Dalton Trumbo....Re-Polished


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Who are the dimwits who get their news from Jon Stewart, and their history from Oliver Stone?
Yup....and these morons go out and vote Democrat.
Why? Because they're lied to....and accept the lies.

a. "Many millennials are about to lose their most-trusted news source: Jon Stewart" Many millennials are about to lose their most-trusted news source Jon Stewart - The Washington Post
[millennials: bornfromtheearly1980stolate1990s,]
Here's why that is significant: "The latest poll to drive home that point comes from the Public Religion Research Institute, which finds more than one in 10 young adults (ages 18-29) say they trust "The Daily Show"or its now-departed spinoff, "The Colbert Report,"the most to tell them what's going on in the world."

Of course, it's been revealed that Stewart was a shill for Obama....

b. "Oliver Stone Rewrites History — Again ... Stone’s latest project, a 10-part Showtime series and a 750-page companion volume called “The Untold History of the United States,” which begins with World War I and ends with the first Obama administration. It’s an Oliver Stone version of a History Channel documentary, ....American imperialism,..." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/25/magazine/oliver-stone-rewrites-history-again.html?_r=0

2. How invigorating it must be to control every avenue of the dissemination of information: one can make up all sorts of lies....and there is no way, outside of "samizdat," to refute them. [samizdat: dissident activity across the Soviet bloc in which individuals reproduced censored information]

Case in point: the latest lie is a Hollywood campaign to make a supporter of genocide a hero, to make up lies about the tribulation the poor villain had to go through, and to hide the fact that he, rather than suffered via a blacklist,actually perpetrated one!

" Bryan Cranston Goes From Drug Lord to Communist in Blacklist Saga 'Trumbo': A Socialist, But He Loved Being Rich

Of course, much has changed since the dark days of the Hollywood Blacklist, when the major studios, pressured by conservative politicians, banned scores of writers, actors and directors from working because of their suspected political beliefs while Congress hauled stars to D.C. and compelled them to testify against their friends. Today, being a socialist isn't a crime (indeed, an avowed one currently is leading in the New Hampshire polls in the 2016 Democratic primary race).

Nearly all the victims of the Blacklist are long gone (Trumbo died in 1976), and memories of that bleak, ignoble era grow more distant every decade. Nowadays, most people under 40 probably think the Blacklist is a James Spader TV drama. Or its other modern incarnation, a screenplay competition.

...he's emblematic of oppressed people throughout our history, whether it's African-Americans or Latinos or communists. In America, there was a time when fear-mongering was tremendously effective. We are continuing to relive it."

In point of fact, McNamara's script was accurate: [John] Wayne was a founding member of the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, a group dedicated to rooting out communists in the movie colony and ruining their lives. But luckily for McNamara, there was no shortage of villains in Trumbo's life (including, it should be noted, this publication, whose right-wing founder, publisher and editor during the Blacklist,Billy Wilkerson, was among the first to publish suspected communists' names, including Trumbo's)."

But why shouldn't Dalton Trumbo be a Liberal icon? After all he was a communist- notice the Hollywood reporter first called him a socialist- who hated the United States....Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

Enter Dalton Trumbo...the latest Liberal hero.
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They don't seem to realize Stewart is a comedian. Period. and Stone makes movies. Period.

Ah well. The world is full of dummies.
a. "Many millennials are about to lose their most-trusted news source: Jon Stewart" Many millennials are about to lose their most-trusted news source Jon Stewart - The Washington Post
[millennials: bornfromtheearly1980stolate1990s,]
Here's why that is significant: "The latest poll to drive home that point comes from the Public Religion Research Institute, which finds more than one in 10 young adults (ages 18-29) say they trust "The Daily Show"or its now-departed spinoff, "The Colbert Report,"the most to tell them what's going on in the world."


So 9 out of 10 young adults do NOT consider the Daily Show/Colbert their mosted trusted source of 'what's going on in the world'

and you think that number is makes some sort of point about young people and the news?
a. "Many millennials are about to lose their most-trusted news source: Jon Stewart" Many millennials are about to lose their most-trusted news source Jon Stewart - The Washington Post
[millennials: bornfromtheearly1980stolate1990s,]
Here's why that is significant: "The latest poll to drive home that point comes from the Public Religion Research Institute, which finds more than one in 10 young adults (ages 18-29) say they trust "The Daily Show"or its now-departed spinoff, "The Colbert Report,"the most to tell them what's going on in the world."


So 9 out of 10 young adults do NOT consider the Daily Show/Colbert their mosted trusted source of 'what's going on in the world'

and you think that number is makes some sort of point about young people and the news?

a. "more than one in 10 young adults (ages 18-29) say they trust "The Daily Show"or its now-departed spinoff, "The Colbert Report,"the most to tell them what's going on in the world."

b. "According to ThinkProgress, millennials, who overwhelmingly voted for Democrats in the past two elections,could reach almost 36% of the eligible voting pool."
Who will win the millennial vote Opinion - CNN.com
Trumbo's book, Johnny Got His Gun, long out of print but if you can find it, well worth reading. Note to the OP - he died before you were born. Hero to the left? I've never heard that before but then I had never heard of champion of the working class, Saul Allinsky until the idiot RWs latched onto him and his work on behalf of the poor.

I miss Jon Stewart for his very funny and very FACTUAL skewering both the right and left. He is not working on his farm in NJ, which he is turning into an animal sanctuary. He has rescued many and is known for his love of his rescued pit bulls. He is also continuing to work to get the worthless Republicans to give health care to the 9/11 responders who have suffered from many ailments connected to the toxins they were exposed to in the aftermath of the building's collapse. He has also worked to get the anti-America Repubs to stop blocking and obstructing health care, housing and jobs for US military vets and their families.

So yeah, I can understand why the OP and other RWs of the hive mentality would hate these people.
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a. "Many millennials are about to lose their most-trusted news source: Jon Stewart" Many millennials are about to lose their most-trusted news source Jon Stewart - The Washington Post
[millennials: bornfromtheearly1980stolate1990s,]
Here's why that is significant: "The latest poll to drive home that point comes from the Public Religion Research Institute, which finds more than one in 10 young adults (ages 18-29) say they trust "The Daily Show"or its now-departed spinoff, "The Colbert Report,"the most to tell them what's going on in the world."


So 9 out of 10 young adults do NOT consider the Daily Show/Colbert their mosted trusted source of 'what's going on in the world'

and you think that number is makes some sort of point about young people and the news?

a. "more than one in 10 young adults (ages 18-29) say they trust "The Daily Show"or its now-departed spinoff, "The Colbert Report,"the most to tell them what's going on in the world."

b. "According to ThinkProgress, millennials, who overwhelmingly voted for Democrats in the past two elections,could reach almost 36% of the eligible voting pool."
Who will win the millennial vote Opinion - CNN.com

One in ten is 10%.

Twice as many cited Foxnews. There's the scary number.
Those of us with more than an ounce of intelligence use multiple sources for news and information. More interestingly, nine of ten liberals on USMB use Huffington talking points. ;)
Trumbo's book, Johnny Got His Gun, long out of print but if you can find it, well worth reading. Note to the OP - he died before you were born. Hero to the left? I've never heard that before but then I had never heard of champion of the working class, Saul Allinsky until the idiot RWs latched onto him and his work on behalf of the poor.

I miss Jon Stewart for his very funny and very FACTUAL skewering both the right and left. He is not working on his farm in NJ, which he is turning into an animal sanctuary. He has rescued many and is known for his love of his rescued pit bulls. He is also continuing to work to get the worthless Republicans to give health care to the 9/11 responders who have suffered from many ailments connected to the toxins they were exposed to in the aftermath of the building's collapse. He has also worked to get the anti-America Repubs to stop blocking and obstructing health care, housing and jobs for US military vets and their families.

So yeah, I can understand why the OP and other RWs of the hive mentality would hate these people.

1. I have this quirk....I hate anyone who supports killing human being for the purpose of supporting communist doctrine.

Too bad you don't have that same quirk.

2. Are you actually suggesting that events that took place prior to my birth are not of my purview?
Education has no place in your life, eh?

3. "Hero to the left? I've never heard that before but then I had never heard of champion of the working class, Saul Allinsky until the idiot RWs latched onto him and his work on behalf of the poor."
Pretty much proves my point, huh?
3. Liberal/Progressive/Democrat voters function on the basis of lies.....Jon Stewart's, or Oliver Stone's.

To cut to the chase, the quote above from 'The Hollywood Reporter' contains at least six outright lies, lies designed to make one more communist some sort of hero.

It is a perfect example of the church of Liberalism, out to canonize one of their own Liberals/communists.....Dalton Trumbo.

Let's begin exposing them: one meme is ' the dark days of theHollywood Blacklist.'

The first thing to realize is that blacklisting.... "Concerted action by employers to deny employment to someone suspected of unacceptable opinions or behavior" was actually begin by communists in Hollywood against conservatives.

And Dalton Trumbo was one of the most vociferous, and vicious, in its use!

a. "Communists in high positions in Hollywood were able to see to it that ant-Communist works never made it to the screen.

Writing in "The Worker," Dalton Trumbo bragged about de facto anti-Communist blacklisting. "We have produced a few fine films in Hollywood, a great many of which were vulgar and opportunistic and a few downright vicious. If you tell me Hollywood, in contrast with the novel and the theater, has produced nothing so provocative or so progressive asFreedom RoadorDeep Are the Roots, I will grant you the point, but I may also add that neither has Hollywood produced anything so untrue or so reactionary asThe Yogi and the Commissar,Out of the Night,Report on the Russians,There Shall Be No Night, orAdventures of a Young Man. Nor does Hollywood's forthcoming schedule include such tempting items as James T. FarrellBernard Clare, Victor A. KravchenkoI Chose Freedom, or the so-called biography of Stalin by Leon Trotsky." FrontPage Magazine - Orwell vs. Communism

You didn't know that did you?

Think that will be in the Hollywood hagiography of the communist Trumbo?
The Low Information Dem voter still believes that McCarthy's huac blacklisted innocent Hollywood writers like Zero Mostel.

Progs lie

And lie

And lie

And lie

And lie

Truth is the first casualty of the Progressives Jihad to acquire political power
The Low Information Dem voter still believes that McCarthy's huac blacklisted innocent Hollywood writers like Zero Mostel.

Progs lie

And lie

And lie

And lie

And lie

Truth is the first casualty of the Progressives Jihad to acquire political power

Or poor put-upon writers who "major studios, pressured by conservative politicians, banned .... from working because of their suspected political beliefs..."
Lol I thought this was a Hispanic version of Donald trump. Lol dalton trumbo.
The daily show delivers news with a comedic spin, deal with it.
The Low Information Dem voter still believes that McCarthy's huac blacklisted innocent Hollywood writers like Zero Mostel.

Progs lie

And lie

And lie

And lie

And lie

Truth is the first casualty of the Progressives Jihad to acquire political power

HUAC, the House Un-American Activities predated McCarthy by almost 15 years and was created just before WWII and outdated him by more than that. McCarthy was in the Senate NOT the House and had nothing to do with HUAC! What was that you were saying about low information voters?
Let's settle the next lie in the Hollywood Reporter article:

4. "... when the major studios, pressured by conservative politicians, banned scores of writers, actors and directors from working because of their suspected political beliefs..."

A lie....actually, two lies.

It wasn't pressure from 'conservative politicians' that caused communists to be kicked out....it was the American public's reaction to Soviet communists slaughter and oppression, and the revelations of their infiltration of Franklin Roosevelt's regime.

"During the 1950s, the Gallup Organization responded to new issues and personalities as they related to the ongoing superpower struggle. Joseph McCarthy entered the public opinion polls for the first time, and won initial approval.

Fifty percent agreed with McCarthy in a March 1950 survey that there were communists working in the State Department.Note 45

A June 1950 poll found 45 percent expressed unqualified approval of McCarthy saying "he is anxious to rid us of communists and he is right"; 16 percent expressed qualified approval with remarks such as "there must be some foundation for his charges, but they are greatly exaggerated";
31 percent disbelieved McCarthy saying he is "a rabble-rouser seeking personal glory who is trying to get reelected"; 8 percent were unsure what to make of McCarthy." Cold War International History Conference: Paper by John White

At that time there were enough pro-America folks in Hollywood at that time to respond by attempting to remove the communists.

Things certainly have changed.

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