Cutting razor wire, caravan migrants make a new case for a border wall

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
After a big public relations buildup about razor wire being installed at the border to keep illegal migrants out, caravan migrants are at it again, this time cutting the newly installed razor wire:

Customs and Border Patrol has a video of the crime in San Diego.

Here's video of another one at the the border in Arizona. Both happened on the exact same day, Nov. 14.

Obviously, it's coordinated, and by a very canny organized group (cartels?) that wants to send a message to the U.S. that its border efforts are useless. Tactically, it's striking first and striking hard, right there with the cameras rolling, which it obviouslhy wants. Once the razor wires are cut, the migrants, who contrary to the television news photos are not mostly moms and toddlers, but unemployed military aged males, will climb the fence again, hop over unencumbered to the other side, take up residence as illegal immigrants with all their legal protections and leftwing lawyer advocates, and humiliate President Trump in his bid to gain control of the U.S. border. And the razor wire cutting suggests they intend to do it anytime they like. Messge: Resistance is futile.

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Good thing somebody remembered to pack the wire cutters huh? Let's see. Underwear? Check. Socks? Check. Sandals? Check. Talcum powder? Check. Wire cutters? Check. Wonder if the wire cutters have the OpenSociety stamp of approval on them.
After a big public relations buildup about razor wire being installed at the border to keep illegal migrants out, caravan migrants are at it again, this time cutting the newly installed razor wire:

Customs and Border Patrol has a video of the crime in San Diego.

Here's video of another one at the the border in Arizona. Both happened on the exact same day, Nov. 14.

Obviously, it's coordinated, and by a very canny organized group (cartels?) that wants to send a message to the U.S. that its border efforts are useless. Tactically, it's striking first and striking hard, right there with the cameras rolling, which it obviouslhy wants. Once the razor wires are cut, the migrants, who contrary to the television news photos are not mostly moms and toddlers, but unemployed military aged males, will climb the fence again, hop over unencumbered to the other side, take up residence as illegal immigrants with all their legal protections and leftwing lawyer advocates, and humiliate President Trump in his bid to gain control of the U.S. border. And the razor wire cutting suggests they intend to do it anytime they like. Messge: Resistance is futile.

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Good thing somebody remembered to pack the wire cutters huh? Let's see. Underwear? Check. Socks? Check. Sandals? Check. Talcum powder? Check. Wire cutters? Check. Wonder if the wire cutters have the OpenSociety stamp of approval on them.
There are other ways to stop illegals that haven't been tried yet. I actually kind of like Obama's idea, even though he was jesting (I'm not)

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The people in the caravan are rock fighting with the Mexican locals....none of them are getting into the US and released like they were promised so they are getting angry....some groups are beginning to head back home or ask for asylum in Mexico....
Stainless Steel is hardened and takes a special cutter to cut it. We need to start shooting them.. This is the act of a criminal invader not an illegal immigrant..
Stainless Steel is hardened and takes a special cutter to cut it. We need to start shooting them.. This is the act of a criminal invader not an illegal immigrant..
As a soldier in the Army National Guard, in the very first class I attended, I was told that the primary mission of the Army National Guard is to do just what the words "National Guard" say - to guard the nation. I was also instructed that this means stopping any and all forces who try to invade the country in large numbers, to enter without official permission.

In this mission, I was told ? >> "You are issued rifles, ammunition, bayonets, and hand grenades. In some cases, you can be issued machine guns and rocket launchers (aka "bazookas"). These are not toys. You are to use them to deter and, if necessary, stop the act of invasion. These are your precise, general orders".

This is what Trump and Mattis should be telling the troops.
Expropriate 5 acres of Mexican soil per illegal immigrants of the past 30 years. That'd be about 40 million acres plus the Baja Peninsula. Oh, and they get the hardened criminals, drug pushers and addicts, serial rapists, criminally insane monsters, and serial murderers back to house and take care of in their own prisons. We're done paying for their mistakes. We have enough of our own to tend to and pay for.
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After a big public relations buildup about razor wire being installed at the border to keep illegal migrants out, caravan migrants are at it again, this time cutting the newly installed razor wire:

Customs and Border Patrol has a video of the crime in San Diego.

Here's video of another one at the the border in Arizona. Both happened on the exact same day, Nov. 14.

Obviously, it's coordinated, and by a very canny organized group (cartels?) that wants to send a message to the U.S. that its border efforts are useless. Tactically, it's striking first and striking hard, right there with the cameras rolling, which it obviouslhy wants. Once the razor wires are cut, the migrants, who contrary to the television news photos are not mostly moms and toddlers, but unemployed military aged males, will climb the fence again, hop over unencumbered to the other side, take up residence as illegal immigrants with all their legal protections and leftwing lawyer advocates, and humiliate President Trump in his bid to gain control of the U.S. border. And the razor wire cutting suggests they intend to do it anytime they like. Messge: Resistance is futile.

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Good thing somebody remembered to pack the wire cutters huh? Let's see. Underwear? Check. Socks? Check. Sandals? Check. Talcum powder? Check. Wire cutters? Check. Wonder if the wire cutters have the OpenSociety stamp of approval on them.
These SOBs want to play rough so we need to start to take pro action to stop this crap. You know the cartel is armed and it only going to take a shooting of a unarmed person on the border to start incoming rounds of ammo. I feel this is going to happen in baby steps. We have lost several border agents to gun fire and bashing so time to start to put it to those who are violent.
Shoot them.
If they mess with the fence/wall, Yes!
They already did mess with the fence/wall. We need a shorter border, so we can just move the border south until it's half the length it is now, and take the Baja peninsula for our trouble. We need something on the order of a wall that's like the Great Wall of China to keep out the drug cartel. They bomb it, we take it all.
I wonder how many steps backward the current administration will go before stepping forth and doing the right thing. Migrants have broken through our defense, should immediately put the military on the offense.
Trump may have good ideas, but it is the socialists that control these caravans. So they are coming to a house near you and you can't do a thing about it. Get ready to pay your protection money to them. Hehe.

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