Dear Class of 2015, You’re in Big Trouble


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Facing unemployment, loan debt, expensive retiree payouts and more problems, young people need a lobby

A truly sad state of affairs that isn't going to get any better very soon. Whether it's high school or college, we're going to have tens of thousands young people wondering what's in store for them.

The youth unemployment rate for those between ages 20 and 24 is 9.6%, compared with 4.5% for those 25 and over

Read more @ Dear Class of 2015 You re in Big Trouble - WSJ
There are about 5 million openings for craftsmen. A high school education today is worth what a grade school education was when I graduated from high school. That is, next to nothing.
People who are willing to work hard, be punctual, respect others, and stay out of trouble will do fine. People with college degrees that actually prepare them for productive careers will be fine. Life isn't easy, but for these people, most will be able to prosper, either through employment or some form of entrepreneurship.

Middle Class Values: Finish school, get a job, get married, don't have kids until you can afford them. As always, these are the tickets to financial and personal security.

For those with no ambition, people who think life owes them something, and people who make disastrous life-choices, life will be difficult and they will constantly be looking for someone or something to blame and/or give them something for nothing.

The biggest threat to the latter group is the "$15 Minimum Wage." If it were to pass on a national scale, they would be looking at a future basically without hope.
There are about 5 million openings for craftsmen. A high school education today is worth what a grade school education was when I graduated from high school. That is, next to nothing.

The problem is our current thinking considers crafting jobs as "beneath" people with a college degree. Either change that, or start telling people you CAN get a crafting job right out of a High School and be ahead of someone who goes to College "just because"

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