PERSPECTIVES ON IMMIGRATION: Cut Legal Admissions by Two-Thirds (Harry Reid op-ed, 1994)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
In case some one hasn’t figured it out, DemonRATS don’t flip flop, they devolve. This from a time when the DemonRATS HAD SOME COMMOM SENSR AND LOGIC....all that has gone by the boards!

Los Angeles Times ^ | August 10, 1994 | U.S. Senator Harry Reid

The federal government has been grossly irresponsible in its neglect of mounting immigration problems, even as these problems place unbearable burdens on states like California. It is regrettable that states have reached a point where the only avenue they have for justice is the courts. It is even more regrettable that this Administration and this Congress stand by and allow the federal courts to decide the nation's immigration policies.

Taxpayers simply cannot continue to sustain new populations the size of San Diego or the state of Nevada every year. California is sending up the red flag that Washington should heed.Unprecedented demands are being placed on job markets, schools, hospitals, police, social safety nets, infrastructure and natural resources. Unlimited new arrivals pressuring these systems threaten to overwhelm them.

DemonRAT Reid would lie, cheat and steal...ANYTHING as long as he won!

Here's one from me. Send a HS dropout from the US to any country who has a grad seeking to live here.Good trade principle. Lazy motherfucker trade for someone who wants to get ahead.
Stop all immigration and watch this country stagnate since most STEM graduates come from somewhere else.

This isn't the 19th century anymore, old people.

You hold such a low opinion of the Amercian citizen.

Stop all immigration for a 10-year moratorium and watch our infrastructure improvements along with the quality of the American wage earner.
Better get rid of some of those capital letters in your title before it gets closed

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