DC Councilman Says Jews Control Weather; He and Aides Make Embarrassing Visit to Holocaust Museum


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
If you want a good example of how radicalized some blacks are becoming, consider the very recent case of DC councilman Trayon White and his aides. Last month, White posted a social media message that claimed that Jews control our weather.

Then, a couple of days ago, in what was supposed to be a fence-mending visit, White and some of his aides toured the Holocaust Museum in DC, and the visit, to put it mildly, did not go well. When shown a picture of a German girl wearing a humiliating sign about being defiled by Jews and surrounded by Nazi stormtroopers, White suggested that the soldiers were "protecting" her! New York Magazine writer Jonathan Chaite responded on Twitter afterward: "“Free advice for any pol who has to visit the Holocaust Museum to prove he's not anti-semitic: Just assume the Nazis are the bad guys in all the exhibits.”

White abruptly left the museum tour early, after viewing a picture that showed German soldiers shooting Catholic priests. But, White's aides stayed behind. One of his aides, when shown a picture of the Warsaw Ghetto, said the ghetto resembled . . . "a gated community." A rabbi who was accompanying the tour snapped in reply, "No, it's more like a prison."

Can you believe how bigoted and disconnected from reality and decency White and his aides are?

DC council member who said Jewish family controls the weather bails on Holocaust Museum tour: Report

Councilman defends Nazis at Holocaust Museum after outrage | Daily Mail Online

D.C. City Councilman Trayon White Makes Troubling Remarks at Holocaust Museum | National Review

D.C. lawmaker who said Jews control the weather visits Holocaust Museum but leaves early

DC lawmaker's make-good visit to Holocaust museum after controversial comments goes awry
Sorry to have to point it out but that's how our public schools are teaching "history" now. It's not just White, though he and his aides should be better educated.

The public schools in my area certainly don't teach such an anti-Semitic version of the Holocaust.
If you want a good example of how radicalized some blacks are becoming, consider the very recent case of DC councilman Trayon White and his aides. Last month, White posted a social media message that claimed that Jews control our weather.

Then, a couple of days ago, in what was supposed to be a fence-mending visit, White and some of his aides toured the Holocaust Museum in DC, and the visit, to put it mildly, did not go well. When shown a picture of a German girl wearing a humiliating sign about being defiled by Jews and surrounded by Nazi stormtroopers, White suggested that the soldiers were "protecting" her! New York Magazine writer Jonathan Chaite responded on Twitter afterward: "“Free advice for any pol who has to visit the Holocaust Museum to prove he's not anti-semitic: Just assume the Nazis are the bad guys in all the exhibits.”

White abruptly left the museum tour early, after viewing a picture that showed German soldiers shooting Catholic priests. But, White's aides stayed behind. One of his aides, when shown a picture of the Warsaw Ghetto, said the ghetto resembled . . . "a gated community." A rabbi who was accompanying the tour snapped in reply, "No, it's more like a prison."

Can you believe how bigoted and disconnected from reality and decency White and his aides are?

DC council member who said Jewish family controls the weather bails on Holocaust Museum tour: Report

Councilman defends Nazis at Holocaust Museum after outrage | Daily Mail Online

D.C. City Councilman Trayon White Makes Troubling Remarks at Holocaust Museum | National Review

D.C. lawmaker who said Jews control the weather visits Holocaust Museum but leaves early

DC lawmaker's make-good visit to Holocaust museum after controversial comments goes awry

I grew up in a very WASP town-------it was BACK THEN ---(I is old) --somewhat "restricted" -------there were no blacks at all---NONE-----
at the time my dad bought a little house------THERE WAS NO CHOICE-----the tiny "garden" apartment would not accommodate
three kids and the EXPECTED TWINS so the complex was DELIGHTED to let him out of the lease. Dad used to credit his SUCCESS in buying the house with the fact that the seller
was a NAVY MAN -----like him. -----that was the milieu---we were
one of the very few jewish families----with five kids, no less.
It was on the CUSP of the civil rights movement (1950s)
"CIVIL RIGHTS" was something of a dirty word------my little
playmates INSISTED that blacks (well, actually N^##ers) were
"LUCKY" to have been brought to America----???? and were
delighted to be enslaved and given watermelon. -----same thing----
the situation proves that blacks are just as STOOOOPI as waspy
Well, he is a negro "person" and so therefore very very very stupid. Plus automatically makes those things very very very racist.
Sorry to have to point it out but that's how our public schools are teaching "history" now. It's not just White, though he and his aides should be better educated.

The public schools in my area certainly don't teach such an anti-Semitic version of the Holocaust.

good---when I was a kid-----the public school did not teach ANYTHING
about the holocaust. (long ago---1950s---to 60s) I was a bit
strange for just KNOWING about the Armenian genocide too..
Lots of communities have STILL not "caught up"
Actually the Sergeant Major controlled the weather. While I was at Fort Bragg no matter how awful the weather was it always cleared up for morning PT. The only answer that made sense was the Sergeant Major had a switch to turn off rain so we could exercise and run six miles.
Sorry to have to point it out but that's how our public schools are teaching "history" now. It's not just White, though he and his aides should be better educated.

The public schools in my area certainly don't teach such an anti-Semitic version of the Holocaust.

good---when I was a kid-----the public school did not teach ANYTHING
about the holocaust. (long ago---1950s---to 60s) I was a bit
strange for just KNOWING about the Armenian genocide too..
Lots of communities have STILL not "caught up"

I was taught about the Holocaust. However, I heard nothing about Stalin's murder of some 20 million Russians in his pre-WWII purges. Nor was I taught about Mao Tse Tung's systematic murder of millions of Chinese as he consolidated his grip on power.
Sorry to have to point it out but that's how our public schools are teaching "history" now. It's not just White, though he and his aides should be better educated.

The public schools in my area certainly don't teach such an anti-Semitic version of the Holocaust.

good---when I was a kid-----the public school did not teach ANYTHING
about the holocaust. (long ago---1950s---to 60s) I was a bit
strange for just KNOWING about the Armenian genocide too..
Lots of communities have STILL not "caught up"

I was taught about the Holocaust. However, I heard nothing about Stalin's murder of some 20 million Russians in his pre-WWII purges. Nor was I taught about Mao Tse Tung's systematic murder of millions of Chinese as he consolidated his grip on power.
Nor pol pot.

All commie heroes
Sorry to have to point it out but that's how our public schools are teaching "history" now. It's not just White, though he and his aides should be better educated.

The public schools in my area certainly don't teach such an anti-Semitic version of the Holocaust.

good---when I was a kid-----the public school did not teach ANYTHING
about the holocaust. (long ago---1950s---to 60s) I was a bit
strange for just KNOWING about the Armenian genocide too..
Lots of communities have STILL not "caught up"

I was taught about the Holocaust. However, I heard nothing about Stalin's murder of some 20 million Russians in his pre-WWII purges. Nor was I taught about Mao Tse Tung's systematic murder of millions of Chinese as he consolidated his grip on power.

well-----I is older than are you-----I did learn about the KULAKS---
in my freshman year of college. -----and later on I worked with a
SURVIVOR of MAO. I did not learn about the Kulaks in public
school 1950s thru 60s. I believe very few people ---EVEN TODAY learn about the Armenian genocide of 1915----my mom
told me when I was about 8-------I believe MOST kids today are
utterly clueless regarding that episode in "human" history
Actually the Sergeant Major controlled the weather. While I was at Fort Bragg no matter how awful the weather was it always cleared up for morning PT. The only answer that made sense was the Sergeant Major had a switch to turn off rain so we could exercise and run six miles.
In maintenance we releshed our down time all 24 hours of it...
One obvious question is, Where is the outrage from the left over this? The Washington Post published an unflattering article about White's conduct but left out some of the most damning information. Can you imagine what would have happened if a white city councilman from the Midwest or the South had claimed that Jews controlled our weather and then behaved with such shocking rudeness at the Holocaust Museum?
Actually the Sergeant Major controlled the weather. While I was at Fort Bragg no matter how awful the weather was it always cleared up for morning PT. The only answer that made sense was the Sergeant Major had a switch to turn off rain so we could exercise and run six miles.
In maintenance we releshed our down time all 24 hours of it...

use spell check
Actually the Sergeant Major controlled the weather. While I was at Fort Bragg no matter how awful the weather was it always cleared up for morning PT. The only answer that made sense was the Sergeant Major had a switch to turn off rain so we could exercise and run six miles.
In maintenance we releshed our down time all 24 hours of it...

use spell check
I do..
what does "releshed mean?
PS......da jooos are giving new york city nice weather this
weekend-----it's good for business
Actually the Sergeant Major controlled the weather. While I was at Fort Bragg no matter how awful the weather was it always cleared up for morning PT. The only answer that made sense was the Sergeant Major had a switch to turn off rain so we could exercise and run six miles.
In maintenance we releshed our down time all 24 hours of it...

use spell check
I do..
what does "releshed mean?
Ethnic version of chow-chow.
Oops! Can't allow that truth to slip out. In regards to the Rothchilds, the man was onto something. The Rothchilds are a major powerful force behind the NWO Global Elite Agenda. As far as 'Jews controlling the weather', that's a bit out there to say. However, Governments are spending quite a bit of money on secret projects to control weather. I don't think that's a farfetched 'Crazy Conspiracy' claim. This dude just forgot he was a public figure. What he says is heavily scrutinized. He may have a hard time getting reelected.
Actually the Sergeant Major controlled the weather. While I was at Fort Bragg no matter how awful the weather was it always cleared up for morning PT. The only answer that made sense was the Sergeant Major had a switch to turn off rain so we could exercise and run six miles.
In maintenance we releshed our down time all 24 hours of it...

use spell check
I do..
what does "releshed mean?
Ethnic version of chow-chow.

what does "chow-chow" mean
Actually the Sergeant Major controlled the weather. While I was at Fort Bragg no matter how awful the weather was it always cleared up for morning PT. The only answer that made sense was the Sergeant Major had a switch to turn off rain so we could exercise and run six miles.
In maintenance we releshed our down time all 24 hours of it...

use spell check
I do..
what does "releshed mean?
Ethnic version of chow-chow.

wiki says that "chow chow" is a dog

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