Cyber attack fears as multiple cities hit with simultaneous power grid failures shockwaves of delays

Cute circle jerk but come on you tools don't know shit and wouldn't be in any better position than anyone else.

All you're doing is accommodating each others' self-esteem issues.

I have been researching the past history (the real history) and how we got to this place, the power behind it and where it is all heading. I have easily invested 19,000 hours of my life over the last 5 and a half years. Keep putting your faith in this de-facto "gubermint" that has been bankrupted since 1933 and let me know how it works out for ya.
The whole blackout scenario is a strange one. The big one in 2003(if I remember correctly) was huge and yet I have to say most people chugged right through it. The one thing I remember about it more than anything was how people stopped at nonworking traffic signals religiously. I couldn't believe it, drivers were more courteous than I had ever seen. The second day of the blackout I went to check on an elderly couple at the end of my street. They laughed and said the biggest problem they had was being tired from answering the door, everyone on the block had stopped by to check on them. Obviously an extended blackout is a huge problem, but I was amazed at the reaction of average every day people.
The whole blackout scenario is a strange one. The big one in 2003(if I remember correctly) was huge and yet I have to say most people chugged right through it. The one thing I remember about it more than anything was how people stopped at nonworking traffic signals religiously. I couldn't believe it, drivers were more courteous than I had ever seen. The second day of the blackout I went to check on an elderly couple at the end of my street. They laughed and said the biggest problem they had was being tired from answering the door, everyone on the block had stopped by to check on them. Obviously an extended blackout is a huge problem, but I was amazed at the reaction of average every day people.

After a week it would go that smoothly, things would shut down too. No ATM's, No water, no gas, can't pay bills we've been moved onto the electronic world of cyber space for a purpose.

So we can be controlled, even if a grid down never takes place.
The whole blackout scenario is a strange one. The big one in 2003(if I remember correctly) was huge and yet I have to say most people chugged right through it. The one thing I remember about it more than anything was how people stopped at nonworking traffic signals religiously. I couldn't believe it, drivers were more courteous than I had ever seen. The second day of the blackout I went to check on an elderly couple at the end of my street. They laughed and said the biggest problem they had was being tired from answering the door, everyone on the block had stopped by to check on them. Obviously an extended blackout is a huge problem, but I was amazed at the reaction of average every day people.

After a week it would go that smoothly, things would shut down too. No ATM's, No water, no gas, can't pay bills we've been moved onto the electronic world of cyber space for a purpose.

So we can be controlled, even if a grid down never takes place.
Agreed, although in my area we were out for a full week. My business shut down for a full 9 days. Power was back in a week but it took us longer to ramp back up. I just think that people that believe after a week we're going to be living The Lord Of The Flies are being a bit sensationalist. Not that things couldn't get of hand very quickly.
Shouldn't 10 & 16 count as one?
Hmm good point, hard to keep track when The Fearful One makes multiple threads about the same thing. I think I'll keep 'em since the newer one focuses on Cyberattack angle.

There isn't anything that Mindwars has posted that isn't 100 percent true. Keep believing the lame stream media and the trolls that "da gubermint" hires to monitor and steer conversations away from the topic at hand. Knowledge is power and that seems to be something so many run from.

Stock up on the tinfoil for your little tin hats.
The whole blackout scenario is a strange one. The big one in 2003(if I remember correctly) was huge and yet I have to say most people chugged right through it. The one thing I remember about it more than anything was how people stopped at nonworking traffic signals religiously. I couldn't believe it, drivers were more courteous than I had ever seen. The second day of the blackout I went to check on an elderly couple at the end of my street. They laughed and said the biggest problem they had was being tired from answering the door, everyone on the block had stopped by to check on them. Obviously an extended blackout is a huge problem, but I was amazed at the reaction of average every day people.

After a week it would go that smoothly, things would shut down too. No ATM's, No water, no gas, can't pay bills we've been moved onto the electronic world of cyber space for a purpose.

So we can be controlled, even if a grid down never takes place.
There are plenty of places you can move out to and live just like the Nineteenth Century even here in the lower 48. An outhouse, drink out of the creek, and not electricity or electronics. Ya know, I actually lived that way for a few months when I was a kid. Kinda sucks, an outhouse at -20 is an experiance one does not forget.

But don't let me hinder you from doing that, after all, then no one will be controlling you.
The whole blackout scenario is a strange one. The big one in 2003(if I remember correctly) was huge and yet I have to say most people chugged right through it. The one thing I remember about it more than anything was how people stopped at nonworking traffic signals religiously. I couldn't believe it, drivers were more courteous than I had ever seen. The second day of the blackout I went to check on an elderly couple at the end of my street. They laughed and said the biggest problem they had was being tired from answering the door, everyone on the block had stopped by to check on them. Obviously an extended blackout is a huge problem, but I was amazed at the reaction of average every day people.
Exactly. I always wonder where these people that have us at each others throats at every minor event grew up. In times of adversity, we Americans have a tradition of rallying around each other, both on the local and national level. I am 73 years old, and have seen this repeatedly.
I am pretty confident if this country protected our power grids with this guy, that we would all be safe.

Black out those hotbeds of liberalism and, if their wet dreams about global whatever are true they'll be doing a tiny little part to save the planet.

Won't they be proud?

Until their laptop/tablet/smartphone batteries crap out.
We loose power up here in Alaska rather often because all the lines go through forests. It's pretty much expected that we'll lose power for at least 8-12 hours when the fall winds blow in. In "rough" years we'll get another 24 hour+ in the winter with the Chinook winds (basically winds from Hawaii that melt just enough to ice up all the lines and snap them in the wind.)

As to the OP. I wouldn't be surprised if this is retaliation from the bike lock guy not getting fired or investigated yet. /Pol/ completely lost it on this guy and their Anonymous hacked the fuck out of him and everything that even remotely connected to him... If it's AnonOfficial, I would expect there to be a buzz from them raging for CA to bust the guy (they're at war with the Anti-free speech OpTrump anon and that'd be a nice feather in the hat of official to bring this guy down and disgrace optrump.)
Shouldn't 10 & 16 count as one?
Hmm good point, hard to keep track when The Fearful One makes multiple threads about the same thing. I think I'll keep 'em since the newer one focuses on Cyberattack angle.

There isn't anything that Mindwars has posted that isn't 100 percent true. Keep believing the lame stream media and the trolls that "da gubermint" hires to monitor and steer conversations away from the topic at hand. Knowledge is power and that seems to be something so many run from.

Stock up on the tinfoil for your little tin hats.

What is sooooo very sad to me is that dumb fucks like you have no clue as to how vulnerable we all are. You have no clue as to how this fraudulent fiat currency, debt slave system actually works because you have never experienced the kind of tough times that are coming.....and make no mistake about IS on the horizon.
What is sooooo very sad to me is that dumb fucks like you have no clue as to how vulnerable we all are. You have no clue as to how this fraudulent fiat currency, debt slave system actually works because you have never experienced the kind of tough times that are coming.....and make no mistake about IS on the horizon.
Nope, I'm pretty well aware of what threats face our nation and society. Big difference between acknowledging them and fixating on them with this laughable back patting about how you're prepared and nobody else is.

You and MindWars however are mentally ill. Not necessarily anything serious obviously you're functioning in society, but the paranoia and constant fixation on real or imagined catastrophe on the horizon are classic symptoms of mild mental illness. I bet you've been saying "it IS on the horizon" for most of your adult life, you sad irrational gibbering fool.
I have been researching the past history (the real history) and how we got to this place, the power behind it and where it is all heading. I have easily invested 19,000 hours of my life over the last 5 and a half years.
When someone like you says "researching" they mean watching youtube videos and reading websites that are an echo chamber of their own paranoid world views.

I don't care how much time you waste spinning your wheels instead of being a productive member of society, it doesn't make your foolish paranoid theories sound.
I have been researching the past history (the real history) and how we got to this place, the power behind it and where it is all heading. I have easily invested 19,000 hours of my life over the last 5 and a half years.
When someone like you says "researching" they mean watching youtube videos and reading websites that are an echo chamber of their own paranoid world views.

I don't care how much time you waste spinning your wheels instead of being a productive member of society, it doesn't make your foolish paranoid theories sound.

As usual, you are wrong. When I research a topic of interest, I attack it from every angle as possible. I am not seeking any particular outcome to it and simply let the facts speak for themselves and draw my own conclusions. You, on the other hand, have no critical thinking skills because your programming was a success.

I don't care if you care how I spend my time and why do you think I would? Define "productive member of society"..........does that mean following the herd of sheeple? No thanks........
why haven't the power companies prepared for it? Is this a tax payer responsibility through infrastructure expense?
They think that tax dollars should pay for it and then they will keep those multi-million dollar profit for themselves scams going.
As usual, you are wrong.
The idiot braying about reporters being in front of blue screens to pretend being on a boat has no realm to say others are usually wrong.

When I research a topic of interest, I attack it from every angle as possible. I am not seeking any particular outcome to it and simply let the facts speak for themselves and draw my own conclusions.
I'm sure you'd like to believe this, as do all the tin hat retards. Listening to your hilarious back patting banter with MindWars is a great insight into how your mind works. Hey man we see everything clearly, all the sheep are being fooled. Yeah it's a shame isn't it, we are prepared for all these doomsday scenarios they won't last one day. Etc.

I don't care if you care how I spend my time and why do you think I would? Define "productive member of society"..........does that mean following the herd of sheeple? No thanks........
It isn't up to you to care, you're simply a point of interest. Someone who actually thinks what he's doing is research, and who brags about wasting tens of thousands of hours doing it. You're pathetic.
As usual, you are wrong.
The idiot braying about reporters being in front of blue screens to pretend being on a boat has no realm to say others are usually wrong.

When I research a topic of interest, I attack it from every angle as possible. I am not seeking any particular outcome to it and simply let the facts speak for themselves and draw my own conclusions.
I'm sure you'd like to believe this, as do all the tin hat retards. Listening to your hilarious back patting banter with MindWars is a great insight into how your mind works. Hey man we see everything clearly, all the sheep are being fooled. Yeah it's a shame isn't it, we are prepared for all these doomsday scenarios they won't last one day. Etc.

I don't care if you care how I spend my time and why do you think I would? Define "productive member of society"..........does that mean following the herd of sheeple? No thanks........
It isn't up to you to care, you're simply a point of interest. Someone who actually thinks what he's doing is research, and who brags about wasting tens of thousands of hours doing it. You're pathetic.

No, I have to have all my bases covered because the trolls will attack if they find any chink in the cyber armor.... so I am always prepared and a "knows-nothing" troll like you is mere child's play to me. You are either one of two things...a paid troll that tries to disrupt conversations on social media or you are very uninformed and scared when you see things that you don't understand and so you lamely attempt to marginalize the contents because it's your way of trying to combat things that you lack the intellect to understand. I could give you documented proof of what your beloved "corporate gubermint" has done to it's serfs that would give you nightmares and question your very existence...that is, if you had the nads to actually read (nads that I doubt have actually dropped yet) because I have been down the rabbit hole, ass wipe. You think I LIKE posting the things I do? You think that MindWars likes posting these things? I don't need validation from the likes of you...I don't post this stuff here and other venues because I have some kind of narcissistic need to "show off" what I know. I do it because I care about what happens to us and let me tell ya, it's a very fucking "thank-less" endeavor and trust me on this one.....there are times that I struggle with the "Why should I give a flying fuck about the clueless" feelings...but then I get a message from those that tell me "I read your post about the Fed bank and I looked it up and you were right" and it tells me that what I do really does matter. Ignore what I post....ignore what MindWars posts and keep that head stuck in the sand....and while there is a sad, small and sorry side of me that will want to gloat about your predicament when the feces hits the oscillating blades unless there is a massive awakening? The biggest side of me is going to grieve and worry about your well being. I don't give a flying fuck about my life....I would consider it a blessing if I didn't wake up tomorrow. I would feel like I ht the lottery if I was told I had terminal cancer with mere days to live....I would fucking CELEBRATE it like I hit the lotto because I know what is on the horizon.

So, to sum it all up? Any time that you feel like you can debate me or refute what I post here with something other than insults and stupidity? Bring it on with your "A" game. Thus far? In the 18 months that I have been on this site, no one has been able to stand up to what I bring to the table and judging from your lame, flame game? I'm not worried at all that you would be any kind of a worthy adversary.


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