Foreign students not a threat, but an advantage


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Very Good News for people who value education in the the United States

"An undeniable shift is taking place across US campuses with the number of international students increasing rapidly. Between 2003 and 2013, the number of foreign students studying in the US increased by 55% with continuing growth anticipated in the years ahead.

US campuses have historically witnessed demographic shifts as a result of social and economic changes that took place around them.

These demographic shifts gradually broadened US universities from a domain of elite, white men to one that included veterans, women and increasing numbers of underrepresented minorities."

Foreign students not a threat but an advantage
whatever..we don't have ENOUGH jobs for American citizens so import a bunch of Foreigners.

That's un-American in my book.

I guess you don't have anyone you know who is unemployed.
Another reason to never go back to college or allow any child of mine to attend college.

The more of these sacks of shit we let into this country the more diluted American society becomes.
Another reason to never go back to college or allow any child of mine to attend college.

The more of these sacks of shit we let into this country the more diluted American society becomes.

Really, why Bother. they are just going to stepped over by some Foreigner anyway

what kind of country does that to it's citizens?
My,my, to old withered losers posting there bile at being inferior on the board. If either of you had any skills, you could have a real job. I am 71, and make nearly 80K a year as a millwright, and try to avoid working over 40 hrs. a week. That, with SS, brings me up to a gross of about 100K. When I finish classes at the University, there is the possibility of either making more money than at present, or living on retirement, and doing research for fun. Either way, I am not going to sit and make envious comments about the young people.

Yes, there are a lot of foreign students where I go to school. And that is great. I had a young man from China as a lab partner in one of my Physics classes. I enjoyed discussions with him, and when he goes back to China, he will take a differant perspective of the world with him than is there presently. Same for all the other foreign students.

I see young ladies from the Arabic nations in traditional dress taking math and science classes, and doing extremely well. How long before these young ladies are older, and telling the men to back off in their nations?

I think the problem here is that Staph and Anathema do not like this nation, and feel it has nothing to teach anyone else. That is their loss. For those of us that take advantage of the oppertunites our nation affords, it is great to be living here.
Very Good News for people who value education in the the United States

"An undeniable shift is taking place across US campuses with the number of international students increasing rapidly. Between 2003 and 2013, the number of foreign students studying in the US increased by 55% with continuing growth anticipated in the years ahead.

US campuses have historically witnessed demographic shifts as a result of social and economic changes that took place around them.

These demographic shifts gradually broadened US universities from a domain of elite, white men to one that included veterans, women and increasing numbers of underrepresented minorities."

Foreign students not a threat but an advantage
I wonder why so many are coming here now. Maybe they're getting special treatment or discounted tuition. Obviously most of them think America is a third-world country compared to theirs. Or is is because they feel more welcome in America than Americans do?
My,my, to old withered losers posting there bile at being inferior on the board. If either of you had any skills, you could have a real job. I am 71, and make nearly 80K a year as a millwright, and try to avoid working over 40 hrs. a week. That, with SS, brings me up to a gross of about 100K. When I finish classes at the University, there is the possibility of either making more money than at present, or living on retirement, and doing research for fun. Either way, I am not going to sit and make envious comments about the young people.

I have absolutely no envy for today's youth. They disgust me. You're 71 years old, and you're still working. You make roughly the same amount of money a year taht I do (yes I have an education and a real job). I don't work ANY Overtime unless there's a weather event that requires an "all hands on deck" response from the company. I've already done my time in the "higher education" system and see no use in returning. I have the job I want. I don't want more than what I have. Doing school work is not fun to me. The research I do is for my own personal interests, not for some teacher.

Yes, there are a lot of foreign students where I go to school. And that is great. I had a young man from China as a lab partner in one of my Physics classes. I enjoyed discussions with him, and when he goes back to China, he will take a differant perspective of the world with him than is there presently. Same for all the other foreign students.

I see young ladies from the Arabic nations in traditional dress taking math and science classes, and doing extremely well. How long before these young ladies are older, and telling the men to back off in their nations?

Your Chinese friend will take that knowledge back to a county that openly hates the US, and which is one of our main economic and military rivals. Not good. Those young ladies will go home and find themselves on the business end of large, heavy rocks if they don't remember their proper place. We could learn something from their society rather than the other way around.

I think the problem here is that Staph and Anathema do not like this nation, and feel it has nothing to teach anyone else. That is their loss. For those of us that take advantage of the oppertunites our nation affords, it is great to be living here.

I will not speak for Stephanie, but I for one don't like what this nation has become. I prefer what it was. We have little to teach the world because we have given up on the society we had which was worth exporting to other places. This nation was intended to provide opportunites for AMERICANS, not others who would come here to take without ever providing a return on that investment.
THe linked article does not explain why the students are an advantage, nor does it explain why American concerns about being displaced are incorrect.
My,my, to old withered losers posting there bile at being inferior on the board. If either of you had any skills, you could have a real job. I am 71, and make nearly 80K a year as a millwright, and try to avoid working over 40 hrs. a week. That, with SS, brings me up to a gross of about 100K. When I finish classes at the University, there is the possibility of either making more money than at present, or living on retirement, and doing research for fun. Either way, I am not going to sit and make envious comments about the young people.

Yes, there are a lot of foreign students where I go to school. And that is great. I had a young man from China as a lab partner in one of my Physics classes. I enjoyed discussions with him, and when he goes back to China, he will take a differant perspective of the world with him than is there presently. Same for all the other foreign students.

I see young ladies from the Arabic nations in traditional dress taking math and science classes, and doing extremely well. How long before these young ladies are older, and telling the men to back off in their nations?

I think the problem here is that Staph and Anathema do not like this nation, and feel it has nothing to teach anyone else. That is their loss. For those of us that take advantage of the oppertunites our nation affords, it is great to be living here.
Agreed, I am now 65 taking early SS , working when I want as contract engineer and taking part time classes that interest me , I lot of the classes I take at NC state have young foreign students from all over the world (middle east , Europe, Asia and Africa). great energy and keeps me young and the mind healthy. The old uneducated teabagger types are bitter because the world is passing them by
Another reason to never go back to college or allow any child of mine to attend college.

The more of these sacks of shit we let into this country the more diluted American society becomes.

Teabaggers = bitter old racist uneducated hicks.
Another reason to never go back to college or allow any child of mine to attend college.

The more of these sacks of shit we let into this country the more diluted American society becomes.

Teabaggers = bitter old racist uneducated hicks.

Is that why theses students are an advantage?

Because you like them better than your fellow Americans?
“International education is crucial to building relationships between people and communities in the United States and around the world,” Evan M. Ryan, assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs, said in a statement. “It is through these relationships that together we can solve global challenges like climate change, the spread of pandemic disease, and combating violent extremism.”

New York University hosted the largest number of foreign students, 11,164, knocking the University of Southern California out of the top spot. USC, which had 10,932 foreign students, led the nation on that measure for 12 straight years. Others in the top 10 for hosting foreign students were the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (10,843); Columbia University (10,486); Purdue University (9,988); the University of California at Los Angeles (9,579); Northeastern University (9,078); Arizona State University (8,683); Michigan State University (7,704); and the University of Washington (7,469).

Chinese and Saudis lead foreign student surge at U.S. colleges and universities - The Washington Post
Teabaggers = bitter old racist uneducated hicks.

I'll accept the Old and Bitter monikers. Those I wear with pride.

However, I am not uneducated. I have a college degree. The difference between me and those you laud is that mine is a two-year degree, that was focused on preparing me for a career, not looting my bank account without providing me with meaningful career skills. I've taken that roughly $20,000 investment and over the last 20 years turned it into a career that now makes me roughly four times my initial investment EVERY YEAR. It also required less than 3 years for me to pay off the grand total of $2,000 I had to borrow to get the degree in the first place. I'm not uneducated; I just chose not to be OVEReducated (and overburdened with an insane amount of loan debt).

As for being a hick. Yes, my family has its share of farmers, craftsmen, clergy, and stay-at-home mothers in it. Probably more than most families do these days. We also have teachers, investment bankers, small businessmen, and two PhD's in some form of genetic microbiology that's so far over my head I don't even try to understand it. My brother and his wife are both employed by Florida State University's Biology Department as researchers and professors. If that makes us hicks, I'll wear the title with pride.
“International education is crucial to building relationships between people and communities in the United States and around the world,” Evan M. Ryan, assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs, said in a statement. “It is through these relationships that together we can solve global challenges like climate change, the spread of pandemic disease, and combating violent extremism.”

A vague and unsupported opinion.

I think you already gave your real reason.

THis flood is reducing diversity of thought, by reducing seats available to conservative Americans who you don't want to see or hear.
whatever..we don't have ENOUGH jobs for American citizens so import a bunch of Foreigners.

That's un-American in my book.

I guess you don't have anyone you know who is unemployed.

Foreign students are students who come here to study. Once they earn their degrees, they go home. They come to the US to study because we have excellent universities, and when they apply for jobs in their home countries, having a degree from a US university is very useful. It puts them ahead of applicants who stayed at home to study. A US degree is highly prized in foreign countries.

You really don't know much about the wider world, do you? Poor thing.

You still haven't told me the title of your book. :)
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whatever..we don't have ENOUGH jobs for American citizens so import a bunch of Foreigners.

That's un-American in my book.

I guess you don't have anyone you know who is unemployed.

Foreign students are students who come here to study. Once they earn their degrees, they go home. They come to the US to study because we have excellent universities, and when they apply for jobs in their home country, having a degree from a US university is very useful. It puts them ahead of applicants who stayed at home to study. A US degree is highly prized in foreign countries.

You really don't know much about the wider world, do you? Poor thing.

You still haven't told me the title of your book. :)

Not all of them leave, and you have not dealt with the concern that they are depriving American students of admission slots.

THe sole "advantage" offered has been a vague claim that the relationships formed by the students will enable the future world to work together better.
“International education is crucial to building relationships between people and communities in the United States and around the world,” Evan M. Ryan, assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs, said in a statement. “It is through these relationships that together we can solve global challenges like climate change, the spread of pandemic disease, and combating violent extremism.”

Mr. Ryan makes the mistake of believing we all feel that a "global" economy and relationships are the appropriate road for this country to take. Not all of us believe that.

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