Daily Telegraph's Hidden Loyalties


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Chew on this, conspiracy theorists.

Several weeks ago my commentary account on the Daily Telegraph was suspended for thirty days after I submitted a comment under an article opining on the abolition of free banking on ordinary current accounts with Barclays Bank.

The article focused on the recruitment of a new chairman, one Sir David Walker, who has proposed that free banking should be abolished. I can't remember what I wrote word-for-word, but the premise of my comment stated that if this proposal was adopted across the board, then Parliament should draft into law legislation that stipulates that all businesses must pay their employees in cash, thus avoiding any cost incurred by the employee as a result of having money paid into a bank account that charges a fee, thus denying the banks of the flow of capital they rely on. Technically speaking employees are legally entitled to their wages being paid in cash if they're listed as self-employed. But under a contractual agreement it's often made clear to the employee that all monies will be paid into a bank account of their choice. If free banking is abolished, employees will be at a disadvantage if there isn't an alternative protected by law. They'd be at the complete and utter mercy of the banks. What I suggested would provide the employee with a great deal of power over the banks

The Daily Telegraph deleted my comment, and informed me that it fell afoul of their ToU. I've checked their terms of use, and in no way, shape or form did it fall within the parameters of "impropriety". I know it's a private business, but their decision struck me as rather suspicious. It stank of a hidden agenda, in fact.

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