David Gregory skates on gun clip crime - We all knew it would end like this


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Rule of Law is a joke under obama. If you're part of his voting bloc, you can break any law you want just like the millions of illegals he gave amnesty to.

Gregory Won't Face Charges over Gun Clip

Friday, 11 Jan 2013 05:56 PM

The District of Columbia has declined to prosecute NBC News anchor David Gregory for displaying an illegal high-capacity gun clip on a broadcast, a prosecutor said on Friday.

District Attorney General Irvin Nathan said his office would not seek to charge Gregory for showing the 30-round magazine on the Dec. 23 broadcast of "Meet the Press" in part because it was an element of the renewed debate about firearms.

His office "has determined to exercise its prosecutorial discretion to decline to bring criminal charges against Mr. Gregory, who has no criminal record, or any other NBC employee based on the events associated with the Dec. 23, 2012, broadcast," Nathan said in a letter to NBC's lawyers.

He called the decision "very close."

Gregory held up the magazine while hosting an interview with National Rifle Association Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre at NBC's studios in the District. Law in the U.S. capital bars possession of high-capacity magazines whether or not they are attached to a weapon or loaded.
Why would it shock anyone.
David Gregory and MSNBC in particular is part of the White House Communications Department.
This a case of a big corporation using illegal, banned firearm material to help disarm the people.

Its different.

Special rules for corporations and the elite are good if advancing progressive concepts.
There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.
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There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.

They had an iron-clad case against him for this gun crime. Wouldn't have even cost a trial since the criminal had no defense and would have to seek a plea deal.
Indict the people who were responsible for shipping 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. The estimated death toll is around 400 Mexican civilians and a US Border Patrol Officer. Put the jihad Major who shot up his own Troops at Ft. Hood on trial for God sakes and show the US that you are really serious about gun violence.
There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.

Did he violate the law?

When you go 56 MPH in a 55 MPH zone you are violating the law. Should we all get stopped and ticketed every single time?

What would happen to you and me if we did the same?

I can't envision a scenario in which I will ever appear on national television in Washington D.C. and hold up a large magazine clip to my audience in demonstration of what one looks like with absolutely zero malicious intent whatsoever which would be more than obvious to anyone with more than a first grade education, so I can't answer your question.
The article also quotes District Attorney General Nathan as saying "We note that NBC has now acknowledged that its interpretation of the information it received was incorrect," Nathan said.

Interpretation my butt?? They knew they were breaking the law and did it anyway knowing that obozo would save them.
Why didn't Obama step in and personally prosecute him after the local DA declined to?

Damn you Obama!!!!!
Laws are not enforced equally it seems.
I thought the laws applied to everyone?...

Zero tolerance policies are completely asinine and take any and all thinking completely out of the process. There is a such thing as prosecutorial discretion.
Sorry I just checked something.
If you are an Obama ass kisser or Democrat ass kisser you can pretty much do as you please.
I can't envision a scenario in which I will ever appear on national television in Washington D.C. and hold up a large magazine clip to my audience in demonstration of what one looks like with absolutely zero malicious intent whatsoever which would be more than obvious to anyone with more than a first grade education, so I can't answer your question.

Zero malicious intent?? Since when are you a mindreader.? He broke the law on national tv and should be prosecuted.
There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.

Did he violate the law?

When you go 56 MPH in a 55 MPH zone you are violating the law. Should we all get stopped and ticketed every single time?

What would happen to you and me if we did the same?

I can't envision a scenario in which I will ever appear on national television in Washington D.C. and hold up a large magazine clip to my audience in demonstration of what one looks like with absolutely zero malicious intent whatsoever which would be more than obvious to anyone with more than a first grade education, so I can't answer your question.

Speeding ticket at that level is a civil infraction.

NBC called Metropolice ahead of broadcast and were told NO it is illegal to possess.

And NBC did it any way.

A picture would have sufficed to demonstrate "what one looks like"
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Zero tolerance policies are completely asinine and take any and all thinking completely out of the process. There is a such thing as prosecutorial discretion.

HAHAHA. Every time a liberal skates on a brazen crime, you libs call it discretion!!!
Sorry I just checked something.
If you are an Obama ass kisser or Democrat ass kisser you can pretty much do as you please.

I just checked something. If you're a member of the Wingnut Brigade, you can post pretty much anything, no matter how asinine, and other wingnuts will give you a pass and even double down on your idiocy.

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