Damning Obama Footage Goes Public – Reveals His True Identity


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016

You really don't know what is wrong watching him for eight years? First-he is not a christian, secound, he is a homeosexaul, third, he hates white people.but more important he hates this country! Oh and he's a muslim.

You really don't know what is wrong watching him for eight years? First-he is not a christian, secound, he is a homeosexaul, third, he hates white people.but more important he hates this country! Oh and he's a muslim.

Hey I can commiserate with you 'all day long' on how deleterious the past administration has been for our Nation! Just warning you that you are going to be facing some justifiable 'push back' if not outrage at your premise... There are a number of subjective claims that you make that you should be disabused of. If you accept the founders intent in penning the Constitution and Bill of Rights the following do not preclude you from the presidency, nor relegate you to the fringes of society, nor validate the aspersions that you level.

- being gay
- being Atheist or Muslim or 'whatever'....
- being ACCUSED of racism, sexism, patriotism (or lack thereof), absenteeism... or any other 'ism'

Do you realize that you are exhibiting the same prejudices and 'ism's' right back, in an equal but opposite reaction? Yes... it's called 'physics o' politics'
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You really don't know what is wrong watching him for eight years? First-he is not a christian, secound, he is a homeosexaul, third, he hates white people.but more important he hates this country! Oh and he's a muslim.

Hey I can commiserate with you 'all day long' on how deleterious the past administration has been for our Nation! Just warning you that you are going to be facing some justifiable 'push back' if not outrage at your premise... There are a number of subjective claims that you make that you should be disabused of. If you accept the founders intent in penning the Constitution and Bill of Rights the following do not preclude you from the presidency, nor relegate you to the fringes of society, nor validate the dispersion that you level.

- being gay
- being Atheist or Muslim or 'whatever'....
- being ACCUSED of racism, sexism, patriotism (or lack thereof), absenteeism... or any other 'ism'

Obama is a Muslim -- True! That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

Obama hates white people -- True! Refuses to speak with Rick Scott

Obama is an illegal --True! B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii

Obama hates Christians -- True! That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

Obama hates America -- True! And now, the biggest monkey we have in the WH has done nothing to make this country safer. After this terrorist shooting in Orlando, he has not even called the governor!

Obama is a Traitor -- True! flooding our country with Muslim terrorists and for attacking our Constitutional right to defend ourselves .Obama is misusing his authority to aid and comfort the enemies of the United States, in explicit violation of both his oath and the Constitution's prohibition on subversion and treason.

Obama is a homosexual -- True! Michelle Obama is Michael LaVaughn Robinson. He was Barracks college roommate. Google the name and end your disbelief. The "daughters" were hand picked orphans from Morocco. Obama is a homosexual and he is married to another man, Michelle (Michael). Obama is having a real hard time now that one of his fellow homosexuals murdered 49 people and he was a Muslim also. Makes them both look evil and bad, which they are.
Homosexuals murder people 25 times more often than straight people.

Obama is destroying America -- True! This is Obama's legacy, destroying our economy, destroying our health care system, destroying our victory in Iraq, destroying the Middle East, destroying the military, destroying our relationship with Israel, and destroying our prestige in the world!
Obama is guilty of multiple counts of treason, and I'm angry as hell that NONE of our worthless elected criminals have stood up to do their jobs and impeach the scum!

You really don't know what is wrong watching him for eight years? First-he is not a christian, secound, he is a homeosexaul, third, he hates white people.but more important he hates this country! Oh and he's a muslim.

Hey I can commiserate with you 'all day long' on how deleterious the past administration has been for our Nation! Just warning you that you are going to be facing some justifiable 'push back' if not outrage at your premise... There are a number of subjective claims that you make that you should be disabused of. If you accept the founders intent in penning the Constitution and Bill of Rights the following do not preclude you from the presidency, nor relegate you to the fringes of society, nor validate the dispersion that you level.

- being gay
- being Atheist or Muslim or 'whatever'....
- being ACCUSED of racism, sexism, patriotism (or lack thereof), absenteeism... or any other 'ism'

Obama is a Muslim -- True! That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

Obama hates white people -- True! Refuses to speak with Rick Scott

Obama is an illegal --True! B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii

Obama hates Christians -- True! That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

Obama hates America -- True! And now, the biggest monkey we have in the WH has done nothing to make this country safer. After this terrorist shooting in Orlando, he has not even called the governor!

Obama is a Traitor -- True! flooding our country with Muslim terrorists and for attacking our Constitutional right to defend ourselves .Obama is misusing his authority to aid and comfort the enemies of the United States, in explicit violation of both his oath and the Constitution's prohibition on subversion and treason.

Obama is a homosexual -- True! Michelle Obama is Michael LaVaughn Robinson. He was Barracks college roommate. Google the name and end your disbelief. The "daughters" were hand picked orphans from Morocco. Obama is a homosexual and he is married to another man, Michelle (Michael). Obama is having a real hard time now that one of his fellow homosexuals murdered 49 people and he was a Muslim also. Makes them both look evil and bad, which they are.
Homosexuals murder people 25 times more often than straight people.

Obama is destroying America -- True! This is Obama's legacy, destroying our economy, destroying our health care system, destroying our victory in Iraq, destroying the Middle East, destroying the military, destroying our relationship with Israel, and destroying our prestige in the world!
Obama is guilty of multiple counts of treason, and I'm angry as hell that NONE of our worthless elected criminals have stood up to do their jobs and impeach the scum!

The tone and 'slant' of your posts make me reticent to say this... I do agree with some of the rudiments of some of your bullet points. I flat out reject others! Some points are totally irrelevant! Some are straight up subjective opinions and assertions! Some are just prejudiced!

I would like to suggest that there may be more nuances to factor in to the equation, I.E. 'not talking to Rick Scott' doesn't necessarily prove hatred for all white people. The list is honestly too long to address even 'the half of it'.

Good luck, I'm sure it will be a learning experience if you actually stick with your thread / post... Just remember we have the capacity to think, change and grow.
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you forgot to mention he wasn't born here.


Ahh... can you prove he was born at all?

As far as the Video... well it's great fodder for Fox News's talking heads & Limbaugh / Hannity. Quite frankly I consider anything / everything 'Obama' to be "damning" by my political compass... all except the, well deserved, Nobel Peace Prize (lol). Then again..O wait, I'm a conservative, nationalistic, patriot clinging to God & guns -- a deplorable. There's nothing in the video that isn't 'status quo' Dem. table fare... Just what you get when you vote that ticket.
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The list of lies by Obama is so very long. He left in his wake turmoil at home and abroad and a legacy of broken promises.


You really don't know what is wrong watching him for eight years? First-he is not a christian, secound, he is a homeosexaul, third, he hates white people.but more important he hates this country! Oh and he's a muslim.

I'm sorry after 2 minutes I couldn't take it anymore.
He's a bigger lier now than he was then.

You really don't know what is wrong watching him for eight years? First-he is not a christian, secound, he is a homeosexaul, third, he hates white people.but more important he hates this country! Oh and he's a muslim.

Hey I can commiserate with you 'all day long' on how deleterious the past administration has been for our Nation! Just warning you that you are going to be facing some justifiable 'push back' if not outrage at your premise... There are a number of subjective claims that you make that you should be disabused of. If you accept the founders intent in penning the Constitution and Bill of Rights the following do not preclude you from the presidency, nor relegate you to the fringes of society, nor validate the dispersion that you level.

- being gay
- being Atheist or Muslim or 'whatever'....
- being ACCUSED of racism, sexism, patriotism (or lack thereof), absenteeism... or any other 'ism'

Obama is a Muslim -- True! That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

Obama hates white people -- True! Refuses to speak with Rick Scott

Obama is an illegal --True! B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii

Obama hates Christians -- True! That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

Obama hates America -- True! And now, the biggest monkey we have in the WH has done nothing to make this country safer. After this terrorist shooting in Orlando, he has not even called the governor!

Obama is a Traitor -- True! flooding our country with Muslim terrorists and for attacking our Constitutional right to defend ourselves .Obama is misusing his authority to aid and comfort the enemies of the United States, in explicit violation of both his oath and the Constitution's prohibition on subversion and treason.

Obama is a homosexual -- True! Michelle Obama is Michael LaVaughn Robinson. He was Barracks college roommate. Google the name and end your disbelief. The "daughters" were hand picked orphans from Morocco. Obama is a homosexual and he is married to another man, Michelle (Michael). Obama is having a real hard time now that one of his fellow homosexuals murdered 49 people and he was a Muslim also. Makes them both look evil and bad, which they are.
Homosexuals murder people 25 times more often than straight people.

Obama is destroying America -- True! This is Obama's legacy, destroying our economy, destroying our health care system, destroying our victory in Iraq, destroying the Middle East, destroying the military, destroying our relationship with Israel, and destroying our prestige in the world!
Obama is guilty of multiple counts of treason, and I'm angry as hell that NONE of our worthless elected criminals have stood up to do their jobs and impeach the scum!

the thing is when Trump lies everyone know's it's a lie, and he lies not to deceive but just to piss off the liberals.
Trump sez jump and the liberals say how high.

You really don't know what is wrong watching him for eight years? First-he is not a christian, secound, he is a homeosexaul, third, he hates white people.but more important he hates this country! Oh and he's a muslim.


Trump was born in Jamaica but we all love him anyway

You really don't know what is wrong watching him for eight years? First-he is not a christian, secound, he is a homeosexaul, third, he hates white people.but more important he hates this country! Oh and he's a muslim.

Hey I can commiserate with you 'all day long' on how deleterious the past administration has been for our Nation! Just warning you that you are going to be facing some justifiable 'push back' if not outrage at your premise... There are a number of subjective claims that you make that you should be disabused of. If you accept the founders intent in penning the Constitution and Bill of Rights the following do not preclude you from the presidency, nor relegate you to the fringes of society, nor validate the dispersion that you level.

- being gay
- being Atheist or Muslim or 'whatever'....
- being ACCUSED of racism, sexism, patriotism (or lack thereof), absenteeism... or any other 'ism'

Obama is a Muslim -- True! That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

Obama hates white people -- True! Refuses to speak with Rick Scott

Obama is an illegal --True! B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii

Says who? Not Kenya.

While Hawaii has affirmed he was born in Hawaii no less than 4 times. Twice in court.

You're working off an outdated and poorly sourced conspiracy script.

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