D7000 update


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
I thought I had made a big mistake getting this camera, but today, I have beat it! It is WAY more complicated than my D90 and the D90 was pretty complicated at first. The D7k has two user settings where you can make changes to the way you want to expose the pictures and save them, so that whenever you put the dial on U2 or U1, whatever settings you save there are loaded instantly. But, until today it was not behaving like I thought it should at all. The exposure settings would stay the same and the focus was off. Finally I figured out that you have to first go to one of the 4 settings of Aperture Priority, Shutter priority, Full Manual, or Program shift to save the changes! Then it saves it like it should and works right! Dang! I downloaded the manual but Nikon's manuals are a little hard to read at times so I usually just look it up on the net.

So I have U2 set for indoor pics and U1 for outdoor, with the main difference being the auto ISO settings.

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