Dear race deniers


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
To people who don't see race, or deny race exists:

If that's the case, then black people don't exist! White people don't exist! They are merely people. Therefore, you cannot support any affirmative action, protections, groups, or identity based on race. Nor can you attack white nationalists, because whiteness doesn't even exist.

See the illogic of your position. You want to simultaneously deny race exists, but then in the next breath you want to say, no, no, black people do exist and they are being oppressed. You are completely split and conflicted in your brains.

Why can't you just end the conflict, resolve it in your head by admitting:
-race exists
-people will separate based on race

But you can't do it. You fight this with every ounce of your propagandized, conditioned brains. You continually fall back on your default position, which is:
-race doesn't exist!
-but, white people are oppressing colored people!
-we need everyone to mix and breed with each other to create a new "mixed" race!

So in the end we finally see and diagnose your madness. It's not that you really believe that race doesn't exist. Rather, you see race and you can't stand it. You hate the knowledge that there are different races. So, you want to absolutely abolish race altogether, and create a new mixed race.

But you know you can never do that, because people will always sort themselves out and breed separately, so the races will always persist. And this drives you to insanity.
To people who don't see race, or deny race exists:

If that's the case, then black people don't exist! White people don't exist! They are merely people. Therefore, you cannot support any affirmative action, protections, groups, or identity based on race. Nor can you attack white nationalists, because whiteness doesn't even exist.

See the illogic of your position. You want to simultaneously deny race exists, but then in the next breath you want to say, no, no, black people do exist and they are being oppressed. You are completely split and conflicted in your brains.

Why can't you just end the conflict, resolve it in your head by admitting:
-race exists
-people will separate based on race

But you can't do it. You fight this with every ounce of your propagandized, conditioned brains. You continually fall back on your default position, which is:
-race doesn't exist!
-but, white people are oppressing colored people!
-we need everyone to mix and breed with each other to create a new "mixed" race!

So in the end we finally see and diagnose your madness. It's not that you really believe that race doesn't exist. Rather, you see race and you can't stand it. You hate the knowledge that there are different races. So, you want to absolutely abolish race altogether, and create a new mixed race.

But you know you can never do that, because people will always sort themselves out and breed separately, so the races will always persist. And this drives you to insanity.
Whoa there, little guy. You'll be okay :itsok:
To people who don't see race, or deny race exists:

If that's the case, then black people don't exist! White people don't exist! They are merely people. Therefore, you cannot support any affirmative action, protections, groups, or identity based on race. Nor can you attack white nationalists, because whiteness doesn't even exist.

See the illogic of your position. You want to simultaneously deny race exists, but then in the next breath you want to say, no, no, black people do exist and they are being oppressed. You are completely split and conflicted in your brains.

Why can't you just end the conflict, resolve it in your head by admitting:
-race exists
-people will separate based on race

But you can't do it. You fight this with every ounce of your propagandized, conditioned brains. You continually fall back on your default position, which is:
-race doesn't exist!
-but, white people are oppressing colored people!
-we need everyone to mix and breed with each other to create a new "mixed" race!

So in the end we finally see and diagnose your madness. It's not that you really believe that race doesn't exist. Rather, you see race and you can't stand it. You hate the knowledge that there are different races. So, you want to absolutely abolish race altogether, and create a new mixed race.

But you know you can never do that, because people will always sort themselves out and breed separately, so the races will always persist. And this drives you to insanity.

Who said race doesn't exist? It's just not a valid reason to deny rights.
I don't there are many people who deny the existence of the Races. I also don't believe there are many people who think the human ideal is for everyone to have the same features and mocha colored skin tone. If you embrace diversity then White people would be an important part of that diversity.
I say Soros is paying for racism and the blacks are falling for it hook, line and sinker. Blacks have the same rights as everyone else in this country. While there will always be those whites that hate blacks, and those blacks that hate whites, most Americans go about their daily business with no regard to black or white..
To people who don't see race, or deny race exists:

If that's the case, then black people don't exist! White people don't exist! They are merely people. Therefore, you cannot support any affirmative action, protections, groups, or identity based on race. Nor can you attack white nationalists, because whiteness doesn't even exist.

See the illogic of your position. You want to simultaneously deny race exists, but then in the next breath you want to say, no, no, black people do exist and they are being oppressed. You are completely split and conflicted in your brains.

Why can't you just end the conflict, resolve it in your head by admitting:
-race exists
-people will separate based on race

But you can't do it. You fight this with every ounce of your propagandized, conditioned brains. You continually fall back on your default position, which is:
-race doesn't exist!
-but, white people are oppressing colored people!
-we need everyone to mix and breed with each other to create a new "mixed" race!

So in the end we finally see and diagnose your madness. It's not that you really believe that race doesn't exist. Rather, you see race and you can't stand it. You hate the knowledge that there are different races. So, you want to absolutely abolish race altogether, and create a new mixed race.

But you know you can never do that, because people will always sort themselves out and breed separately, so the races will always persist. And this drives you to insanity.

Who said race doesn't exist? It's just not a valid reason to deny rights.

There are a lot of leftists who think race is merely a human construct
To people who don't see race, or deny race exists:

If that's the case, then black people don't exist! White people don't exist! They are merely people. Therefore, you cannot support any affirmative action, protections, groups, or identity based on race. Nor can you attack white nationalists, because whiteness doesn't even exist.

See the illogic of your position. You want to simultaneously deny race exists, but then in the next breath you want to say, no, no, black people do exist and they are being oppressed. You are completely split and conflicted in your brains.

Why can't you just end the conflict, resolve it in your head by admitting:
-race exists
-people will separate based on race

But you can't do it. You fight this with every ounce of your propagandized, conditioned brains. You continually fall back on your default position, which is:
-race doesn't exist!
-but, white people are oppressing colored people!
-we need everyone to mix and breed with each other to create a new "mixed" race!

So in the end we finally see and diagnose your madness. It's not that you really believe that race doesn't exist. Rather, you see race and you can't stand it. You hate the knowledge that there are different races. So, you want to absolutely abolish race altogether, and create a new mixed race.

But you know you can never do that, because people will always sort themselves out and breed separately, so the races will always persist. And this drives you to insanity.

Who said race doesn't exist? It's just not a valid reason to deny rights.

There are a lot of leftists who think race is merely a human construct

I guess it could be a matter of degree. There are differences between right and left handed people. Not insurmountable differences, and certainly not enough to justify mistreatment by one of the other.
Dieversity essentially means less Whites. Death to the community.

Thanks for admitting that whites have been chosen almost exclusively and any inclusion of others means the white people cant dominate anymore. Boohoo

You're welcome. Whites are the Chosen ; obvious. When we leave Apelanta , Chicongo , and Memphrica develop ; turd world cities. Dieversity. Non whites can cause more damage than a nuclear strike.
Dieversity essentially means less Whites. Death to the community.

Thanks for admitting that whites have been chosen almost exclusively and any inclusion of others means the white people cant dominate anymore. Boohoo

You're welcome. Whites are the Chosen ; obvious. When we leave Apelanta , Chicongo , and Memphrica develop ; turd world cities. Dieversity. Non whites can cause more damage than a nuclear strike.

What are you still doing in my country? GTFO and go build this Cowardopia you keep whining about.
Various city states are building themselves through what once a Nation. We are quickly morphing into ethnic and racial ethno states. Balkanizing. Name call all you desire. Separate entities are developing. Multiculturalism has been a dismal fail.
Various city states are building themselves through what once a Nation. We are quickly morphing into ethnic and racial ethno states. Balkanizing. Name call all you desire. Separate entities are developing. Multiculturalism has been a dismal fail.

You have no idea what any of the terms you just used actually mean.
Various city states are building themselves through what once a Nation. We are quickly morphing into ethnic and racial ethno states. Balkanizing. Name call all you desire. Separate entities are developing. Multiculturalism has been a dismal fail.

You have no idea what any of the terms you just used actually mean.

And that's your response? Damn. You went to public school.
Various city states are building themselves through what once a Nation. We are quickly morphing into ethnic and racial ethno states. Balkanizing. Name call all you desire. Separate entities are developing. Multiculturalism has been a dismal fail.

No. Separate entities aren't developing. They have been there all along. Since Trump-0's election the more hateful entities, that have always been there, are feeling vindicated and encouraged. Sadly for them, just because the crazy president agrees with them doesn't mean the country does. They are still just a small fringe making more noise recently than they have for a while.
Various city states are building themselves through what once a Nation. We are quickly morphing into ethnic and racial ethno states. Balkanizing. Name call all you desire. Separate entities are developing. Multiculturalism has been a dismal fail.

You have no idea what any of the terms you just used actually mean.

And that's your response? Damn. You went to public school.

Yes, and you have no idea what any of the terms you used actually mean.
I say Soros is paying for racism and the blacks are falling for it hook, line and sinker. Blacks have the same rights as everyone else in this country. While there will always be those whites that hate blacks, and those blacks that hate whites, most Americans go about their daily business with no regard to black or white..
Racism has been around way longer than Soros. Of course Blacks have the same rights as everyone else. Everyone knows that. They had the same rights right after the Civil War. The problem is that whites in their fits of insecurity come up with ways to place obstacles in the way. Now for those Blacks like myself that simple wont quit? cant be stopped. However, that usually consists of having scorn for white philosophy and divorcing yourself from indulging in white society. Listening to whites will give you a distorted view of reality.

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