Death Knell For The Democrat Party???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.
The proverbial nail in the coffin will be if Democrats are stupid enough to run 2-time-loser criminal Clinton again, as she will no doubt be screaming once again, "It's STILL my turn".

The proverbial nail in the coffin will be if Democrats are stupid enough to run 2-time-loser criminal Clinton again, as she will no doubt be screaming once again, "It's STILL my turn".

The Dems are not allowing Clinton to run again, one by one they are blaming Trumps Presidency on her which is actually the truth.

So will Clinton have Biden murdered?

The dems will off Clinton themselves soon enough
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.
Free full body massage with happy ending for right wing chics that want to, go left!
Make "right to work" national, and eliminate the illegal vote, and dems won't win another presidential election for a hundred years. The party will become obsolete.
Death Knell For The Democrat Party???


they have a need to lie about everything

check this turd breath out

people are just fed up with these assholes

Former Petersburg City Attorney Brian K. Telfair asked a city employee to buy a prepaid cellphone that he later used to make a phone call to himself — a call that Telfair told police was made by an unknown “redneck” caller who made racist threats to the mayor and two other city officials, according to court records.

The phony call led to the abrupt cancellation of a Petersburg City Council meeting in February 2016 after city officials received word that residents were upset about high water bills and other financial issues plaguing the city, according to court records related to Telfair’s pending misdemeanor criminal charge of lying to police about the supposed threat to city officials.

Documents in Telfair’s case file in Petersburg General District Court outline what appears to be much of the prosecution’s case against the former city attorney, who resigned in March 2016. Special prosecutor Benjamin H. Garrison provided the material to Telfair’s attorney in response to a pretrial motion for evidence against his client.

Telfair was scheduled to stand trial May 23, but the proceeding was continued on that day to Sept. 1.

The documents contain summaries of police interviews with Telfair and other city officials and employees about the events surrounding the last-minute cancellation of the City Council meeting on Feb. 16, 2016.

At the time, the city released a cryptic note about the cancellation, citing safety concerns. The next day, Telfair said that racial slurs and threats of physical violence against some members of the council and the administration prompted the cancellation.

Court documents allege that Telfair concocted the entire episode.

Court records: Ex-Petersburg city attorney made phony call to himself claiming racial threats to city leaders
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.
i'd like to hear stories from people, past and present, if and how they were "persuaded" to vote.
and who employs the two million seiu members.

good one PC.
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.

2 million words or less please

Sorry Bassman007
1. Problems caused by Democrats are TOO EXTENSIVE to put into a few words and expect to do justice.
Unconstitutional conflicts of interest enabled or funded by Democrats have caused abuses and damaged on ALL LEVELS and areas of govt.

2. As a Democrat myself who has struggled to check and correct abuses by my own party leaders and policies,
I have a worse problem trying to "summarize" the solutions effectively.

As a Green leaning progressive Democrat and Constitutionalist, I have to defend PoliticalChic
and applaud her attempts that are better than mine.

At least she ENUMERATES the several points that are impacted with each issue the Democrats have FU(BAR).

3. Bassman007 if you want issues with Democrats
to be short and to the point, as the Rightwing are able to shout over the radio,

If we AGREED to follow the
* 10 Articles in the Bill of Rights and
* 10 Articles in the Code of Ethics,
That's all we'd have to CITE and hit the points home in 200 words or fewer!

But as long as liberal Democrats don't follow the RULE OF LAW
but skirt around and make everything "morally relativistic" and treat each case as special rights
And BIG MESSES to clean up that affect
* federal levels of govt
* states rights and levels of govt
* city and county govt
* individual rights and freedoms that should have remained free from govt interference



Until then, I can try to summarize what is wrong and how to correct it.
But I go way over the average audience attention span or experience.

PoliticalChic at least can explain it in OUTLINED POINTS that reach
some audiences.

Sorry you are not able to keep up, but compared with me,
she does a pretty good job trying to address a huge web of govt issues FU by the Democrats.

Bassman007 the problems are far-reaching
and can't be fixed in 30 second sound bytes.
Why are the rich blaming the right wing and willing to withhold funding from the slacker right wing; if they don't start doing their jobs instead of just, "gossiping" about how much they are going to do their jobs.
The proverbial nail in the coffin will be if Democrats are stupid enough to run 2-time-loser criminal Clinton again, as she will no doubt be screaming once again, "It's STILL my turn".

. They'll do worse than that, it is garanteed now... LOL.
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.

Dear PoliticalChic
1. Thanks for enumerating the several points this issue affects.
You do a great job and I will try to follow your example when I unload on fellow Democrats
and what it will take us to fix the messes caused by party politics.
You go!

2. I still hope I can organize and launch a national class action over the rights violated
and damages caused by the unconstitutional ACA mandates, bailouts, and govt shutdown in protest.
I est. taxpayers are owed billions if not trillions, if we'd all come together as a CLASS and demand refunds and restitution for the imposition
on our finances and freedoms that weren't justified as we were not convicted of crimes to lose our liberties.
Any "compelling interest" could have been addressed with PRIVATE LLC and business/nonprofit reforms without relying on govt to try to force it

3. As for labor pools, socialist and other worker parties and unions
PoliticalChic I would say these are the people who could jump on board with business and job plans
and work WITH TRUMP and Trump AND BERNIE supporters to jumpstart economic expansion, starting with schools
that can train new workers to mentor under the experienced laborers retiring and aging out of the system.
Both Trump and Sanders face restitution they owe for abuses and/or academic fraud.
They can use the defunct and abused school system to organize workers
by skill level, match them to business sponsors, and fund education by on the job training
and paid internships so students can work their way through school. Including medical
and nursing school so this provides "universal health care" at the same time we train the staff
and expand the facilities needed to serve local populations to reach all people at affordable sustainable levels.

Together, the workers and small business folks on LEFT and RIGHT
can overcome the oppression by class politics pushed by elitist Democrats
playing the same corporate games they accuse opponents of doing.

Just like the ants and the grasshoppers, the ants need to unite all the anthills
and chase off the bullies exploiting that labor. If we don't unite, that's how we
all become victims to partisan politics pitting the rich and poor against each other.

The workers at the bottom are the key to uniting around sustainable business plans
and development across the states and in each district, focused around local schools and supporting business interests.

For unions, the teachers unions and police unions are the key to stabilizing each district,
uniting with their local communities, taking back control of programs, property and policies
and stopping the govt abuses and waste by politicians making profits and careers off
keeping these people divided against each other instead of organizing and governing their own resources!

Thanks PC
If you can please help me take this idea above
and explain it in conservative talking points,
we can lobby both left and right to unite,
* both Sanders workers supporters and Trump supporters,
* both teachers unions and police unions,
* both health care and prison reform lobbyists,
and take back state resources and local authority
instead of handing more and more over to federal govt where it gets abused.

How can we write this up to appeal to both Left and Right
to unite and create jobs for workers and students to fix these problems and abuses?
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.
PC wrote, excerpted:

"In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump"

Mine too. ;) .
Just one more effort to make American workers poorer.
. I agree there has to be representation for the workers against greed and slave labor tactics in which had been proven yet again in this country over the issue of cheap labor tactics being used on the Mexican labor forces who many were here illegally. So who will the representatives be if the unions fall ?? Will it be the federal government to then take over the role of labor representation in this nation where there is none or will the unions shake off their poisonous handlers, re-invent itself, and go back to representing American workers instead of corporate interest or political interest that is tied to corporate interest ?
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.
i'd like to hear stories from people, past and present, if and how they were "persuaded" to vote.
and who employs the two million seiu members.

good one PC.

I've been an SEIU member since 2004. I have never felt compelled to vote for any candidate supported by the SEIU.
Death Knell For The Democrat Party???


they have a need to lie about everything

check this turd breath out

people are just fed up with these assholes

Former Petersburg City Attorney Brian K. Telfair asked a city employee to buy a prepaid cellphone that he later used to make a phone call to himself — a call that Telfair told police was made by an unknown “redneck” caller who made racist threats to the mayor and two other city officials, according to court records.

The phony call led to the abrupt cancellation of a Petersburg City Council meeting in February 2016 after city officials received word that residents were upset about high water bills and other financial issues plaguing the city, according to court records related to Telfair’s pending misdemeanor criminal charge of lying to police about the supposed threat to city officials.

Documents in Telfair’s case file in Petersburg General District Court outline what appears to be much of the prosecution’s case against the former city attorney, who resigned in March 2016. Special prosecutor Benjamin H. Garrison provided the material to Telfair’s attorney in response to a pretrial motion for evidence against his client.

Telfair was scheduled to stand trial May 23, but the proceeding was continued on that day to Sept. 1.

The documents contain summaries of police interviews with Telfair and other city officials and employees about the events surrounding the last-minute cancellation of the City Council meeting on Feb. 16, 2016.

At the time, the city released a cryptic note about the cancellation, citing safety concerns. The next day, Telfair said that racial slurs and threats of physical violence against some members of the council and the administration prompted the cancellation.

Court documents allege that Telfair concocted the entire episode.

Court records: Ex-Petersburg city attorney made phony call to himself claiming racial threats to city leaders


"Faking Hate Crimes: “The first one to really go viral involved a Muslim female student at the University of Louisiana who claimed to have had her hijab ripped off and her wallet stolen the day after Trump's election by two white men wearing Trump hats. But on Thursday, local police announced that the young woman had admitted she fabricated the story. . alleged incident of a gay man named Chris Ball getting beaten up by Trump supporters..

...a black woman claimed that four white men had threatened her while she was pumping gas....But when PhillyVoice contacted Smyrna police Thursday, the department said no report about such an incident had been filed and no one had contacted them about anything similar."
John Hawkins - The 5 Biggest Liberal Freak-Outs Over Trump’s Election
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.
i'd like to hear stories from people, past and present, if and how they were "persuaded" to vote.
and who employs the two million seiu members.

good one PC.

I've been an SEIU member since 2004. I have never felt compelled to vote for any candidate supported by the SEIU.
. And you are still a member why ?
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.
i'd like to hear stories from people, past and present, if and how they were "persuaded" to vote.
and who employs the two million seiu members.

good one PC.

I've been an SEIU member since 2004. I have never felt compelled to vote for any candidate supported by the SEIU.

I applaud your independence.

But, unfortunately, you're missing the point.

This point:

" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

You have no say in where those $millions go.
Just one more effort to make American workers poorer.
. I agree there has to be representation for the workers against greed and slave labor tactics in which had been proven yet again in this country over the issue of cheap labor tactics being used on the Mexican labor forces who many were here illegally. So who will the representatives be if the unions fall ?? Will it be the federal government to then take over the role of labor representation in this nation where there is none or will the unions shake off their poisonous handlers, re-invent itself, and go back to representing American workers instead of corporate interest or political interest that is tied to corporate interest ?

" Will it be the federal government to then take over the role of labor representation..."

Not 'will it be'.....but 'why is it that the federal government has taken the role of labor representation?'

The 32nd President, contrary to the Constitution, did exactly that.

I have proof of this in a post I've prepared to post a bit later.
Hope you'll read it and give your opinion.
Janus.....a union worker who doesn't agree with the Leftist policies and candidates that his union uses the dues it collects, sues to block forcing him to pay dues!

This sort of thing is what he objects to:
" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

Union support is the life's blood of the Democrat Party.
Where did the union get that money, and who decided how it is to be spent?

1. "On June 6, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case involving plaintiff Mark compelled to send part of his paycheck to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even though he says that the union does not “represent his interests.”

2. Right-to-work proponents are optimistic that the Court will hear the case and that Neil Gorsuch, Scalia’s replacement, will come down as the fifth vote on the side of employee freedom and overturn the 40-year-old precedent established in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court held that states may force public-sector workers to pay union dues, ....

3. The Economic Policy Institute, an organization with strong ties to organized labor, claims that prohibiting fair-share payments could “profoundly affect the ability of millions of public-sector workers to improve their wages and working conditions....

4. [But former] research fellow in labor economics at the Heritage Foundation James Sherk explains that “studies that control for differences in costs of living find workers in states with voluntary dues have no lower—and possibly slightly higher—real wages than workers in states with compulsory dues.”

Here come the predictions of the end of the Democrat Party:

5. Even if the Court decides to hear the case, a decision in Janus is most likely a year off. But the unions are planning for the worst-case scenario. California Teachers Association Executive Director Joe Nuñez wrote in January that the CTA should be prepared for a 30 percent to 40 percent membership drop, ....

6. But whatever the membership drop might be, it will be damaging to the unions and could have widespread ramifications. And perhaps no group will be more affected than the Democratic Party. Naomi Walker, an assistant to AFSCME president Lee Saunders and a former Obama administration appointee, said that Janus “could undermine political operations that assist the Democratic Party.”
She added, “The progressive infrastructure in this country, from think tanks to advocacy organizations—which depends on the resources and engagement of workers and their unions—will crumble. We need the entire labor and progressive movements to stand with us and fight for us.
We may not survive without it—and nor, we fear, will they.”

['tis a consummation devoutly to be wished'....The Bard]

7. "The loss of these unions’ political clout certainly was a factor in giving Donald Trump narrow victories in both states. Should the Court decide for Janus in Janus, neither the apocalypse nor utopia will be upon us, but much will change.

8. Most notably, many government workers will have much freedom than they have now, and the Democratic Party won’t have the same bundles of cash flowing from union piggy banks." Janus and Worker Freedom

In full disclosure....the future of the Supreme Court, and of this nation, was my #1 reason for voting for President Trump.
The Democrats see exactly why.
i'd like to hear stories from people, past and present, if and how they were "persuaded" to vote.
and who employs the two million seiu members.

good one PC.

I've been an SEIU member since 2004. I have never felt compelled to vote for any candidate supported by the SEIU.

I applaud your independence.

But, unfortunately, you're missing the point.

This point:

" Andy Stern of the SEIU:
We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we’re proud of it." | The Price of An Election

You have no say in where those $millions go.
. Does being a member of SEIU spell independence ?

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