David Brooks: Saving the American System


VIP Member
Jan 30, 2014
Wanted to post this before I forget. I think it is an important article, rarely do you see the unofficial state press such as the NY Times talk about the cracks in the American political system, and dare address the issue of the end of American hegemony. This from a neo-con heavyweight like David Brooks no less. Wanted to get all your thoughts on the article. I will give my comments later today, just wanted to put this out there.

David Brooks
April 28

All around, the fabric of peace and order is fraying. The leaders of Russia and Ukraine escalate their apocalyptic rhetoric. The Sunni-Shiite split worsens as Syria and Iraq slide into chaos. China pushes its weight around in the Pacific.

I help teach a grand strategy course at Yale, and I asked my colleagues to make sense of what’s going on. Charles Hill, who was a legendary State Department officer before going to Yale, wrote back:

“The ‘category error’ of our experts is to tell us that our system is doing just fine and proceeding on its eternal course toward ever-greater progress and global goodness. This is whistling past the graveyard.

“The lesson-category within grand strategic history is that when an established international system enters its phase of deterioration, many leaders nonetheless respond with insouciance, obliviousness, and self-congratulation. When the wolves of the world sense this, they, of course, will begin to make their moves to probe the ambiguities of the aging system and pick off choice pieces to devour at their leisure.

“This is what Putin is doing; this is what China has been moving toward doing in the maritime waters of Asia; this is what in the largest sense the upheavals of the Middle East are all about: i.e., who and what politico-ideological force will emerge as hegemon over the region in the new order to come. The old order, once known as ‘the American Century’ has been situated within ‘the modern era,’ an era which appears to be stalling out after some 300-plus years. The replacement era will not be modern and will not be a nice one.”

Read more here:http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/29/opinion/when-wolves-attack.html?hp&rref=opinion&_r=2

This is a self-inflicted wound.

The Great American Experiment may have worked too well. The success and prosperity created by allowing people to follow their dreams without government on their backs ultimately made us soft, narcissistic and entitled. Couple that with the fact that many of us created an artificial underclass by promoting victimhood, and you have a recipe for disaster.

So our culture is in rapid decay, and anyone who wants to deny that is going through life with some pretty thick blinders on. As a result, the "leaders" we're choosing are a reflection of that decay.

Russia and China are smart and they see this. They also see a growing segment of the American population that is open to a more centralized, authoritarian federal bureaucracy. Of course they'll take advantage of it.

Just to expound quickly on what you are saying Mac. Brooks doesn't connect the dots here. Less and less people are willing to fight for this liberal pluralist system because the very nature of the system is that is breeds selfish and atomized materialists.
Brooks had a very long winded redundant way of saying we have become fat, dumb and happy. Well, duh. It's a story that's happened on a smaller scale many times over. Success breeds arrogance, unless it's guarded against. Look at IBM and Kodak for two examples. Got huge doing what they do and didn't adapt to technological advancements and a changing marketplace. We are doing it on a larger scale, the old system isn't going to work in a global marketplace, so while we struggle the socialist seek to blame capitalism itself instead of the poor implementation and replace it.

This is a self-inflicted wound.

The Great American Experiment may have worked too well. The success and prosperity created by allowing people to follow their dreams without government on their backs ultimately made us soft, narcissistic and entitled. Couple that with the fact that many of us created an artificial underclass by promoting victimhood, and you have a recipe for disaster.

So our culture is in rapid decay, and anyone who wants to deny that is going through life with some pretty thick blinders on. As a result, the "leaders" we're choosing are a reflection of that decay.

Russia and China are smart and they see this. They also see a growing segment of the American population that is open to a more centralized, authoritarian federal bureaucracy. Of course they'll take advantage of it.


For thousands of years reactionary conservatives have been whining about 'culture being in rapid decay,' when in fact it's not 'decay' but change you needlessly fear.

The best America is yet to come, provided we don't fall prey to the fear and disdain for change common to you and most others on the right.
America is in decline. Like the Romans of yore, our softness has brought barbarians to the gate. Putin and the Chinese smell a vacuum created by Western Europe and more recently Obama's America. The dominance of the West and America is drawing down.

This is a self-inflicted wound.

The Great American Experiment may have worked too well. The success and prosperity created by allowing people to follow their dreams without government on their backs ultimately made us soft, narcissistic and entitled. Couple that with the fact that many of us created an artificial underclass by promoting victimhood, and you have a recipe for disaster.

So our culture is in rapid decay, and anyone who wants to deny that is going through life with some pretty thick blinders on. As a result, the "leaders" we're choosing are a reflection of that decay.

Russia and China are smart and they see this. They also see a growing segment of the American population that is open to a more centralized, authoritarian federal bureaucracy. Of course they'll take advantage of it.


For thousands of years reactionary conservatives have been whining about 'culture being in rapid decay,' when in fact it's not 'decay' but change you needlessly fear.

The best America is yet to come, provided we don't fall prey to the fear and disdain for change common to you and most others on the right.

We've created an artificial underclass!! That's it!!
Wow, if I had a dollar for everytime our resident legal scholar Monsieur C_Clayton_Jones used the words 'conservatives' and 'reactionaries', I'd be utterly utterly rich. Sigh, some of the most intelligent people are some of the most stupid.
Wow, if I had a dollar for everytime our resident legal scholar Monsieur C_Clayton_Jones used the words 'conservatives' and 'reactionaries', I'd be utterly utterly rich. Sigh, some of the most intelligent people are some of the most stupid.

Who the fuck are you?

Long time lurker, occasional poster. I pre-date Oct 4, 2011 when you came screaming onto the US Message Board.
Wow, if I had a dollar for everytime our resident legal scholar Monsieur C_Clayton_Jones used the words 'conservatives' and 'reactionaries', I'd be utterly utterly rich. Sigh, some of the most intelligent people are some of the most stupid.

Who the fuck are you?

Long time lurker, occasional poster. I pre-date Oct 4, 2011 when you came screaming onto the US Message Board.

Wow! That's so cool! You are awesome!
Wow, if I had a dollar for everytime our resident legal scholar Monsieur C_Clayton_Jones used the words 'conservatives' and 'reactionaries', I'd be utterly utterly rich. Sigh, some of the most intelligent people are some of the most stupid.

Who the fuck are you?

Long time lurker, occasional poster. I pre-date Oct 4, 2011 when you came screaming onto the US Message Board.

Wow! That's so cool! You are awesome!

Thanks bro, I change opinions quite quick it seems. From 'who the fuck are you' to a lovely complement. I see I got through to you. God bless LoneLaughter.
Wow, if I had a dollar for everytime our resident legal scholar Monsieur C_Clayton_Jones used the words 'conservatives' and 'reactionaries', I'd be utterly utterly rich. Sigh, some of the most intelligent people are some of the most stupid.

Who the fuck are you?

Long time lurker, occasional poster. I pre-date Oct 4, 2011 when you came screaming onto the US Message Board.

Wow! That's so cool! You are awesome!

Thanks bro, I change opinions quite quick it seems. From 'who the fuck are you' to a lovely complement. I see I got through to you. God bless LoneLaughter.

Oh yeah! I'm very impressed. No wonder you don't post often! Your posts have great impact. Too many would be overwhelming.

And....there is no god. No blessings required......thanks.
Just to expound quickly on what you are saying Mac. Brooks doesn't connect the dots here. Less and less people are willing to fight for this liberal pluralist system because the very nature of the system is that is breeds selfish and atomized materialists.

I think that's half of it. It also allows opportunists to gain and maintain influence by demonizing the producers. They can point at greed and selfishness and use it as an excuse to bring the producers down rather than motivate the rest to raise up. The politics of victimhood, very effective for job security.

As with pretty much everything else, both "sides" of the debate become more radicalized and polarized every day, essentially eliminating the possibility of finding and maintaining the equilibrium that is so critical.

This nation and the world is changing. We are no longer the only people with high tech. We no longer have the highest livining standard in the world. Other nations have more effective health care systems, and they are now competeing with us for the skills of the best intellects.

In the meantime, all too many in this nation have taken the route of ideology above pragmatism. And all too many seem to think denying reality will change that reality.

Yet, that too will change. Our nation goes through periods like this about every generation. And we come out better for it. Talking daily to the kids at the university, I do not see collapse for this nation at all, just a change that will make us more like many of the European nations. The Putin's and the savages of ISIS will soon eliminate themselves, as their deeds force the rest of us end their nonsense. And the world will continue to grow smaller, as more of us travel and work in more than just our native nation. Borders will become less and less meaningful, and more an impediment to business. It will be businesses and corperations that make national soveirgnty meaningless, not some ones world conspiracy.

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