David Treuers' Personal War Against Native American Stereotypes


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I was watching CSPAN2 this morning and was listening to a man named David Treuer who is an author and professor of literature who claimed to be Native-American. I was a bit shocked to discover this. He is a member of the [URL='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ojibwe_language']Ojibwe tribe as is his mother. His father was an Austrian Jew and a Holocaust survivor. Imagine the ramifications that this could start when the young Mr Treuers discovered his liberal roots at Princeton University. [/URL]

I heard him say this and I quote: "The Washington Redskins' Days Are Numbered"http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-treuer/

He's a product of a diverse ethnic background and a liberal education. He's trouble waiting to happen. He said that as Native-Americans grow in strength their influence on politics will grow and they eventually will gain power over us.

I don't know if that is a scary proposition, but I do know that when anyone talks of exerting power over others I wonder what their end goals might be. Just a nugget of insight into his mind-set is exhibited in this article in the Huffington Post:

David Treuer
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  • Native American Author: Books I'm Not Thankful For
    Posted: 11/24/2011 10:46 am EST Updated: 01/21/2012 5:12 am EST

    One of the great things about being Native American is that people always ask, "what do you Indians do on Thanksgiving?" That's a complicated question to answer when you consider that a) Squanto's first words to the English pilgrims were "Hello, Englishmen." In English. And that b) when Lincoln inaugurated the holiday in November 1863 as a way to heal the Union, that very Union was killing over 400 Shoshone men, women and children in Idaho during the Bear Creek Massacre.

    After having just survived all the Pocahontas outfits on display during Halloween we now have to endure turkey-feather headdresses on school children and the annual Cowboys football game on the holiday itself. The result: irony. So, as an Indian and a novelist and a professor of literature, a better question might be: what do Native American like to read on Thanksgiving that you are (ironically) "thankful" for. Here, then, are some books that I am "thankful" for. Enjoy the turkey.
Native American Author Books I m Not Thankful For David Treuer

No big deal, but it appears that liberalism is at the core of this anti-Redskins movement. And they have no intention of stopping there. This guy hates everything that is traditionally American that has anything to do with Native-Americans. Even Thanksgiving is considered to be an affront to his senses. So if you think that they'll be happy if the Redskins owner changes their name, think again. That will only give them the incentive to do more.

The funny thing is, in the tribe most full-blooded tribal members consider him to be White. But those members are becoming fewer and fewer and eventually they will be overruled by people like David Treuer.
Seems to be all the rage :)

Ward Churchill "I'm Indian".
Elizabeth Warren "I'm Indian"
David Treuer "I'm Indian"

Who is next.....Barak?
Jewish and Native-American.

I was just wondering,.....why is it always Jews that act like they've lost their minds.

Half of my relatives are either Native-American or lived on the reservation. They could give a flying-F what Washington chooses to call their team. I figure this guy got this from attending an Ivy league school.
Let's consult with Most Honorable Squaw, Chief Running Joke, aka Elizabeth Warren, to divine the intention of the heavens and earth on this matter.
Seems to be all the rage :)

Ward Churchill "I'm Indian".
Elizabeth Warren "I'm Indian"
David Treuer "I'm Indian"

Who is next.....Barak?

I'm an Indian, I'm part Black Foot.

Their reservation is 20 miles North of my hometown. Used to visit my Uncle who lived there about once a month. My mom's sister married my Uncle Frank. His skin was so red it constantly looked like a sunburn. I never asked him which tribe he belonged to. Discussion never came up.

Montana Blackfeet Reservation - American Indian Relief Council

Montana Flathead Reservation - American Indian Relief Council
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