Dear Congressman Paul Ryan, I recently came across something that might interest you.

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Dear Congressman Paul Ryan, I recently came across something that might interest you. I know it tickled my fancy.


I think of you more as an average, barely adequate, wingnut Congressman who would sell his soul to the Devil, if indeed the Devil actually existed. Having you as first in line in the case of incapacitation of the President? No thanks.

yours truly
an American Voter
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Dear Congressman Paul Ryan, I recently came across something that might interest you. I know it tickled my fancy.


I think of you more as an average, barely adequate, wingnut Congressman who would sell his soul to the Devil, if indeed the Devil actually existed. Having you as first in line in the case of incapacitation of the President? No thanks.

yours truly
an American Voter

He's little differnt than Sarah Palin, both have their position because they can quote chapter and verse of trickle down dogma and act as if they actually believe it with all their heart.
Look at you two !

You are so funny dressing up like adults.

Now, off to bed with you.
Hilarious. a Couple of worthless left wing hacks declaring someone with 100 times their Intellect unfit.

Ryan knows more about Economics and Budget issues than every Liberal on this Board, and Everyone in the Obama admin Combined.
Dear Congressman Paul Ryan, I recently came across something that might interest you. I know it tickled my fancy.


I think of you more as an average, barely adequate, wingnut Congressman who would sell his soul to the Devil, if indeed the Devil actually existed. Having you as first in line in the case of incapacitation of the President? No thanks.

yours truly
an American Voter

His "soul" is owned by Ayn Rand and she has no mystical beliefs.
Hilarious. a Couple of worthless left wing hacks declaring someone with 100 times their Intellect unfit.

Ryan knows more about Economics and Budget issues than every Liberal on this Board, and Everyone in the Obama admin Combined.



Hilarious. a Couple of worthless left wing hacks declaring someone with 100 times their Intellect unfit.

Ryan knows more about Economics and Budget issues than every Liberal on this Board, and Everyone in the Obama admin Combined.

He can't even explain his own tax plan, what the hell are you talking about? The brilliant numbers man said "that's for congress to figure out", when is the last time they figured anything out that ended up as good as the original idea?
Like Biden is presidential material?

If it came down to Biden or Ryan for president, the choice is clear: a maniac who can't control his emotions or a calm, respectful numbers guy.
Like Biden is presidential material?

If it came down to Biden or Ryan for president, the choice is clear: a maniac who can't control his emotions or a calm, respectful numbers guy.

:laugh2: Biden laughed in Ryan's face because Ryan is a fucking joke. Control his emotions?

Give it a break, only FOX News and conservatives were upset on Ryan being spanked on national television

Like Biden is presidential material?

If it came down to Biden or Ryan for president, the choice is clear: a maniac who can't control his emotions or a calm, respectful numbers guy.

:laugh2: Biden laughed in Ryan's face because Ryan is a joke:

Biden got all frustrated and butthurt after the first question when Ryan pointed out how the administration lied about the embassy attack and tried to blame a YouTube video. Biden, in his attempt to twist the facts, then lied to American people. He got all worked up and the rest of the debate was about Biden acting like a baby and throwing a temper tantrum. Yeah, reeeal fucking presidential.
Like Biden is presidential material?

If it came down to Biden or Ryan for president, the choice is clear: a maniac who can't control his emotions or a calm, respectful numbers guy.

:laugh2: Biden laughed in Ryan's face because Ryan is a joke:

Biden got all frustrated and butthurt after the first question when Ryan pointed out how the administration lied about the embassy attack and tried to blame a YouTube video. Biden, in his attempt to twist the facts, then lied to American people. He got all worked up and the rest of the debate was about Biden acting like a baby and throwing a temper tantrum. Yeah, reeeal fucking presidential.

:cuckoo: Biden was never frustrated. You people need a reality check.

FOX News spins Biden looking at the fool Ryan and laughing as some sort of weird thing? :lol:

Ryan was lost. He wasn't speaking to a bunch of Tea Baggers with no response. Biden cut him off at every lie.
Like Biden is presidential material?

If it came down to Biden or Ryan for president, the choice is clear: a maniac who can't control his emotions or a calm, respectful numbers guy.

:laugh2: Biden laughed in Ryan's face because Ryan is a fucking joke. Control his emotions?

Give it a break, only FOX News and conservatives were upset on Ryan being spanked on national television


Biden fucked Ryan :eusa_whistle:
Biden threw a temper tantrum on national TV. He's a heat beat away from the president of the United States. Do you really believe laughing and lying and interrupting is presidential behavior?
Hilarious. a Couple of worthless left wing hacks declaring someone with 100 times their Intellect unfit.

Ryan knows more about Economics and Budget issues than every Liberal on this Board, and Everyone in the Obama admin Combined.

Did Ryan learn about economics and budgeting when he worked less time in the privet sector than Obama? Seriously, Ryan has less time working at a job than most teenagers even in this "great recession."
Biden threw a temper tantrum on national TV. He's a heat beat away from the president of the United States. Do you really believe laughing and lying and interrupting is presidential behavior?

Ryan was lying from the very beginning, so Joe corrected his lying ass. :lol: It was funny and many people were laughing along with Biden/

lighten up Francis


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