David Apol replaces Walter Shaub, who said Trump’s ethics conflicts make the U.S. “a laughingstock”


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump names new acting government ethics chief : Related Articles | OOYUZ

Shaub’s interview, as the Times noted, came as Trump was at his private golf club in New Jersey — one of three Trump-owned, Trump-branded golf clubs he’s visited since taking office. The golf club trips — which nearly always include Trump taking a round of golf, despite saying he never would — are only one of the Trump family’s numerous conflicts of interest as the White House mixes business with governing.

Shaub announced earlier this month that he will resign as director of OGE after challenging the White House on ethics issues for six months. In an interview with the Washington Post earlier this month, Shaub said he felt he couldn’t accomplish anything else from within the Trump administration.


Kushner updates financial disclosure after omitting dozens of assets: report

White House senior adviser and President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner filed an amended version of his personal financial disclosure form on Friday that showed his initial filing omitted dozens of additional assets, according to a new report.

Kushner’s new disclosure includes 77 assets that were “inadvertently omitted” from Kushner’s original disclosure and include real estate, bonds and a personal art collection, The Wall Street Journal reported.


Don't worry about it. Trump's new appointee to Chair ETHICS, David Apol, has already cleared it saying there is nothing to see here, I hope.

Thank God Trump is able to get an ethics chief who has none. How lucky.

Trump's lawyer said the statute of limitations has run out so Trump can't be prosecuted for his old crimes.

Earlier today, Trump's lawyer said the statute of limitations had run out for any criminal offense. What was he talking about?
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Republicans hate ethics because it's too close to ethnic.

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