CRT opposition based on political expediency not actual factual history

CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?
Yeah but it's the one-sided view of history, that's the problem.

I've no issues with teaching kids about bad parts of history that their country might have been involved in and that things like the slave trade, the holocaust, treatment of Native American's was wrong but these same folk that push that side of things so keenly also refuse point-blank to teach the good historical stuff too to maintain that healthy balance of pride but knowing what's right/wrong and not making the same mistakes as in the history lessons.

The hard-left bang on about the British Empire and love to run it down, but they never seem to want to mention bringing democracy, infrastructure, trade/commerce, transport links, shipping networks, medicine to these same countries that we allegedly pillaged and butchered.

The one-sided views of history is just one element of CRT that's abhorrent - there's also the question of white guilt and teaching kids that they are bad people or inferior morally because they have the audacity to be born white. That's racist - and cruel.

That's why the lunatics are evil and have no sense of perspective, balance or can be considered rational people. Ever.
Link ?
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?

That is a private school and the parents are paying for their kids to be taught that. That is hardly communism is it comrade ?
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
The white supremacist view of history is indoctrination. This is a revision of that. The war of Independence was the war of White Independence. It needs to be contextualised.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?

That is a private school and the parents are paying for their kids to be taught that. That is hardly communism is it comrade ?

just one example of many,, and theres no way you watched the whole video,,

here is another where they go through in detail how its being taught,,

CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?
Dont be willfully ignorant and read about it.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
The white supremacist view of history is indoctrination. This is a revision of that. The war of Independence was the war of White Independence. It needs to be contextualised.
White independence from white Britain? WTF are you talking about?
CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?

That is a private school and the parents are paying for their kids to be taught that. That is hardly communism is it comrade ?

just one example of many,, and theres no way you watched the whole video,,

here is another where they go through in detail how its being taught,,

I didnt watch the video at all. I just noted that it cost $55000 a year to send your kids to that school. I dont want to see a video, I want to see an actual school website that states they are teaching CRT. Something official and not some right wing loon spouting off about shit they dont understand.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
Link ?

That is a private school and the parents are paying for their kids to be taught that. That is hardly communism is it comrade ?

just one example of many,, and theres no way you watched the whole video,,

here is another where they go through in detail how its being taught,,

I didnt watch the video at all. I just noted that it cost $55000 a year to send your kids to that school. I dont want to see a video, I want to see an actual school website that states they are teaching CRT. Something official and not some right wing loon spouting off about shit they dont understand.

maybe you should watch both of them and then you wont be an ignorant moron repeating the daily talking points,,

until then your ignorance is on you,,
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
Can you give an example of your assertion. Because you maga fuckups in TN don't need to hear Rudy bridges story because your white feelings might get hurt.

CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
What part of CRT is the indoctrination you don't like? LInk it for us and explain why you don't like it.
How about how it teaches there is no individual? Or how racism is literally everywhere?
It was made by fucking commies and instills marxism in the youth.
Im sure that doesnt matter to you, though. As you are just as authoritarian as the commies. Deep down you probably ARE a commie.
None of what you post on CRT is a fact, its just white bullshit.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
Can you give an example of your assertion. Because you maga fuckups in TN don't need to hear Rudy bridges story because your white feelings might get hurt.

I posted videos that go through in detail how its not history and is indoctrination with proof,,
I want to discuss an issue that came up in a different thread. I think it is worth a thread of its own.

On the current events board, there is a thread about a book in which it is claimed that trump praised Hitler as having done good things.

I was a bit shocked to read many board members agreeing with this and it got me thinking about the teaching,or proposed teaching, of CRT in American schools.

I have no wish to go into the boring detail of CRT but my understanding is that it is a revisionist view of American history that shows a darker view of America than most people grew up with.

It has caused a great deal of upset amongst people who are actually quite happy with their history just the way it is. But that is a political stance and not one that takes account of actual history. And that seems to be the same attitude that I see when it comes to judging Hitler.

It means that CRT will not be judged through any historical or academic perspective. It will be judged purely on its perceived political stance and its possible impact on the youngsters who are taught it.

There is a fear that kids will grow to hate their country and for that reason the truth must be suppressed. But this is covered up in ignorant bluster because to admit that would be admitting that the US should come clean on its history.

Surely honesty is the best policy ? There isnt a country on earth that has not got some episodes that they would rather not discuss. I know all about that. People who can find the good in Hitler should not dictate the education of the kids.

Teachers' union president says CRT is NOT being taught in schools

CRT is stems from Marxist-based ideology, teaches kids to hate each other, and teaches them to hate their country. It teaches 'racism' is at the core of EVERYTHING, strips 'individuals' and replaces if with inclusive generalization. It teaches children / people to hate each other, to hate themselves, and to hate their country. Inevitably it teaches the US, since everything about it is based on racism, should be wiped out - Constitution, Rule of law, & it all - and rebuilt. (That's called 'overthrowing the govt').

It teaches that all whites are 'evil racists', whether they know it or not.

It also teaches kids their parents are 'evil':

CRT taught this little girl that her white mother (interracial marriage) was evil, and her ather unladed on the school teaching her this crap.

Liberals have lost their damn minds...or either they are in control of their faculties and are just carrying out their agenda:

Indoctrinating K-12, college students, college kids, and military with CRT.
Teachers attempting to show 1st graders porn (illegal) to teach them how to 'assess pornography' (WTF?!)
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
Can you give an example of your assertion. Because you maga fuckups in TN don't need to hear Rudy bridges story because your white feelings might get hurt.

I posted videos that go through in detail how its not history and is indoctrination with proof,,
The videos that you posted are propaganda. Produced by people with no understanding of CRT.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
Can you give an example of your assertion. Because you maga fuckups in TN don't need to hear Rudy bridges story because your white feelings might get hurt.

I posted videos that go through in detail how its not history and is indoctrination with proof,,
The videos that you posted are propaganda. Produced by people with no understanding of CRT.
is that all you got?? pathetic,,,
I want to discuss an issue that came up in a different thread. I think it is worth a thread of its own.

On the current events board, there is a thread about a book in which it is claimed that trump praised Hitler as having done good things.

I was a bit shocked to read many board members agreeing with this and it got me thinking about the teaching,or proposed teaching, of CRT in American schools.

I have no wish to go into the boring detail of CRT but my understanding is that it is a revisionist view of American history that shows a darker view of America than most people grew up with.

It has caused a great deal of upset amongst people who are actually quite happy with their history just the way it is. But that is a political stance and not one that takes account of actual history. And that seems to be the same attitude that I see when it comes to judging Hitler.

It means that CRT will not be judged through any historical or academic perspective. It will be judged purely on its perceived political stance and its possible impact on the youngsters who are taught it.

There is a fear that kids will grow to hate their country and for that reason the truth must be suppressed. But this is covered up in ignorant bluster because to admit that would be admitting that the US should come clean on its history.

Surely honesty is the best policy ? There isnt a country on earth that has not got some episodes that they would rather not discuss. I know all about that. People who can find the good in Hitler should not dictate the education of the kids.

Teachers' union president says CRT is NOT being taught in schools

CRT is stems from Marxist-based ideology, teaches kids to hate each other, and teaches them to hate their country. It teaches 'racism' is at the core of EVERYTHING, strips 'individuals' and replaces if with inclusive generalization. It teaches children / people to hate each other, to hate themselves, and to hate their country. Inevitably it teaches the US, since everything about it is based on racism, should be wiped out - Constitution, Rule of law, & it all - and rebuilt. (That's called 'overthrowing the govt').

It teaches that all whites are 'evil racists', whether they know it or not.

It also teaches kids their parents are 'evil':

CRT taught this little girl that her white mother (interracial marriage) was evil, and her ather unladed on the school teaching her this crap.

Liberals have lost their damn minds...or either they are in control of their faculties and are just carrying out their agenda:

Indoctrinating K-12, college students, college kids, and military with CRT.
Teachers attempting to show 1st graders porn (illegal) to teach them how to 'assess pornography' (WTF?!)
Do tell, where in CRT can I find references to Marx? Where can we find that evil that makes white people feel bad and unhappy that our history of racism gets told.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
Can you give an example of your assertion. Because you maga fuckups in TN don't need to hear Rudy bridges story because your white feelings might get hurt.

I posted videos that go through in detail how its not history and is indoctrination with proof,,
The videos that you posted are propaganda. Produced by people with no understanding of CRT.
is that all you got?? pathetic,,,
A timmy talk is proof of what exactly? His opinion?
CRT is hate and racism, not history.
The Radicals and Racist are attempting to brainwash children to grow their political power.
We have seen this many times before like with Hamas, Taliban, ISIS, Nazis, Marxist....
This must be stopped before they destroy our country.
Which part of it ? Quote from the text that is supposedly being taught to the kids.
Schools have been teaching pupils about slavery and segregation and racial injustices and abolitionist and jim crow and civil rights.... for many generation, and that is fine.
CRT is not about history, it is about teaching children to hate for the Left's political power.
"white privilege"
"people are born racist"
"black people are being oppressed"
"systemic racism"
"interest convergence"
"denying racism is racism"
"color blindness is racism"
Just answer the question.
CRT is not about history. It is indoctrination.
From what I have seen, actual history is very insignificant.
Can you give an example of your assertion. Because you maga fuckups in TN don't need to hear Rudy bridges story because your white feelings might get hurt.

I posted videos that go through in detail how its not history and is indoctrination with proof,,
The videos that you posted are propaganda. Produced by people with no understanding of CRT.
is that all you got?? pathetic,,,
A timmy talk is proof of what exactly? His opinion?
it wwould be if he didnt show the proof,,

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