Damaging effects of Gays in the Closet.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Interesting article on the topic, particularly in reference to clergy trying to keep their homosexuality under wraps.

Damaging Effects for Gays of the ‘Closet’

One of many interesting paragraphs:

Therefore men, whether they be gay or straight, will practice stereotypical masculine behaviors to thwart any suspicion out of fear and/or necessity. This is especially true if they feel pressure to do so to protect their careers, career advancement, fear of social denunciation or they have difficulties reconciling their religious views with their natural inner feelings and same sex attractions etc.

as is this one:

The fear of being discovered can be enormous and absolutely terrifying. These men will often then do whatever they believe society expects from them.

They will marry and have children out of desperation in an always unsuccessful attempt at suppressing these natural longings and hoping that they will eventually go away

And just an observation....those in the closet must become chronic liars in order to live the lie.

It's a sad thing....and apparently almost impossible to keep up the act forever....thus the stories that keep popping up in the news.

Just imagine the psychological damage of living a lie....and the splash damage to those around one.
One of the least talked about benefits of gays in the closet:


Everything tidy, color coordinated and in its place.
Interesting article on the topic, particularly in reference to clergy trying to keep their homosexuality under wraps.

Damaging Effects for Gays of the ‘Closet’

One of many interesting paragraphs:

Therefore men, whether they be gay or straight, will practice stereotypical masculine behaviors to thwart any suspicion out of fear and/or necessity. This is especially true if they feel pressure to do so to protect their careers, career advancement, fear of social denunciation or they have difficulties reconciling their religious views with their natural inner feelings and same sex attractions etc.

as is this one:

The fear of being discovered can be enormous and absolutely terrifying. These men will often then do whatever they believe society expects from them.

They will marry and have children out of desperation in an always unsuccessful attempt at suppressing these natural longings and hoping that they will eventually go away

And just an observation....those in the closet must become chronic liars in order to live the lie.

It's a sad thing....and apparently almost impossible to keep up the act forever....thus the stories that keep popping up in the news.

Just imagine the psychological damage of living a lie....and the splash damage to those around one.

Exactly. There's a lot that is never addressed on that front.

I also wonder, with acceptance becoming more widespread, if more will come out? I hope so. I can't imagine living like that .... but some may always feel they have no choice (for whatever reason).
And just an observation....those in the closet must become chronic liars in order to live the lie
I knew there was a reason Mal is so cranky.
Will they ever stop whining about the... sniff, sniff... burden of living in the greatest most tolerant Country in the world?
Will they ever stop whining about the... sniff, sniff... burden of living in the greatest most tolerant Country in the world?

Where is the whining? Kindly point it out.

BTW..the article is from the UK....are you saying the UK is more tolerant that the US?

Who gives a crap about UK articles except whiny Americans who never stop complaining about the burden of living in the greatest Country in the world? Go to the Muslem countries and see how well homosexuals are treated.
Just imagine the psychological damage of living a lie....and the splash damage to those around one.

Being in the closest doesn't lead to psychological damage. Psychological damage leads to being a fag.

Bodecea, maybe you should come out of the closet and admit to everyone that you're dog ugly? It would be mentally healthy to do, right?
Interesting article on the topic, particularly in reference to clergy trying to keep their homosexuality under wraps.

Damaging Effects for Gays of the ‘Closet’

One of many interesting paragraphs:

Therefore men, whether they be gay or straight, will practice stereotypical masculine behaviors to thwart any suspicion out of fear and/or necessity. This is especially true if they feel pressure to do so to protect their careers, career advancement, fear of social denunciation or they have difficulties reconciling their religious views with their natural inner feelings and same sex attractions etc.

as is this one:

The fear of being discovered can be enormous and absolutely terrifying. These men will often then do whatever they believe society expects from them.

They will marry and have children out of desperation in an always unsuccessful attempt at suppressing these natural longings and hoping that they will eventually go away

And just an observation....those in the closet must become chronic liars in order to live the lie.

It's a sad thing....and apparently almost impossible to keep up the act forever....thus the stories that keep popping up in the news.

Just imagine the psychological damage of living a lie....and the splash damage to those around one.

Have you reached out to Bobgnote?

I've tried
Will they ever stop whining about the... sniff, sniff... burden of living in the greatest most tolerant Country in the world?

Where is the whining? Kindly point it out.

BTW..the article is from the UK....are you saying the UK is more tolerant that the US?

Who gives a crap about UK articles except whiny Americans who never stop complaining about the burden of living in the greatest Country in the world? Go to the Muslem countries and see how well homosexuals are treated.

And yet, here you are. :eusa_whistle: One usually expresses lack of interest by not posting. I'm sure you don't Dave about it, eh?
Just imagine the psychological damage of living a lie....and the splash damage to those around one.

Being in the closest doesn't lead to psychological damage. Psychological damage leads to being a fag.

Bodecea, maybe you should come out of the closet and admit to everyone that you're dog ugly? It would be mentally healthy to do, right?

I knew this thread would hit so close to home to some people they would be mighty uncomfortable....why for your anger, Ariux?
Hiding an mental or emotional abnormality is not damaging, it is very hard for the person who must do the hiding. It doesn't damage them to be forced to behave with a semblance of normalcy. A child molester who does not molest suffers horribly at hiding his desires. A man may suffer unimaginable torment while he battles keeping from bashing his wife into the nearest wall.

I am sure that gays and lesbians have no sympathy at all for a man who would much rather troll gay bars and beat the hell out of gays. How damaging it is for him to be forced to sit home, or go places where he avoids gays just so he doesn't have to deal with the temptation of smashing a face in now and then. It is not at all damaging to him and certainly beneficial to everyone else, certainly beneficial to gays. That an individual is forced to deal with an abnormality instead of acting out damages no one at all.
Hiding an mental or emotional abnormality is not damaging, it is very hard for the person who must do the hiding. It doesn't damage them to be forced to behave with a semblance of normalcy. A child molester who does not molest suffers horribly at hiding his desires. A man may suffer unimaginable torment while he battles keeping from bashing his wife into the nearest wall.

I am sure that gays and lesbians have no sympathy at all for a man who would much rather troll gay bars and beat the hell out of gays. How damaging it is for him to be forced to sit home, or go places where he avoids gays just so he doesn't have to deal with the temptation of smashing a face in now and then. It is not at all damaging to him and certainly beneficial to everyone else, certainly beneficial to gays. That an individual is forced to deal with an abnormality instead of acting out damages no one at all.

Someone in the closet learns to be a liar. They have to be a good liar to live such a lie....but like all lies and liars, it someday falls apart....usually, hurting those around the liar....who bought into the lies.
Interesting article on the topic, particularly in reference to clergy trying to keep their homosexuality under wraps.

Damaging Effects for Gays of the ‘Closet’

One of many interesting paragraphs:

Therefore men, whether they be gay or straight, will practice stereotypical masculine behaviors to thwart any suspicion out of fear and/or necessity. This is especially true if they feel pressure to do so to protect their careers, career advancement, fear of social denunciation or they have difficulties reconciling their religious views with their natural inner feelings and same sex attractions etc.

as is this one:

The fear of being discovered can be enormous and absolutely terrifying. These men will often then do whatever they believe society expects from them.

They will marry and have children out of desperation in an always unsuccessful attempt at suppressing these natural longings and hoping that they will eventually go away

And just an observation....those in the closet must become chronic liars in order to live the lie.

It's a sad thing....and apparently almost impossible to keep up the act forever....thus the stories that keep popping up in the news.

Just imagine the psychological damage of living a lie....and the splash damage to those around one.

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Sad the effect that all those years of hiding had on you.


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Still wonder if Si has figured out why I do this....
Someone in the closet learns to be a liar. They have to be a good liar to live such a lie....but like all lies and liars, it someday falls apart....usually, hurting those around the liar....who bought into the lies.

The voice of experience. :(
Interesting article on the topic, particularly in reference to clergy trying to keep their homosexuality under wraps.

Damaging Effects for Gays of the ‘Closet’

One of many interesting paragraphs:

Therefore men, whether they be gay or straight, will practice stereotypical masculine behaviors to thwart any suspicion out of fear and/or necessity. This is especially true if they feel pressure to do so to protect their careers, career advancement, fear of social denunciation or they have difficulties reconciling their religious views with their natural inner feelings and same sex attractions etc.

as is this one:

The fear of being discovered can be enormous and absolutely terrifying. These men will often then do whatever they believe society expects from them.

They will marry and have children out of desperation in an always unsuccessful attempt at suppressing these natural longings and hoping that they will eventually go away

And just an observation....those in the closet must become chronic liars in order to live the lie.

It's a sad thing....and apparently almost impossible to keep up the act forever....thus the stories that keep popping up in the news.

Just imagine the psychological damage of living a lie....and the splash damage to those around one.

Sortof explains the high suicide rate in the Gay community.
It really is sad.

I mean seriously.

It's easy to laugh at Bodey for being a serial liar. But this is just a board. Not important. It's hard to imagine what it must be like out there in real life for people who haven't found a healthy way to be themselves.

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