of the idiots who planned the Papa Obamacare website making
decisions for us.
Everyone pays taxes, but they get used up for other things, not medical treatment necessarily.
Sorry, if you want to stay alive even when there is no hope of a recovery, you can pay the bill, or your family can.

it is such a burden for the state

We should also make women have abortions where the children are
going to be sickly. These kids are not going to produce much in terms
of taxes and cost the gov't money.

Wouldn't you agree?

If people purposefully have a child they know will require medical treatment for the rest of their lives, they can pay for the care themselves because the taxpayer shouldn't have to.

Well if the state can play a role in end of life medical treatments
that would hasten the time of death to save the state money.

why not beginning of life to save the state money?
A person could say anything about taking care of a sickly baby
what if they have no assets?

Talk about money. Odds are the dying person at least paid some money into the system
But a very handicapped child, they may never put any money into the system.
The state could save a lot of money.

Why not?
Is there really any difference?

What's the big thing?
A doctor determines that an abortion would be the best
medical treatment for the women.

We can legally subject a patient to court-ordered forced care
right now for a lot of things.
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it is such a burden for the state

We should also make women have abortions where the children are
going to be sickly. These kids are not going to produce much in terms
of taxes and cost the gov't money.

Wouldn't you agree?

If people purposefully have a child they know will require medical treatment for the rest of their lives, they can pay for the care themselves because the taxpayer shouldn't have to.

Well if the state can play a role in end of life medical treatments
that would hasten the time of death to save the state money.

why not beginning of life to save the state money?
A person could say anything about taking care of a sickly baby
what if they have no assets?

Talk about money. Odds are the dying person at least paid some money into the system
But a very handicapped child, they may never put any money into the system.
The state could save a lot of money.

Why not?
Is there really any difference?

What's the big thing?
A doctor determines that an abortion would be the best
medical treatment for the women.

We can legally subject a patient to court-ordered forced care
right now for a lot of things.

The STATE wants to play GOD.

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