Cruz Announces For President Monday; GOP Senator Announces Retirement Tuesday(?). . . .


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Usually the national general election returns start arriving in early November. Here it is March, 2015, and among Republicans not even April 15 seems to be drawing much attention. A lunatic will easily draw money away from mainstream, viable, national candidates in 2016. An Indiana GOP Senator hadn't even bothered to even start raising any money. So the Senator, Coats, announced his retirement.

Indiana Sen. Dan Coats won t seek re-election

Politely, that is often called, "Heading for the exits."

Former Senator, Evan Bayh, has name recognition, $10.0 mil., and a likely mainstream, national candidate for President for 2016.

General elections create major turnouts, not usual for midterm elections.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Yellow-Hair, Custer, failed to note young braves in 5000 strong level camp. History happened, Like to Bush-Palin, or Tom Dewey. Others may want to say George McGovern, of different agenda.)

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